
The Hunt for the Sinister Six

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8 May, 2013. Twelve o'clock at night.

Area of abandoned warehouses.

The fake police helicopter made its way through the skies of New York City and began to land on the roof of an inconspicuous abandoned warehouse. As it descended, the roof began to slide open in the manner of an electronic gate and concealed the chopper in the concrete building.

The transporter switched off its engines and the escaped criminals began to climb out of the chopper.

- I'm glad to welcome you, - Otto Octavius, having broken away from the monitors and turned to the guests, was broadcasting from the far end of the building. - Welcome to my base, make yourselves at home.

Beetle distanced himself from the squad and began walking towards his employer.

Chameleon did the same.

- I think I've kept my end of the bargain.

- I agree," Octavius nodded. - Are you sure you don't want to stay and help with our case?

- Are you laughing? Not a chance," the spy waved it off.

- As you wish, - Otto put his hands behind his back, - my plan didn't include the unknown element anyway.

- I wish you luck in your endeavours, - the Chameleon's body is covered with a slight ripple, and he goes to the exit as an ordinary tramp in a cloak, which is not rare in this area.

- Well," the scientist turns to the waiting and slightly confused criminals, "let me introduce myself, Otto Octavius, but you can call me Dr Octopus.

- Okay, doc," Electro walks to the centre of the room and falls down tiredly on the shabby sofa, "it's been a long night, and you promised revenge, so tell me your plan or I'll go back to my former employer.

In response, Otto just walks over and throws Maxwell's legs off the wooden table with his tentacles.

- Mr Dillan, I got you out of jail, which your mysterious employer did not, so show some respect.

Max frowned, but he had nothing to say.

- Personally, I don't care whether it's a plan or not," said Sicevich, landing on the second part of the sofa, "I know that six is more than one, so everything will be all right. Although these guys don't inspire fear," Alexei pointed his finger at Herman and Adrian, who were standing in prison suits.

- I apologise for my tactlessness," Otto directed some of his tentacles, which pulled two heavy metal boxes closer, "here you go.

The men looked at each other, but walked over to the items and removed the lids.

Inside were their suits.

- Where did you get them from? - Tooms asked in a pleasantly surprised tone.

- It's hard to get equipment confiscated by the police, but not when you know where to find it and have someone who can get into any place," Octavius pointed his wrist lightly at Beetle.

Meanwhile, the unashamed Herman began to put on his costume.

- I think we can talk about the plan," Herman even looked more confident.

- Of course. Each of you expected something when agreeing to this meeting, and our common motive is mainly revenge against one person known to all present. As Mr Sicevich pointed out, there are six of us and one of him, that's the basic plan, let's get down to the details.




I run out of the harbour through the containers and cling to the nearest building to fly home.

After telling the police everything I know, I ask George to give me one of the police barges to the city.

I still need to ask Fury for a jetpack or some other way to get me moving.

"Carrier, you're spewing out an extraordinary amount of adrenaline," the symbiote's tone showed concern.

"Don't worry, Raj, it's the energy from the anticipation of what's to come. After all, if Octavius took out the whole gang, and Ozborn himself is behind it, then their target is surely me."

"Perhaps. But is it wise to go after them in your condition?".

"Speaking of which, the weakness is gone, maybe I just needed a shake up?".

"Still, I'd advise you to seek help, maybe the Defenders or..."

"No. The Six are my responsibility and frankly, I have no intention of waiting for the initiative to finally pass into their hands," I broadcast the thought with a little more anger.

"I don't understand, Bearer."

"In the past times I've faced each of the Six, they've been random, completely spontaneous battles, only this time I have no intention of waiting to be attacked."

Halfway home, I linger near one of my 'staging areas'. I climb into a dismantled tower and pull a Spiderbot out of a small bundle.

I set the drone to analyse all the information on Oscorp's property, in industrial or abandoned areas that could be converted into a lab or something.

While the Spiderbot processes the request and passes it on to the other drones, I resume my flight home.

That way, less time is wasted.

So, what's the situation? I didn't prepare for a battle with six villains today, but I have some ideas. Octavius was an unexpected and unpleasant surprise, but if he hasn't improved his tentacles in any way, it won't be a problem. Everyone else has hardly changed since the last time we met, but Beetle is a dark horse that could be a problem.

I get to the Northern Suburbs quickly enough, land on the roof of my house and, in the shadows, order the symbiote to disguise the suit as civilian clothes.

Already like Peter Parker, I descend the stairs to my flat.

I open the door and step inside. To my surprise Fey and Mary are sitting together on the sofa watching a film. Midnight girls.

- Tiger?

- Favourite?

The ladies said it at the same time.

- Hello girls, - without delay, go to their workplace.

- Everything okay? - Felicia asks.

I start digging through the desk, pulling out the necessary replacement cartridges.

- Yes, of course, why do you ask? - I activate my pet Spiderbot and check it against the lens system in my mask.

- It's just that you're kind of...

-...belligerent," MJ finishes for Hardy, "Are you sure you're okay?

- Not really. A few criminals, my enemies, escaped from the Raft, so we need to find them now," I reload the web-shooters.

- Got it, I'll change now," the blonde jumped up.

- I'm sorry, Kitten, but I have to deal with this alone.

- You're not serious, are you? - Fey asked angrily.

- 'I'll feel more comfortable if you both stay home and help out from here.

I'd better give them a task and not provoke them in any way so they don't follow me.

- Help how? - asks Carrot-top, and Kitten is not so angry after my words.

I switch on the computer.

- I've programmed the Spiderbots to search for all Oscorp property in industrial areas or any other place that could be used as a laboratory or base.

- Wait, what does this have to do with Harry's father's company? - Mary questioned, flashing her emerald eyes.

- Maybe Norman is behind all the events...no, I'm pretty sure Norman is behind everything," I looked back at Felicia, "I'm sure he's the Green Goblin.

- Wait, that clown we fought? - He owes me a manicure!

- Trust me, he'll pay his debt, and not just to you.

- We got it, Peter.

- Thank you, girls," I walk over and kiss my girls. They both hug me.

I don't want to leave.

"Carrier," Raj's insistent reminder brings me back to the sinful ground.

I break the embrace.

- Okay, as soon as you know something, call me, I'm on my way.

I take the necessary equipment, secure the Spiderbot on my back and leave.

I get up to the roof, sprint, and as soon as the symbiote forms the suit, I jump.

Hunt time.


Abandoned Warehouse Zone. 2:30 a.m.

Dr Octopus' base.

Herman couldn't sleep. Half an hour ago, Dr Octopus had finished outlining his ingenious plan to destroy the Spider. Reliable as a Swiss watch.

Octavius, to the surprise of all the members of this freshly formed team, despite his own claim that their strength was in numbers, insisted on the tactic of offensive battle in twos. The power squad of Electro and Rhinoceros attack first, drawing out Spider's strength, then, in case of Spiderhead's retreat, it is the turn of Vulture and Shocker himself; they lead Spider to the third part of the squad, which is represented by Octopus and Beetle. And once the hero is trapped, the six of them all put a stop to his life.

Schultz could understand the plan, after all, if they attacked at once, chaotically, as Rhinoceros suggested, they would only hinder each other, not really working together, not knowing much about each other's strengths and weaknesses, it would be a failure. At least according to Doc Ock, and Herman reasoned that there was a golden kernel of truth in them.

With a heavy sigh, Shocker rose from his sleeping place and looked round the room. On the couch, Rhino lay snoring. Electro was dozing in a chair, and he and Tooms had been assigned couches. Octopus himself had retired to the next room, and where Beetle was, they did not know.

Herman got up quietly and, dressing quickly, decided to take a walk. He had left the mask behind, but the rest of the costume was on. Schultz quietly opened the warehouse door and stepped out.

It was cool outside, Shocker looked up and noticed a mercenary on duty on the roof.

I wondered if Beetle was always on guard, if he didn't need any sleep at all, or if Octavius planned to wake them up in shifts. Then why didn't he warn me? And who was that guy changing his appearance, if he wasn't going to be part of the plan, why did he help them escape from the Raft?

Tortured by these questions, Herman and did not notice how removed from the base about a kilometre.

There was a lot of scum around, but the man was ready for their aggression in case of anything.

Suddenly he felt something on his shoulder and then, he was sharply yanked towards the alley. Before Shocker knew it, he was grabbed and pinned against the wall.

- Well, well, well, what an unexpected encounter, Herman.

To Schultz's horror, it was someone he never wanted to meet face to face again.




I never thought I'd be lucky enough to run into Shocker.

- You know, before I headed here, I checked about three warehouses in the industrial district of the centre, but I didn't think I'd find you so soon.

Judging by the signals of the Sense, Schultz was beginning to recover from such an abrupt encounter and was thinking of attacking.

- I wouldn't advise it, Herman," I let out my claws and brought them to Shocker's eye, moving my other hand to his neck, "you remember how it ended last time, don't you?

Surprisingly, Shocker pressed himself into the wall and completely stopped showing signs of resistance.

- I remember, please don't touch me," he wheezed with my steel grip on his throat.

- Fine, - I slightly remove a limb and shoot a web at the legs and torso of the enemy, hands with special meaning I do not touch. - Herman-Herman-Herman-Herman, you were a model prisoner, and I know that you are not a complete psycho, maniac or murderer. You could have done your time, repented, got out and started an honest life. I understand, easy money is a great temptation, especially when you have such extraordinary technology in your hands, - nodding at the mittens, - but you can be better than that.

- What do you know! - Schultz snaps angrily. - The last time I saw you, you crippled me, and now you want to play the benefactor?! And anyway," the man continued in a noticeably quieter voice, "who would hire an ex-con?

- Everyone deserves a second chance, Herman, and you had one.

- Please, I just wanted to get rid of this feeling of weakness, - said the criminal tiredly.

- By killing me?

Shocker only remains silent.

I sigh.

- What am I going to do with you, Herman?

I feel the signals of my Sense and notice Schultz starting to raise his hands.

Quickly I hit Shocker with a straight punch right in the face. It's enough to knock him unconscious.

- Oh, I was hoping for that.

I take off Herman's concussion gauntlets. Good technology, I should have picked it up sooner. I tie them in a web and leave them a few metres away from the perpetrator. I'll get them later.

I tape Schultz's hands to a brick wall and slap Shocker around a few times.

- You know, I really wanted to give you a chance," I shut the criminal's mouth and slam my foot into his kneecap.

A crunching sound lets me know that the knee is out of joint and probably broken.

Schultz starts to yell in pain, but only a suppressed howl comes out from behind my hand. I wait a few minutes until the screaming turns into heavy breathing.

- You're a little used to the pain now, and your body is releasing adrenaline to dull the pain, the web also fixes the fracture slightly, but what do you think would happen if I hit his knee again? - The perpetrator only squints. - I'll remove my hand, but if you scream, I'll break the other knee.

Shocker only nods curtly.

I'm taking my hand off.

- Your base, where it is I know, your approximate numbers too, the question is, what surprises can you tell me about?

- Beetle's on duty on the roof of the warehouse. The others are asleep, we spent an hour discussing Dr Octopus' plan to capture, fight and kill you. Please let me go," Shocker laid out all the information and pleaded.

- Two strikes, Herman, there won't be a third. And I'm not kidding, next time, if you don't reform, if you wear that suit again, and commit crimes, a thing much worse than death awaits you.

"Bearer, are you sure?"

"Yes, Raj, go ahead as we rehearsed."

To Shocker's horror, something terrible began to form behind Spider's back before his eyes*

- If you don't fix this, I will disembowel you, eat your brain and hang you from your own guts, DID YOU UNDERSTAND?! - the monster wheezed in a deep tone.

But Herman could no longer hear it, for he had lost consciousness.

"I didn't...overdo it?"

"No, Raj, it was very authentic, you did well."

The suit's back to normal.

I taped Schultz's mouth shut and, taking my gloves, crawled upstairs.