
Spells and Super Soldiers (HP/MCU) (SI)

What happen when a boy from our world takes over body of Harry Potter , Read and find out AU Harry Potter AU MCU

Night_wizard · Película
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11 Chs

The Snake and the Tom Riddle

Harry was sitting in the great hall with Padma as they talked about various topics but soon Harry heard one of perfect say "This year one more muggle-born is missing in the great hall"

When Harry heard this he used legitimacy on the prefect and extracted the information. There had been a trend as every few years a complete muggle-born family goes missing. This scared Harry as the Aurors were not able to find the culprit which meant that there was someone from the ministry helping in these deeds.

Harry needs to find the culprit. This was not a book Harry realised this thought in Kamra-Taj, He had the power to change the world but he backed off because he was afraid. When Harry saw Master at Kamra-Taj who spent their life protecting without having a shred of recognition he knew that he needed to do something to help others. He promised himself he would not give up and he would never back off from any challenge now. He would not be a coward anymore.

Harry was having his class and performing at Granger level as he worked on the other projects. He was pleased to see that Dumbledor was more worried because of these muggle-born kidnappings. In Magical Britain most of the population is Half-blood or muggle-born while purebloods are scared as their population is decreasing due to inbreeding which they don't accept soon they find that their money is running out so they join Dark Lord to regain more money.

Harry was disgusted with these purebloods they had more magical knowledge because of their heritage and didn't like muggle-borns performing better than them. Harry also knew that Pureblood would use muggle born for their profits Harry was more worried about the chance of Hydra being involved in this deed. Hydra can be the Danzo of Marvel's Earth as most supervillain organisations are made by Hydra agents after their fall.

Harry had to gain power fast but first, he needed to deal with Tom Riddle.



As Tom Riddle, the teenage Dark Lord who possesses the body of the Weasley girl, made his way to the chamber of secrets, he suddenly found himself face to face with a tall boy wearing Ravenclaw robes. Tom identified him as Harry Potter, a second-year half-blood student.

Harry looked at the girl possessed by Tom he used Eldrich to bind the girl." who are you and what kind of magic is this?" Tom Riddle asked Harry didn't reply he just used a Goblin-made dagger coated in Basilisk which he found in Black family vault and passed it through the diary. Harry knew that telling his opponent his plan was foolish so he quickly destroyed the Horcrux of Voldemort.

Harry then spends Hours in the Chamber to make Ginny Weasley completely forget her diary friend and send her to the common room.

The following day, Harry had dark circles under his eyes due to exhaustion. He couldn't explore the chamber or handle the snake as it would be time-consuming.

Harry had very normal days compared to the Boy who lived Neville who usually followed the canon like using a flying car to Hogwarts and such.

Harry never knew that dealing with Tom would be so easy as he never expected anyone to ambush him in his ancestor's chamber. Harry was enjoying his stay at Hogwarts as he knew that most of the canon would not happen and if his luck was good, he might even be able to have a peaceful Hogwarts year till the Dark Lord returned.

Harry found that he was an amazing spell crafter as he had till now crafted 10 spells and most of them like a full body much stronger version of bubble head charm or his 5th state magic which can even freeze the Firefrye that he tested and lost control of.

Harry was also spending his spare time in Kamra-Taj as he used the portal to move back and forth. His body strength had also increased to 10 tons and would be around 100 tons in future as he reached his prime.

Harry was learning various martial arts and gaining experience in fighting as it would help him in future.

Harry was having a very nice day but at the same time Dumbledor was in his office looking pensive." Tom Why haven't you attacked till now. what are you planning? I couldn't even find you through the wards." thought Dumbledor as he spends his nights making more plans to counter his now dead enemy.

Harry was now ready to take on the Ravenclaw Challenge as he made his way to Dark Lake he used his modified bubblehead charm and his fight to reach the bottom of the black lake as he passed the ugly mermaid people he reached a dark cave inside the cave there was pitch darkness as he looked around he found a statue of Ravenclaw but Harry found it was portkey which took him to his next challenge

What greeted Harry was a chamber. The chamber's floor is a seamless expanse of gleaming white marble. Its surface reflects the ambient light, creating an illusion of infinite space. As you walk, your footsteps echo softly, resonating with the whispers of centuries past.

High above, a vaulted ceiling stretches into darkness. Stalactites hang like frozen tears, their tips lost in obscurity. The ceiling seems to touch the very heavens, and constellations twinkle through invisible gaps, casting gentle patterns on the floor below.

At the Centre of the chamber stands a quartet of colossal statues, each representing one of Hogwarts' esteemed founders:

Salazar Slytherin: His stern countenance carved from black obsidian, eyes sharp and calculating. Serpents coiled around his feet, symbolizing ambition and cunning.

Godric Gryffindor: His statue is hewn from golden sandstone, a lion rampant at his side. His sword, Gryffindor's Sword, rests across his arms—a testament to bravery and chivalry.

Helga Hufflepuff: Her likeness emerges from white alabaster, gentle and nurturing. She cradles a badger, signifying loyalty and hard work.

Rowena Ravenclaw: Her form emerges from veined marble, her diadem glinting in the chamber's ethereal light. An eagle perches on her shoulder, representing wisdom and wit.

The chamber's walls are adorned with intricate bas-reliefs. Here, scenes from Hogwarts' history unfold students learning, magical creatures roaming, and the founders themselves in earnest discussion. If you listen closely, you might catch faint echoes of their voices—their wisdom and disagreements preserved in stone.

As you stand in this hallowed space, you feel the weight of tradition, the echoes of spells cast, and the unbreakable bond that ties all Hogwarts alumni together. The Chamber of Founders—a sanctuary where past and present converge, where magic lives on

Harry could see that this was The Chamber of Founders a place where their legacy was kept. 

"Mr. Potter, at least you found my chamber "Harry heard a familiar feminine voice as he turned, he saw..........

Next Chapter-The Living Founder