
Soul Resonance

"In a distant universe, eight planets harness soul and mana from the Sun, seven planets(DEXTERS) united against the planet Aghori. After eradicating the Aghori, two centuries of peace follow, until a mysterious ailment transforms people. A journey to the Aghori planet reveals their secrets, while battles against Aghori-like entities and the Sun's ensue. With 'Soul Resonance,' they channel Void's(Soul Eaters) powers and fight Abaddon(The Destroyer of Planets)'s threat. The struggle for restoration persists across 900 years."

Hashiran · Fantasía
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26 Chs

Chapter 03-Veil of Shadows

Lost in his thoughts, Leon mumbled to himself, his confusion growing more palpable with each passing moment.

A voice, unfamiliar and yet strangely reassuring, broke through the haze.

"You must be, Leon. Don't let nervousness consume you. The Commander in Chief's pursuit is solely directed at the Voids."

Startled, Leon looked around, unable to discern the source of the voice.

"I'm sorry, you are?" he stammered.

A sense of amusement colored the reply, "Ah, a courteous soldier. It's been quite some time since I encountered one like you. My name is Zora Cadell."

"Cadell?" Leon's bewilderment deepened.

"I apologize, my name is Leon."

"No need to apologize, Leon. Let's keep moving," Zora's voice carried a gentle yet determined tone.

"We're headed to HQ, and by the way, Che Cadell happens to be my father. You can call me Z, though. That's what my friends use."

Leon's expression remained a blank canvas, struggling to process the cascade of revelations.

"No response to that, huh," Zora noted with a playful note.

"Let's quicken our pace. Uncle Kenzo is waiting for you."

"Uncle Kenzo?" Leon's eyes widened in surprise.

As they walked, Zora began to illuminate the enigmatic world around Leon.

"You're a soldier within Soul Corps, yet unaware of the Commander in Chief's identity. His name is Kenzo Cadell."

"The Commander and Dr. Che Cadell... they're brothers?"

"In a way, yes," Zora's voice held a tinge of complexity.

"Even if I were to lay out the entire family tree, I doubt you'd grasp it fully. It took me two years to make sense of it myself."

Leon sighed, a mix of relief and confusion in his gaze.

"No problem, Miss Zora Cadell."

"Seems like you've had a trying day. You appear exhausted and utterly puzzled."

"It's just... a dream I had."

Zora's voice grew more compassionate.

"If the exhaustion becomes too much, or if confusion clouds your mind, don't hesitate to seek my aid. Now look, we've arrived at Soul Corps HQ."

As they proceeded, Leon's eyes widened at the sight of Soul Corps HQ. It loomed like a mighty citadel, radiating power and strength. The stationed soldiers amplified the impression of authority, each exuding an aura of might.

Approaching the entrance, three unfamiliar voices called out urgently, "Z! Wait, wait!"

A trio of male soldiers hastened to catch up with Zora, their demeanor a blend of flirtatiousness and familiarity.

"Zora, my dear, your beauty remains unmatched," one of them teased.

"Zora babe, your radiance rivals even my own," another chimed in playfully.

The third simply stared at her, prompting Zora to question his gaze.

"Hey, Juk, why can't you stop staring?"

The third soldier responded, "Let's keep gazing at each other for the rest of our days."

Zora retorted, "Gentlemen, I'm not in the mood. The Commander has entrusted me with a task. Hindering me would only lead to reporting misconduct to my uncle."

The three men faltered at her stern words, pleading, "No! Please don't reveal this to anyone. We'll comply, but you must pledge to marry one of us."

Unperturbed, Zora continued, "Ah, hi, Uncle Kenzo. You needn't have come all the way here to see me."

"What?!" After that, the three guys took off without looking back.

Before she could finish her sentence, the men had already fled, leaving Zora amused.

Turning to Leon, she acknowledged, "I suppose you didn't need to witness that."

"Miss Zora, good afternoon," everyone greeted her as they entered HQ.

Leon quietly contemplated his surroundings.

"She must wield considerable influence here."

The unfriendly gazes directed at him reinforced his impression.

"Leo, don't be intimidated. This is how people often regard each other in this environment."

Leon's anxiety heightened, his thoughts racing.

"If even the soldiers are this intimidating, I can't fathom the Commander's presence. Please, father, grant me strength."

Zora and Leon arrived at the Commander's office. Zora opened the door, and a surge of trepidation washed over Leon.

"Hi, Uncle!"

"Zora, my dear! How are you? Look at you, you've grown a tad since our last meeting."

Commander Kenzo affectionately patted her head, treating her as a little girl.

"Huh," Leon found himself profoundly taken aback, momentarily suspended in disbelief.

"The Commander..."

A mysterious figure approached him, apologizing for the Commander's demeanor.

"Please forgive the Commander's reserve; he generally maintains a cool front with everyone except his niece. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Everett, the Commander-in-Chief's right hand."

"Sir Everett! I'm Leon, Private First Class, currently holding the rank of F."

"At ease, soldier. So, the reports about you are accurate, I assume."

And then, Everett joined the Commander and informed him, "Commander, Leon is present. Commander! Commander! This isn't the time for pampering Miss Zora."

Chuckling, Zora interjected, "Uncle Everett, how many times must I ask you to refer to me as Z?"

Everett continued gazing at her before slowly extending his hand to also pat her head.

"Zora, my dear, we've missed you greatly. Look at you, as if it were only yesterday you were on my lap, tugging at my hair and urging me to run faster."

Leon's expression evolved into utter bewilderment, rendering him unable to fathom the evolving dynamics.

His internal dialogue echoed, "Sir Everett's gentle demeanor towards Zora... How does this set him apart from the Commander? This divergence from my expectations is more than I had envisioned."

After a few minutes, a chill crept into Leon's soul, the intensity of gazes from the Commander-in-Chief and Everett making it difficult for him to maintain composure.

"Uncle Kenzo, kindly refrain from treating every rookie in this manner."

"Apologies, Zora. You may depart."

"But Uncle…"


Upon meeting the Commander's gaze, Zora recognized the gravity of the situation and suppressed her playful demeanor.

She exited the room, leaving Leon pondering, "Why was I summoned here? May I inquire about my father?"

The commander began to inquire of Private Leon, "Private Leon, are you aware of the purpose behind your presence?"

"No, sir."

"It is due to your colorless soul. Although you lack a lineage of demi-species, we have examined your physique, which revealed no anomalous data or traces of other species. Are you cognizant of this?"

"No, sir. My father never imparted any information about this matter."

"Do you grasp your current circumstance? Do you?"

Growing increasingly confounded, Leon responded, "No, sir. I am unaware of the reasons behind my summons, the mystery of my colorless soul, my persistent F rank, and my general state of confusion."

Everett interjected, reproaching Leon, "Private Leon, compose yourself. You stand before the Commander. Your response must be more composed."

"Sir, I apologize for my insolence."

Commander Kenzo continued, "Your father beseeched me to look after you upon your induction into Soul Corps.

He said, 'Kenzo, please watch over him. Allow him to be stationed in Sector A. He possesses kindness and strives to follow in my footsteps. I hope he forges his own path rather than treading mine.'"

Upon hearing this, tears welled in Leon's eyes, though he withheld his emotions.

Without hesitation, Leon inquired of Commander Kenzo, "Why did my father venture into the battlefield as Commander-in-Chief? He was the type to champion his comrades, not to endanger them with perilous missions."

As Leon's query erupted, Everett positioned a sword near his throat, cautioning, "Private Leon, I hope you haven't already forgotten the figure before you. The present Commander-in-Chief is not your father."

Commander Kenzo, his countenance unyielding, decreed, "Everett, that is enough."

Amidst Leon's confusion, Everett moved discreetly, placing the sword at his throat. Overwhelmed by shock, Leon struggled to articulate a response.

The Commander, with a steely gaze, declared, "Leon, my intention had been to withhold your posting to Sector A, sparing you undue scrutiny. However, it seems your father may have discerned the truth about you. That may explain his request for me to safeguard you. Consequently, I shall assign you to Sector A Unit."

Gratitude infused Leon's response, "Yes, sir. I am profoundly grateful for your kindness."

The Commander's demeanor softened as he imparted.

"Leon, your father's presence on that battlefield was an endeavor to bear responsibility solely, thereby minimizing casualties. His aim was to shield his comrades, even if it meant imperiling himself. Through his actions, nearly half the soldiers returned home that day."

"Leon, your anger is justifiable, though we cannot fathom your sentiments. You must proceed beyond your past."

"Leon, you are dismissed. Your belongings have been arranged in your room."

"Yes, sir."

As their interaction drew to a close, Commander Kenzo bid Leon farewell. Everett was instructed to summon Zora, enlisting her aid in acquainting Leon with the procedures of Sector A.

As Leon exited the room.

"Commander, you mentioned that you would reveal the actual truth to him concerning his father's presence on the battlefield."

"Everett, he isn't yet equipped to confront the truth. Someday, he will tread the path his father did, and then exposure to the truth will be inevitable."

Meanwhile, within the confines of the Royal Mansion in Sector A8, a servant gingerly opened a door and entered.

"Madam Frida Auger, Amelia is present."

"Send her in."

"Madam Frida Auger, the rumors hold validity. Cyrus Stronghold's son is colorless, and he will be entrusted to Kenzo Cadell's guardianship."

Frida emitted a grunt, her thoughts simmering with discontent.

"Kenzo, the cunning schemer. Set the trap; Leon's existence may evolve into a threat."

"Madam Frida Auger, your judgment commands my respect. However, he currently occupies the insignificance of Rank F and remains oblivious to his surroundings. Executing a trap for such a trifling individual seems excessive."

"Amelia, your continued existence hinges on your unwavering faith in my judgment. Do you wish to meet the fate that befell your siblings?"

"No, Madam. I shall set the trap in eight months' time."

"What destiny awaits Leon? Time will reveal."

[End of Chapter]


About Zora Cadell:

Position: Researcher in Soul Advanced Soul Search and Ancient Link Technology

Rank: A

Soul: White

Species: Demi-Stihians

Description: Zora is known for her kind and cheerful disposition and is considered a prodigy among her peers.

About Kenzo Cadell:

Position: Commander-in-Chief

Rank: SSS

Soul: Colorless

Species: Demi-Demon

Description: Kenzo serves as the Commander-in-Chief of the Soul Corps HQ. He is a close friend of the former Commander-in-Chief, Cyrus Stronghold.

About Everett:

Position: Second in Commander-in-Chief

Rank: SS

Soul: Dark

Species: Human

Description: Everett is the right-hand man of the Commander-in-Chief at the Soul Corps HQ. He possesses a strong sense of justice and is one of Leon's staunch supporters. He is always on the Cadell family's side.
