
Hound Chapter 17

"I'm the representative for Sparta in the Olympics. You likely already know that the Olympics are held for Zeus and are the biggest event of every 4 years. Perhaps you don't know though that the Olympics is not just a sacred religious event but also a way to announce alliances and give a sense of nationalism. The athletes that win also become heroes in their homelands, some even so great that all in Greece remember their name."

"Since you are the representative for Sparta does that mean you pick the contestants?"

"Yes I dictate all contestants to represent Sparta but only if I know they are right for the job and not as a pity play for them to possibly get killed."

"How many die during the games?"

"Weak competitors both mentally and physically are the ones that die almost all in the combat games. Why do you want to compete?" I nod my head and his eyes twinkle at the prospect. "Of which contests interest you?"

"I'm not sure, could you explain?"

"Of course, for your age group of under 18 there are 3 contests: stade, wrestling, and boxing. Unless the king himself manipulates Ephors in allowing boxing again until further notice it is banned for you."

"What is stade and competition wrestling?"

"Stade is a race of up to 20 competitors for a distance of 210 yards. While wrestling is first to throw their opponent three times, the throws have to have their upper body completely down, and throwing yourself with them doesn't count. For the fun of it, I will explain boxing as well, all face shots and whoever raises their index finger admits defeat."

Georgios would likely be the best for Stade while wrestling would leave Nikolaos and I... If boxing is allowed though then Nikolaos can quite literally smash the competition.

"Could you help train me for wrestling in the Olympics?"

"Yes but don't expect me to put you out there unless I know you can win." I nod my head and we meet our destination. "It's nice isn't it?"

"Yes sir"

"This place is only 20 stadias from Olympia where the Olympics take place. Perhaps we can even go there to worship."

I nod my head and look at the impressive Greek architecture, his house being large yet not gigantic fitting for Sparta's distaste for luxuries. 20 stadias should be the equivalent of around 13,000 feet or only a few miles meaning I could jog and see one of the old 7 wonders of the world.

We begin walking to the house and eventually make it inside. Put together slaves greet us and exit to take care of the carriage then Xenophon waves me over. I then see his wife knitting giving a polite smile to the sight of Xenophon.

"And who is this boy?" His wife asks and Xenophon nods to her question.

"This is Damon. I was further acquainting myself with your city-state Philesia and this boy endeared me into forming a companionship."

"Ahh well, it's good for you to not just lay around in your room all day with just your writings."

"Well if anything Damon is going to encourage me to write even more!"

"Alright well make sure to greet your sons they have been waiting to see you again." Xenophon nods and we walk outside and see two boys playfully chasing each other.

"Gryllus! Diodorus! At guard!" Both boys quit playing at their father's word and stand ready.

"Attack this intruder!" Xenophon points at me and both boys sprint towards me with clear intention to take me down. The oldest reaches me first leaving to snap down his neck leaving him to fall onto the ground and the second one I dash to the right and trip.

"Very good, all of you. At ease boys I'm glad to see you all are so brave. Now come Damon I would like to go hunting with you but first to the hounds! It's still midday, an adept time for a short summer hunt." Xenophon leads me to a pin full of large and lean hunting dogs showing genetics for use instead of cuteness like my past life.

"I have raised these dogs to be proper aid to huntsmen such as I and to help youth like you become warriors on and off the battlefield." I nod and then he continues "I have thoroughly researched hunting dogs since entering this estate and learned the ideal traits for hunting dogs. Hunting dogs need a large build, proud chest, and light feet."

"Do you reckon your hound dogs are the best in Sparta?"

"I reckon they are the best in the whole of Greece, my boy. The temple of Delphi herself might agree with that statement. Many huntsmen are hindered by their improper hounds with droopy snouts, lack of proper training, and bluish eye tents showing a lower level of vision. They will continue this trend as they allow their inferior dogs to breed and live poorly, making their value lower and lower than mine."

"Do you have any favorites?"

"Yes, this is my favorite." He waves over a large dog with a short snout and darker-colored coat. "This is Lance, he will lead the other hunting dogs on our hunt, and in the winter months he gets the first pick to mate with the bitches once they enter heat."

I nod and then Xenophon places the collars on the hounds and puts them on leashes. All listen to him attentively and follow his lead with no problem. Xenophon brings me a hunting dress and we both switch into it and he even gives me footwear something I've not enjoyed for a long time. He also gives me a bow and a spear while he carries the same adding a hunting bag.

"Do you know how to use the bow?"

"No, but it would be an honor to learn." He nods as I lie since in my past life my older sister was always passionate about archery leaving her to either have me be her target or join her in shooting when she watched me when I was younger.

We eventually make it into the woods and he begins to tie his hunting dogs to trees and I offer to join which he accepts. Eventually, all the dogs are tied and he turns to me with his index finger over his mouth.

"Now we must be quiet and wait to not scare any game away. Just take in everything thoroughly." 

I give a thumbs up and we wait patiently with Xenophon citing prayers to Artemis. Eventually, a dog starts barking, leaving Xenophon to release Lance to chase the game with us following. Soon the game starts to slow down and the large hare enters view.

"Take the shot boy."

I steady my bow and release with my best efforts and almost hit the hare. Xenophon then takes his turn and releases his arrow with the aim holding true.

"For that being your first time you are a natural your hand placement and release are already adept. You have a great foundation to build on." He messes up my hair and then retrieves the hare giving it to Lance much to the large hound's enjoyment.

The rest of the hunt goes the same and eventually, I manage to take down some hares as well. All the dogs leave happy but under no haste to bring Xenophon any discomfort. Once we make it back to his estate dinner is already prepared and I bring proper ancient Greek manners by slurping the semi-rare opportunity to eat meat down. Then Philesia Xenophon's wife brings me to my sleeping quarters which are a guest room. I manage to rest easy and dream of how the rest of the group might be doing.