
Spartan Reincarnation

A young man dies and is transported all the way back into Ancient Sparta. Underneath all the bravado is a now failing nation after over extension from the Peloponnesian war against Athens. Will the man save Sparta and forge it in his desired image? Or will Persia, Athens, and other city-states or empires crush them! Contains portrayals of real life leading figures and gets to the nitty gritty of the often disgusting and disturbing life's people suffered through in Ancient Greece. Expect a new chapter a few times a week. Total world count 30,000 Cover: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/87186942776359625

Isaiah_Jimenez · History
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27 Chs

Xenophon Chapter 16

"And you are?" Xenophon asks me with everyone now turning to me.

"I am Damon. You marched your mercenary army the Ten Thousand out of Mesopotamia with the Persians on your tail, yes?"

"That is right Damon. What else do you know?"

"You live in an estate with your two children after aiding Sparta in the year 394. Leading to the exile of your homeland Athens."

"What do you mean year 394?"

"Oh sorry I meant 2 years after the 95th Olympic games!" I forgot the way time is tracked is greatly revolved around the Olympics. 

"Hmmm ignoring whatever you just said you know a lot about me.. How?"

"Simple sir, I enjoy learning about our modern heroes and past ones, you being one of them." I say with truth as without Xenophon I couldn't ever have known what I was getting into when I got reincarnated.

"Me a hero? Thank you boy but all I did was retreat from enemy lines and eventually after years of being cheated can now just relax in my estate courtesy of the Spartans."

"That is a hero though as you led your men from death and into safety."

"Hmmm so that's your definition of a hero… Well then yes I'm a hero, are you a hero?"

"If my men ever fell back in enemy lines then yes I'll become a hero."

"Hey Xenophon, are you impressed with that boy?" Chris chirps in as I notice everyone near eyeing us.

"We will see. Damon follow me, let us separate." I follow Xenophon as we take a stroll through the woods.

"Xenophon, your said your oldest is going to join the Agoge soon right?"

"That is right Damon."

"Why is that?" Xenophon takes a breath as he looks at the greenery.

"As you know I was exiled from my homeland Athens and fought with the Spartans in the Corinthian war. In that war, I grew relations with King Agesilaus and was offered essentially an early retirement where I could develop ideas like my mentor Socrates and perhaps even write. My sons need a professional education and the agoge is one, like yourself children of the agoge grow to be humble, obedient, and physically capable. All virtues, don't you agree?"

"No, I believe the agoge is too harsh for boys of age 7 to make beds out of reeds from a raging river."

"Is that all?" Xenophon raises his brow likely unimpressed for my sole reason.

"No sir, the very social constructs that Sparta upholds are wrong since Sparta lives only for the strength of the state instead of living good lives for the people."

"I disagree what if Sparta gets conquered due to its light population and now normal military power due to your theory? Sparta for the lives of its people needs to stay militarized and have their people live for the state so they can live free."

"Living for the state isn't living free."

"What if the state holds the best interests of the people"

"If" Xenophons politely chuckles at my response.

"So do you not see Sparta fit for you?"

"No, but it will be once I establish myself."

"How do you plan to do that boy?" Xenophon's eyes now widen awaiting my answer.

"That plan is to be kept private hopefully, you understand."

"Well, it would be spoiling it if you told me. I'm interested now though... I'm going to pull some strings with King Agesilaus. I want you to be my erastes, do you accept?"

"Yes sir." We make our way back and see many partnerships already forming. Georgios hears Chris talking leading to him listening with great focus. Nero talks to a tall and lean man with coal hair matching Nero's. While from a distance one can see Nikolaos and the king strolling together.

"Don't you see Damon?" Xenophon looks down at me not in a harsh way but in a way that shows his stature in height and the world compared to mine.

"See what?"

"Positive dynamics forming between a man-to-be and an experienced one."

"Yes, but what would the difference be between this and a father-son one?"

"A father-son one is not by choice it is by birth while this is by choice. The choice to choose who you would like to become or make happy."

"I can see your reasoning Xenophon but still what about any form of abuse of the man to be?"

"That is indeed a problem but can't the same be said about a father-son?"

"Not nearly as common I can assure you."

"Silence!" Our Eiren shouts bringing everyone to silence including the Spartan men as this is the Eiren's battlefield, not theirs. "Every paide shall now be partnered with their erastes. Anyone who isn't must do so now! Partners can now start exiting the premises and you will be with each other for two months to learn from each other and grow! "

"We are going to meet with King Agesilaus so come with me." Xenophon pats me on the head as we make our way to the king. The king turns to us with a smile, just like Nikolaos.

"Xenophon I see you found yourself an eromenos!" The king chuckles in disbelief and Xenophon nods at the statement.

"Yes, I have. Will your ephors allow me to, my friend?"

"They don't have to; all you need is to find someone else here to publicly be his eromenos. I know someone not well interested in these affairs. I'll call him over." The king leaves us to retrieve the man. Eventually, he comes back with a small man with a larger figure than all Spartans in the area.

"This is the boy all you need to do is publicly have him be your erastes and for the next two months lay low to avoid any suspicion. I trust you with this assignment any shortcomings on the battlefield hold no value after accomplishing this."

"Yes my king, this is an honor!" Xenophon turns to the man and gives him a nod. 

"Alright, Damon it's time for us to leave. King Agesilaus, I am deeply indebted to you."

"As I'm to you." The king responds to Xenophon and we walk away to leave. I look back and see Georgios, Nero, and Nikolaos all looking back at me as well. We all exchange looks and give a nod of heads knowing in two months time we will meet again. Xenophon then introduces me to his carriage as he begins riding to his estate.

"Would you like a turn to ride?

"Xenophon I never rode on a carriage before so I don't know how." Xenophon acknowledges my response and begins to explain how. Eventually, I held the reins and at first it was uncomfortable but with the help of Xenophon it became like riding a bicycle.

"These mules that are carrying us derive from the same genetics of lady Cyniska's horses that won the 95th and 96th Olympics."

"What are the Olympics like?" Xenophon begins smiling looking out in the wind.