
Spells and Super Soldiers (HP/MCU) (SI)

What happen when a boy from our world takes over body of Harry Potter , Read and find out AU Harry Potter AU MCU

Night_wizard · Película
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11 Chs

The Cloak of Invisibility

"The saying 'age is just a number' couldn't be more true for our hero." After his rebirth in this bizarre universe, Harry now truly felt at peace. Even though a Dark Lord had now gained an unusual interest in Harry, he could feel someone trying to breach his occlumency shields in Professor Quirrell's class. He could feel it as it was not Dumbledor who usually just brushed his surface thoughts and Harry could divert his attempts without him being wiser but Voldemort's attempts to install his thoughts in his subconsious.No wonder people follow his command without any resistance he causally rearranges the mind of another person.

This power of Legilimency is truly stronger than a killing curse in the hand of a master.No wonder people didn't resist the rise of Voldemort in the second wizarding war. He can make any weak-willed person into his soldier within a few minutes. Now Harry knew why people accepted the case of the imperius curse.

Harry only had a very few friends like Terry and Padma in Ravenclaw though he had a rivalry with Gryffindor's Hermione Granger. Harry never performed too well than Granger though he was best in his year he was not too extraordinary as there were students like him each year, gifted yes but pales in comparison with people like Tom or Dumbledor.

This surely lowers Dumbledor's vigilance towards him as He feels Harry would be a better replacement for his parents.

Harry spends his mostly in the Library or in ROR to find the various books in the room of lost things. Till now Harry had called more than thousands of galleons work of coin though mostly knuts and various books that he placed in his trunk.

Harry also learned a lot about the deadly hallows through his family grimoire. The three Brothers were the greatest in the field of their research Wand making, Necromancy and artefact making respectively but the main reason for their power was soul stone which was on earth at that time though they didn't call it soul stone they described it as the power of gods to control souls, they used it to power their artefacts making them legendary.

Later the soul stone was in the hand of the first brother who was taken by aliens one of them was The High Evolutionary, who later used its help to create Adam Warlock according to Harry's metaknowledge. The wand has an amplification effect, but it only works best in the hands of a Peverell as it is blood-bound.

The Second was the stone which can call the echo of the dead person which has their complete knowledge, but they are just an echo left by the soul in the universe, but it sucks a lot of magic and kills the wizard. Last was the Cloak which is an artifact that can hide the soul. 3 of them were unbreakable. And can only be destroyed by the power of an infinity stone.

Harry was able to understand the ritual they used to take the power of soul stone by using the magic and life of 50 witches and wizards. Who knew Potter's ancestors were Dark Wizards since then Peverell family kept their mouths and connection to Dark shut.

Harry needs to have those artefacts as they will boost his strength. Harry also finds it funny as there was no master of the elder wand they were just killing people for no reason.

Harry spends his year looking for clues to the key and its protector. He was able to pinpoint the location of the far east of Black Lake. Harry still needs to research spells to dive into it and he will not use gilliweed as it tastes shit.

Snape was one of the problems but soon he left me alone as he found that he couldn't get any response from me as I don't care about House points. He tried to give me punishment but a visit to both McGonagall and Flitwick see to that. Now Snape just ignores my presence.

Most of the time was used in the creation of new spells my first spell that I created was based on the Bose-Einstein Condensate(The fifth state of matter). Most of the time it took was to create an incarnation and in the end "Congelatum ignis" which translates into frozen fire in Latin.

Harry found that spell was more powerful than any ice charm he came across It was a truly elemental spell. He could simply freeze his opponents but it was very dangerous as it sucked his magic dry and was even harder to control

Harry found that Old Languages had power that they simply resonated with our magical core.

He found that in parseltongue the combat spells don't gain any power but healing spells are magnified by a 3-time least.

Soon the troll incident passed and Harry found himself as the owner of the invisibility cloak.

How did Harry know that he could feel the magic that bind something otherworldy inside the fabric? He also found some tracking spells which proved his theory as Dumbledor would never place a tracking spell on a simple cloak.

Harry used his magic sense and used his magic to push the tracking spells from his cloak to a small piece of paper. Harry was astonished that it exhausted his magic in this endeavour Yes he did it endlessly but still, it took him a lot of magic. He then knew the true extent of Dumbledor and his elder wand.

Harry soon was able to complete his levitation spell. After practising the levitaion charm Harry found charm uses magic to lift the object and it was not possible to fly with it as it works on nonliving objects only.

Harry then crafted a charm that controlled the graviton and with a simple wind spell he could fly but he needed training if he didn't want to get his nose broken again.

Harry was having the best time of his life but soon the last of the term came and Harry had to leave the place.

Harry was standing in front of the Transfiguration as it was the place where their result was placed.

1st- Harry Potter

2nd-Hermionie Granger

3rd- Padma Patel

4th-Teddy Boot

5th-Draco Malfoy






 60th-Neville Longbottom





100th-Ron Weasley 




120th-Vincent Crabbe

Harry saw Hermione standing there looking shocked. She looked at him and then ran away crying. Harry felt bad for her but she needed to accept that some people were smarter than her.

Harry had a lot of secrets and He was hiding his power from the Dark and White Lords. Harry had many plans to make and the first was to get the Resurrection stone from the ring and replace it with another stone. Harry thought of Kreacher for this task as he could take care of Parseltongue protection and could order Kreacher to just replace the stone but not touch the ring and then come back as he was able to come back from the cave which was made by old and powerful Voldemort if he can do that he can easily take it from a young tom riddle.

Soon Harry boarded the train and left for London as his information gathering will now take place in Muggle World to find a way to get Howard Stark's Super Soldier serum.

Harry had made Diympy his elf go to to America by hiding in an Aeroplane and following Howard Stark till their murder and stealing one bag of supersoldier serum.

Harry was very pleased as Dimpy reported her success and his key to power now rested in his house's magical fridge. Dimpy was not only able to get the serum but his formula too.

Harry can't wait to become a supersoldier and then start his training.