
Spells and Super Soldiers (HP/MCU) (SI)

What happen when a boy from our world takes over body of Harry Potter , Read and find out AU Harry Potter AU MCU

Night_wizard · Película
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11 Chs

Ancient One and Kamra-Taj

Harry knew that Ancient One was the strongest person on the Earth and it would be best for him to follow her commands if he wished to live.

Harry made his way through the portal and found himself in Kamra-Taj the home of the Sorcerer Supreme."Mr.Potter take a seat we have a lot to talk about."

Harry was sweating bullets he never thought that his action of stealing the SSS from Hydra would put him under Ancient One's Radar."Don't be afraid Mr.Potter I will not kill you not until you become a danger to the earth."

Harry tried to use Occulmency to stop Ancient One from reading his mind but he soon found that it was just nothing as he felt something come into his mind and soon Ancient one voice sounded in his head."Psionic energy is quite interesting Mr.Potter as it differs from both your internal magic and my universal magic. Don't you think?"

Harry never felt he would be so helpless against someone after gaining power. Ancient one smiled at Harry and said"Don't worry Mr. Potter your secrets are your own and I am not your Headmaster to tear your mind with Legilimency."

Ancient one"If I had not masked your elf presence Hydra, Shield and MCUSA would have you on their Hitlist. Hydra would want your body their power is also in many magical communities." "MCUSA would give their everything to protect their secrecy as a few years ago their community was attacked by the Brotherhood of Mutants which killed their people. It took a lot of manpower to obliviate them."

"Now tell me Mr Harry what to do with you?"

Harry knew that he fucked up a big time"I don't know what to do"

Ancient One"One shouldn't play with the powers that they don't understand Mr.Potter like your super solider serum transfusion it would have converted you into a red skull If the energy was not sufficient, which I provided to save you"

Harry was shocked and confused as to why the Ancient one would try to save him."Don't be confused Mr Potter most of the time the path you went on would have created a new Voldemort or worse. "

"Then why did you save me"Harry asked "The reason I saved you was that in some future with the correct guidance you would have become Earth's protector and after the En Sabah Nur attack and humanity's complete mindwipe by Phoenix host Jene Grey the world is becoming more dangerous place as various civilizations like Shi'ar want a piece of the earth."

"I want Dr Strange as my successor but I can't look further my death in future so I also need insurance and my insurance is you Mr.Potter you have no less potential than Strange and with correct guidance you can save both your kind and the earth from Mass extinction."

"Do you accept?"Ancient One asked, "Don't worry you do not need to stay in Kamra-Taj forever you can go back with knowledge and promise to help in the times of need."

"I accept"Harry replied "Then get ready at 6 am to begin your training Mr.Potter we have a lot to do"

The next morning Harry woke up as he remembered where he was, He never expected that the Ancient one would not only forgive him but also train him in mystic arts. He soon made his way to Ancient One as she took him to a courtyard.

In the courtyard, many students were trying to draw mystic energy Harry tried to sense the magic but soon gave up as he could sense it but was not able to pinpoint its exact source.

"Mr Potter wizards take their magic by absorbing the universal energy in small amounts and converting it into their own personal energy source this method is used by many civilisations such as Asgardians and elves. Only a few individuals can actively draw the dimension energy and use it to power spells. We at Kamra-Taj have a method to train people in various energy manipulations like chi, Light magic and other dimensional energy."

"A sorcerer can also make a magical core if he or she requires but It is not usually done. Personal energy is bound by their own rule while dimensional have their own. Think of it as a local network you will while the dimensional energy is the internet. each it a different set of rules"

"Now Mr.Potter join them"Harry made his way to the students as he copied their actions and soon found it was way harder than it looked. He spent weeks doing the same and got nothing not even a small bit of spark. He at last tried to reach the ancient one once again with his problems. Ancient one said that he needs to use his mind-body he should not try to control it but let it flow and become a conduit for the universal energy. 

Soon Harry was able to grasp the concept he was able to a portal. Harry divided his time between learning at karma-taj and marital arts classes there. He soon found that a master of chi could easily overpower him with the strength alone.

Harry also completed his Hogwarts curriculum ahead of time as he now spends most of his time trying to master his flight and his spell casting and accuracy with his wand.

Harry had a few friends at Kamra-taj like Mordo and Wong as he started his training with them. Harry was more confident and knew what to do to increase his strength once more but for that, he needed to wait till 1995.

Harry now only mastered a handful of spells but he would soon be able to learn more advanced magic like astral projection and Mirror dimension.

As the days passed Harry was back in England packing for his second year in Hogwarts. He was more confident and more knowledgeable about the world and was ready to discover the Library of Ravenclaw.