
Sound of the Rain

Love, loyalty, and destiny: the legend of the White Snake reimagined. In a world ruled by honour and power, where demons and spirits live among humans and immortals, the snake spirit Bai Suzhen has to decide how far she will go to protect her love for the mortal physician, Xuxian--when the relentless monk Fahai is determined to separate them. *dear readers: this is my first ever webnovel and I hope to be able to finish it! do leave a comment or rating to encourage me or give me feedback!

Lanhua · Fantasy
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232 Chs

Like An Eel Under the Knife

"See, I told you so!"

Qingqing dug her elbow triumphantly into Xiaohu's ribs. He yelped in pain and glared at her. "I'm not blind, so why do you have to poke me so hard?" he complained. "I can see for myself well enough, thank you very much."

They were watching Mao Xiang, who was in turn watching Yuanzheng.

The two of them crouched behind a wagon of firewood, peering cautiously around it. The donkey pulling the cart nosed curiously at their behinds, making them jump. Qingqing shooed the animal away impatiently and grabbed Xiaohu's elbow. "Gratifying as it is to see that fatuous expression on her face, I'm getting a bit bored. Let's make things more exciting, shall we?" She winked at him.

"Don't get too cocky," warned Xiaohu, looking uneasily at her. "After all, she's still Official Mao's daughter, even if she's lovesick for Yuanzheng."

Qingqing rolled her eyes. "You're such a coward. Since we already dared to do this we might as well go all the way, or what's the point?"

She pulled him over and whispered earnestly into his ear.

Unconscious of how many eyes were on him, Yuanzheng was leaning against the wall, listening to old Mr Yang the bao seller tell him about how he had met a bear once in the winter, and how he had barely escaped with his life. If he had any idea that Mao Xiang was watching him as well he would have willingly swapped places with the bao seller back then and faced the bear.

"Trust me," Qingqing insisted as Xiaohu looked unconvinced. "She won't be able to take it. She'll come over for sure, and we'll have a good show to watch. I'll settle my score with her once and for all, thoroughly humiliate her."

She stood up tossed her hair back, smoothed her gown, and threw Xiaohu a fascinating wink over her shoulder, evidently practicing her charms. "Watch me make her wriggle like an eel under the knife," she whispered, and sauntered up to Yuanzheng.

"--and the bear raised himself up on his hind legs, standing up as tall as a tree, I swear! All I could see was the sun glittering on those nasty claws, and the saliva dripping down those evil fangs. At the moment, I thought to myself--"

What the bao seller thought was never revealed as Qingqing strolled up to them from behind Yuanzheng, giving grizzled Mr Yang a brilliant smile that made him completely lose his place in the story.

Yuanzheng started as a hand was laid caressingly on his arm. A pair of bright eyes looked smilingly back at him and Qingqing cooed, "Yuanzheng!"

He stared at her blankly, then suddenly swept her into his arms. "I was looking everywhere for you. I--I thought Official Mao's men had taken you away--Xiaohu told me--and I couldn't find you anywhere--I was worried sick."

For a moment there was a stunned silence, with old Mr Yang the bao seller gaping, scandalized. Qingqing herself had not expected this. Speechless, she felt herself caught firmly in Yuanzheng's arms. Absently she noted that he was probably crushing her hair, and thought to herself that she ought to be annoyed with him.

But she felt the pulse of his heartbeat against hers, and wondered why her own was beating faster.

He was taller than her, and she was balancing on her tiptoes, with her head tipped back over his arm. Over the edge of his shoulder her eyes fell first on Xiaohu, who was slapping his thigh in delighted horror. He had stuffed one fist into his mouth to muffle himself from making any sounds that might betray his presence.

Qingqing groaned to herself. Both she and Yuanzheng would never hear the end of this now.

Then she saw Mao Xiang coming determinedly towards them, while Xiaojun fluttered anxiously after her like a feeble butterfly.

That immediately brought her back to the role she was playing. That ninny Xiaohu had obviously forgotten to tell Yuanzheng that she was fine. But no matter; this worked out even better for them. With a smile, Qingqing flung her arms around Yuanzheng and closed her eyes blissfully. "I've missed you too," she sighed, and laid her head on his shoulder.

Yuanzheng came to himself and quickly let go of her, stepping back in some embarrassment. His flushed face showed that he too was surprised at himself. "I was carried away in my relief. But what happened to you? I asked many people but no one seemed to have seen you. I even asked Miss Mao herself, but she denied having seen you."

Qingqing brushed a wisp of hair back, deliberately showcasing the white curve of her wrist before the the mesmerized eyes of Mr Yang. "I'm sorry to have worried you so," she replied in a voice so gentle it sounded sweeter than a candied haw stick. "But truth be told, it shows me how much you care for me, and I can't help but be glad."

Conscious that Mao Xiang's jealous eyes were devouring her every move, Qingqing moved closer to him, so that their sleeves brushed. She squeezed his arm. "It's all right now. It was all a misunderstanding," she said smoothly. "I'm fine. Really."

Glancing shyly up at him from beneath her lashes, she added, "Did you miss me?"

Yuanzheng looked uneasily at her, starting to be seriously unnerved by this new behaviour. Never had he seen Qingqing smile so tenderly at him.

The bao seller chuckled, highly amused. "Since when did you find yourself such a pretty lass, Yuanzheng? Laofu hasn't heard the latest news, I see. What a fortunate man you are, to be loved by such a charming girl."

Qingqing covered her mouth gracefully and laughed softly behind her hand like a refined lady. "Ah, good sir, you can see through me so easily, what face do I have now?"

Yuanzheng choked and stared incredulously at her. "What are you talking about, QingQing?"

She hit him petulantly, using about one fourth of the strength she normally would have used, and pretended to sulk. "Ah, there you go again being so shy! Why do you always act so tender to me in private, but become so aloof when we're in public? Is it a disgraceful thing to love me?"

Mr Yang poked Yuanzheng happily and roared with laughter. "He's turning red! Ah little lady, you mustn't take it to heart. Boys like him are always sheepish about this kind of thing, and fight shy in front of others. Eh, Yuanzheng?"

Qingqing pointed approvingly at him. "True, true, those are wise words sir! I won't embarrass him then."

He and Qingqing exchanged chummy looks, suddenly having become fast friends.

Catching his arm, Qingqing casually leaned against Yuanzheng's shoulder, making Mr Yang's eyes widen. He grinned broadly, without trying to hide it, and busied himself with his baos.

Qingqing gazed adoringly up at Yuanzheng's shocked face. "Shall we go, dearest?"

A hand grabbed her by the elbow and yanked her aside before Yuanzheng could release himself. Qingqing gasped theatrically and turned to see Mao Xiang confronting her.