
The Aspect of Sound

As Sacrifice, now aware of Daniel's movements, prepared for his eventual arrival, the trio made preparations of their own. Or so Daniel called them.

The three were gathered within the trigate, all facing a gargantuan inter dimensional portal that journeymen cultivators and champions of the various domains seemed to avoid like the plague. Yet, there the three stood, letting just as many different emotions leave marks on their faces.

Der, now rid of the armor he usually wore, was dressed in simple clothes. A loose linen shirt with undone buttons and sleeves rolled up to the middle of his forearm, revealing his hairy arms, a pair of strained leather pants that threatened to rip at the faintest flex of his muscular legs, and a pair of military boots. His grizzled hair, now grown to shoulder length, was tied into a rough ponytail, uncovering his stern features and carefully-trimmed beard which failed to hide his impatience.