
Spider lily

This is a story about a female writer who got to transmigrate into a body of a princess. finally! WTF! she is cursed by a god to live half a year as a female and other half as a man? U really can't judge book by its cover. What?? Cold beauty is in reality a lazy ass with a personality disorder?? Nope, nope this cuteness overload in T-rex onesie can't be that sadistic lazy ass. Ahh nothing is as it seems!!! ... Check out my other book "Inventors system" find me on Instagram @lazy_wanderer666

lazy_wanderer · Fantasía
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85 Chs

Crowd gets heart attack 1

As Dea broke through the 'Indigo' stage, there was only one left before purple. The sixth stage was the most dangerous one. It was hard to break into it and even harder to break through 'Purple' after it. Many promising cultivators were defeated by it. 

 The 6th stage was called 'Colorless'. The reason why the 'Colorless' stage was so dangerous was that when the cultivator breaks through this stage, their aura loses all color and is reshaped, like getting ready to turn purple. During a breakthrough, the body is very weak, and the slightest mistake could bring grave injuries. Breaking through the 'Purple' stage is even more dangerous because cultivators, whole meridians, and veins are destroyed and remodeled, which is why the strength difference is so large between stages.

 After washing up and changing clothes, Dea went out of her room. Solis greeted her There.

"Master, congrats on breaking through." Solis smiled as she congratulated Dea.


Caelum also appeared "Congratulations, master"


"Breakfast is ready, do you wish to eat?"

"Yes, let's go. Tell me what has happened in this last week" said Dea coldly.

"Premier minister, as well as his whole family, has been killed because of treason, and envoys from different countries have arrived for a banquet"

"banquet?" Dea asked as she continued to eat

"yes, the banquet that queen planned for master"

"Hmm, when?"

"Tonight" Caelum was not surprised Dea did not remember about the banquet, he knew his master was too lazy to remember these kinds of things.

"Why did the queen plan the banquet for me?"

"It's because of your safe return, and your 14th birthday is today after all"

"ahh yes, I forgot"

It has been a little over 5 years since she transmigrated here, and a lot has happened since then.

"What time?"


 Caelum knew their master did not like to celebrate her birthday. Though. he did not know why. She never talked about it. Usually, his master would have lots of nightmares during this time. She would always be in her thoughts and did not bother about anything. and if someone annoyed her even slightly, they would not have a good end.

Dea liked to eat slowly. so she finished around noon.

 Then she went to read a book in the garden. Caelum left to take care of a few things, so Solis accompanied her. At around 4 o'clock, she got up from her chair. Noticing her moves, Solis asked

"Master, should we get ready for the banquet?"


Dea wore a white dress, simple but it did not make her look shabby, on the other hand, she looked stunning, one look, and you would be mesmerized. Forgetting to breathe, Solis stared at her master, who looked like she was not from this world.


"yes master"


"Huh," Solis was still immersed in her master's looks when she was reminded, immediately blushing.

"Let's go," said Dea coldly, not bothering with her


 Caelum drove the carriage. As they got closer to the castle, Dea looked out of the window, and she saw a majestic castle. Lots of expensive-looking carriages were driving in its direction. She was looking forward to the banquet as some of her enemies were going to be there.

'Well, it will be entertaining' thought Dea in her mind.

 Carriages were not allowed in the castle, so they drew lots of attention. As a crowned princess, she was allowed to drive through and did not need to get out of her carriage. Guards greeted her at the entrance as they allowed her to pass.

 This got lots of attention as everyone was interested in the crown princess as no one had seen her for five years, and even then, she was only seen a few times. Everyone has heard rumors, but they knew rumors can't exactly be true, and considering that both queen and heroic princess Ivy favored this princess, no one dared to neglect her. 

 They brought many expensive gifts to not make the queen dissatisfied. After all, Libra country was one of the three strongest countries.

 After entering, Dea first decided to see the queen. Queen's good treatment of these bodies' previous owner and herself, made Dea accept and to some extent, care about her.

 As they met, the queen asked about things in the past 5 years, how she spent them, and if she had any troubles or needed anything.

"Do you blame this queen?" Asked queen Eliza in the end

"Why should I?"

"I was unable to protect you, to keep the word I gave your mother, I have disappointed both of you…"

"you have not" Dea cut in before she could finish "You have not disappointed anyone, and no one is blaming you, you already did everything you could, more than anyone else would, I am grateful"

Elisa's eyes started to water, but after all, she was the queen, and this was a matriarchal country.

"Let's go," said Queen Eliza


 All the guests had already arrived in the hall, and as they came in all the eyes were on them. Everyone was shocked, after all, no one fully believed in rumors, but Dea's beauty shocked every soul in the hall. 

 Just that bastard dared to say the crowned princess was ugly and disfigured, they wanted to bring him out to see if he/she was blind. 

 The princess was so beautiful, and that cold and ethereal feeling she gave as if nothing could come into her eyes, as if everything was beneath her. How could such a person be ugly and useless?

Then they finally remembered ethics. 

"Greetings Your Majesty the Queen. Greetings crown princess." 

Everyone kneeled as they greeted Dea and Queen Eliza.

"You may raise," said the queen as she walked to the main seat with 

Dea, who sat on her right. The queen's concubines also sat there with other princes and princesses.

Ivy sat next to Dea as she greeted her friend.

"Hey, haven't seen you in a while. It has been so boring these past 5 years without you, we should go out these days to have some fun. I will introduce some good friends" Ivy said with a pitiful expression.

"Okay," Dea was quite interested in this sister of hers. Out of all the people from her memories, she favors her the most.

"Let the banquet begin" As they were immersed in their conversation, the queen announced the beginning of the banquet, and dancers came in one after another.

 Dea was not particularly interested in this, so she immersed herself in food. From time to time, she could notice shy gazes from both female and male youngsters, but she was not particularly interested in them.

In the end, it was time to open gifts.

As for the family, the queen gave her a gift first.

"After coming back, so many years later, your body needs to rest, so I decided to give you an imperial villa on Bai Shi mountain."

Everyone was surprised at the gift the queen gave the crowned princess. 

They could not deny rumors were very wrong about this princess, but to favor her to the extent of giving her Bai shi villa shocked everyone. 

 Ivy did not have any reaction, she also very much favored this sister of hers, and she did not mind her mother giving her this gift. On the other hand, other princes and princesses were burning with envy.

 The reason why everyone was surprised was that Bai Shi villa was one of twelve treasures Libra country owned. This villa had hot springs with extreme healing powers and rich spiritual elements. Even imperial children were hardly ever allowed to go there, and the queen was now gifting it to the crown princess.

"Thank you, imperial mother." Dea did not have much, the reaction she had already seen countless treasures and owned a lot as well, but she was grateful for the queen's care.

 After the Queen, Ivy also took out a box and gave it to Dea with a smile. "This is a high-level fan, I hope my sister will like it," said Ivy with an expression of a child who was waiting for the praise.

 Dea smiled at the behavior of her sister, and then she opened a box, a fan was laying there. It was emerald green like her eyes with black. Dea was already very good at forging, so she could tell it was a high-level artifact of the 3rd stage. In the world, this kind of forging is considered very high priced. This gift surprised the audience once again. 'not only queen but princess Ivy also spoil this crown princess as well.' Thought audience.

"Thank you, imperial sister. This little sister likes your gift" said Dea. 

This made Ivy very happy. After Ivy other princes, princesses, concubines, and officials gave their presents. The presents were quite good, but they could not compare to the queen's and Princess Ivy's gifts.

For the last, it was time for envoys of other countries to give their gifts. They were from all 11 countries. First to give the gift was a representative of Sagittarius country, they sent an old general, considering the differences Libra country did not have much business with Sagittarius country, they did not border each other and did not put their nose in each others' business, moreover, Sagittarius was one of the weakest of the twelve countries. Sagittarius was known for their beast tamers, so the general's next words were not a surprise.

"This general greets the queen and the crown princess today to congratulate the crown princess on her 14th birthday, my king sent me with a gift. It is a demon beast and I hope the princess will like it." As the general said these words, he let his attendants bring in the spirit-beast cage.

"This is an almost extinct hellfire horse at the 5th stage" These words surprised not only the crowd but the queen as well. Only Dea's face was the same, as in her view came a black horse with fire all over it. It had red eyes and had rich fire elements around it.

"Thank you, general," said Dea, but her facial features did not change. It surprised the general a bit, he could not see greed or excitement in her, but her words were not disrespectful.

"If the princess wishes, the beast tamer accompanies me, and we can sign the contract now."

"No need" As Dea said these words, she arrived in front of the general and surprised crowd.

"Open the cage"

"Princess beast is not tamed yet, it would be dangerous.' Said the general

"Is it your country's gift to this princess?" Asked Dea


"Open the cage" orders Dea to the guards nearby.

The guards did not know what to do, so they looked at the queen.

"Open the cage," said the queen.

Guards were surprised

' Just how much does the queen spoil this princess to allow her to do something so dangerous?'

 One of the guards went to open the cage, and others got in defensive positions, and so did the general.

 As they opened the cage, the horse did not rush out as expected and did not attack. Instead, it walked out slowly. As it was completely out of the cage and went in Dea's direction, guards tensed, but Dea just walked a few steps forward and reached out her hand to put on the hellfire horse's head, and shocked the crowd again. It did not attack, instead, the horse bowed down to her and was obedient.

A few even started to pinch themselves and wanted to know if they were dreaming. After that horse disappeared, everyone thought it went to contract space, but instead, Dea sent the horse to "the creator's space". People did not wake up until Dea was sitting back in her seat. General also dumbfounded, went back to his seat.

Hey, lazy-wanderer here late update but its longer

hope u like it please let me know want you think in the comments.

plot has not been shown yet but soon everything will come to light.

till next update >_<

lazy_wanderercreators' thoughts