
Sound of the Rain

Love, loyalty, and destiny: the legend of the White Snake reimagined. In a world ruled by honour and power, where demons and spirits live among humans and immortals, the snake spirit Bai Suzhen has to decide how far she will go to protect her love for the mortal physician, Xuxian--when the relentless monk Fahai is determined to separate them. *dear readers: this is my first ever webnovel and I hope to be able to finish it! do leave a comment or rating to encourage me or give me feedback!

Lanhua · Fantasía
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232 Chs

All Over Town

"Excuse me," Mao Xiang said haughtily, slightly out of breath. She had to put one hand on her waist to support herself as she tried to catch her breath, and hid it by unfurling a fan and fanning herself briskly.

Yuanzheng took Qingqing by the elbow and pushed her behind him. "Your humble servant greets Miss Mao," he said guardedly.

Qingqing raised her eyebrows at this unexpected gesture, and she had to smile. She seized the opportunity to take his arm. "What do you want from us, Miss Mao?" she quavered.

Mao Xiang's breathing got shallower as she observed that. Trying desperately to look composed, but feeling as well as looking extremely awkward, she finally burst out, "Well, I'm just coming over to say hello, since I happened to see you. Is there anything wrong with that?"

Qingqing resisted the temptation to roll her eyes. "A first, certainly," she muttered to herself.

Mao Xiang's eyes travelled to Yuanzheng despite herself. "You're--you're in town," she said briefly, more as a statement than a question. Yuanzheng bowed his head, visibly confused. The tension in the air thickened as Mao Xiang stood there irresolutely, fanning herself, her eyes devouring Yuanzheng and occasionally flitting to Qingqing with an annoyed expression.

"You--you asked me what I'd done with her the other day," she burst out finally, pointing her fan at Qingqing. "So I guess you've found her, then."

Yuanzheng looked warily at her. "Yes."

There was a long pause.

"Well, I didn't have anything to do with her. Like I said. You see? That's right, isn't it?" to Qingqing, irritably. "I didn't see you. I didn't touch a hair on your head. Whatever lies you might have told about me--"

Qingqing widened her eyes, the picture of innocence. "Oh, no. Miss Mao definitely did not give me any trouble. I have no idea where he heard that information. It was simply a misunderstanding."

Yuanzheng bowed his head again. "Yes. My apologies to Miss Mao for suspecting you."

Another long pause. Mao Xiang cleared her throat uncomfortably. "Oh, of course it's all right. I don't hold it against you." She tried unsuccessfully to catch Yuanzheng's gaze, but his eyes were fixed steadfastly on her feet. "What are you doing after this?" she demanded finally.

There was an awkward silence where even Mr Yan the bao seller froze, thunderstruck at this unexpected question. Xiaojun groaned softly to herself, embarrassed for her mistress."Heavens help us," she murmured hopelessly. "This will be all over town by tomorrow."

Yuanzheng was so startled his head came up and he met Mao Xiang's intent gaze briefly. "Your humble servant was simply here to look for Qingqing. Nothing--nothing else."

Mao Xiang's brows knitted. She glanced distastefully at Qingqing. "Do you care so much for her, then?" she said impulsively. "Well, she's not really that pretty, you know. As the prettiest woman in the district, I surely have some claim to judge."

Qingqing drew in a sharp breath of outrage and looked sourly at Mao Xiang. She was remembering how much she didn't like her.

Yuanzheng's hand tightened on her arm, warning her to keep silent. "We would not dare to stand in Miss Mao's way. We wish Miss Mao a good day. Come on, Qingqing." He pulled her with him, even as Mao Xiang said hastily, "No, you're not in the way--wait--just a moment--"

Xiaojun pulled her back, pink with embarrassment as people stared at them in the streets. "My lady, people are staring at us. Let's not make a scene. You'll see him again, surely."

Mao Xiang watched helplessly as they left and stamped her foot in frustration. "Does he really like her, Xiaojun?" she said petulantly.

Xiaojun tried to drag her young mistress away. "Of course not," she lied hastily. "But why would your ladyship care? Young Mistress, you could have suitors aplenty if you wish. Don't bother yourself with him."

"But I like him," wailed Mao Xiang desperately. "I know it doesn't make sense, but I don't want him to go off with that Miss Qing, and I don't like the way he protected her, and I don't like that I care about him but there it is! Oh, I'm so vexed I could die."

"Shh, shh," soothed Xiaojun, making a mental note to add this to the list of Miss Mao's most unreasonable/exasperating tantrums. "There, there. Let's go have tea and do some shopping for a new perfume. Maybe we'll bump into them again later. You can't say for sure he likes her, right? Don't be upset now."

She tried to shield Mao Xiang's face with the parasol from the curious stares of the people on the street. Mao Xiang let her lead her away, pouting. She kicked dispiritedly at a stone on the sidewalk. "I'm making a fool of myself, aren't I, Xiaojun," she said at last. "But I can't help it. I can't stop thinking about him. I don't like how he won't even look at me unless he has to, and even then he looks at me as if I were some wild animal that might go vicious any moment."

Xiaojun folded her lips discreetly because this was precisely how she had comforted herself by thinking when Miss Mao had been in her most difficult and violent moods. Treat her like some wild, exotic animal which you had to care for without getting mauled.

"Let's do some shopping," she said instead, steering Mao Xiang smoothly towards the Chrysanthemum Pavilion.

Meanwhile, Yuanzheng stopped abruptly and let go of Qingqing's arm as they entered a side alley. He turned to her and put his hands on his hips, and studied her piercingly. "Now then. What's all this about?" he demanded.

Qingqing leaned against the wall, weak with laughter. She had restrained herself manfully until now, and she was going to have her laugh out at last. "Did you see her? Making a fool of herself? And our good Mr Yan's face? I tell you, people will be talking about this all over town. The high and mighty Miss Mao, in love and acting like any lovesick idiot! Yuanzheng, you're going to be famous. After the first rumour of Miss Mao being in love with you, this will surely clinch it. A second time? People will find it hard to forget it now."