
Soul Resonance

"In a distant universe, eight planets harness soul and mana from the Sun, seven planets(DEXTERS) united against the planet Aghori. After eradicating the Aghori, two centuries of peace follow, until a mysterious ailment transforms people. A journey to the Aghori planet reveals their secrets, while battles against Aghori-like entities and the Sun's ensue. With 'Soul Resonance,' they channel Void's(Soul Eaters) powers and fight Abaddon(The Destroyer of Planets)'s threat. The struggle for restoration persists across 900 years."

TH3_AR1BTER · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 04-A New Alliance

"Leon, wake up. Wake up," Ash urgently called out.


"It's a trap, Leon. We're surrounded."

Leon finally woke up, his heart racing from the dream.

"Leo,open the door."

He opened the door upon hearing Zora's voice.

"What took you so long to open the door?" Zora asked.

"Nothing, I was sleeping. Sorry for not hearing you."

"Well, if you apologize to me like this, how can I be mad at you?"

"Haha," Leon managed an awkward smile.

"Leo, I can't seem to understand you at all. Get dressed, and I'll be waiting in the hall."

Leon quickly refreshed himself and put on a blue shirt with a badge and a star, indicating Rank F and the color of his soul, which he received from the Corps.

"Sorry for the delay, Miss Zora."

"Leo, my uncle arranged a room for us to discuss your situation. Let's go there."

"Miss Zora, sorry for the intrusion, but my name is Leon, not Leo."

"I know, but Leo, I like your name that way. I think Leo suits you better."

Leon couldn't muster a reply, so he simply offered a faint smile in response.

As they walked to their room, everyone gave him cold and disgusted looks, and he overheard someone whispering, "Traitor."

The hurtful words weighed on him, and he kept his head down all the way to the room.

Zora noticed his downcast demeanor but chose not to say anything, believing he needed to overcome this on his own.

Inside the room, Leon's relief was evident. Zora gestured for him to sit.

"Leo, Everett mentioned some things I should tell you about Sector A," she said, chuckling.

"So you won't cause any trouble."

"Sorry for the trouble. I'll make sure not to cause any issues," Leon replied earnestly.

"First, let me tell you about your role in the unit you're placed in for the next two years," Zora began.


Meanwhile, in Sectors B and C, all the soldiers, including Ash and Codey, were summoned for the Inaugural Ceremonies.

Ash yawned as he walked, saying, "I was really excited about this day, even though I didn't sleep well last night."

Codey and Mickey looked equally tired, and both of them chimed in, "Yeah, we know."

Codey playfully teased, "You were going on about being a squad leader all night."

Mickey joined in the banter, giving Ash a playful look.

"Yeah, right. Squad leaders are chosen from high-ranking soldiers. You're the least qualified for that role."

With a laugh, Codey added, "True, considering each squad needs a representative from each DEXTERS planet."

"Always bursting my bubble, you two. You guys suck," Ash retorted.

At the designated area, everyone gathered in front of a large stage and sang the Unification song.

Soon after, Everett and Amelia appeared on the stage.

Everett commanded, "Silence, the Commander is about to speak."

A hush fell over the crowd as Commander Kenzo Cadell took the stage.

Amidst the assembly, a commanding roar swept through the air, imprinting its weight upon every soul.

"From this day, your lives are mine," the voice thundered, a blend of ownership and destiny.

"No longer mere protectors of civilians, nor guardians of the Surface.Your purpose is clear: to conquer Abaddon and his Voids pawn in the realm of the sun."

A collective fervour surged as the proclamation settled.A man, his left eye scarred and closed, a testament to battles unknown, had united them with the intensity of a hurricane.

"Fight when ordered, shield as one, even face death at my command. With you in my ranks, Abaddon's reign ends."

In resounding response, a symphony of roars shook the very core, their echoes crossing Sectors and hearts alike.

Amidst them, an unspoken thought bloomed within an unknown soldier,"He speaks death, yet they cheer in ignorance."

Another, hidden amidst the crowd, mused, "Commander Kenzo Cadell, a royal pawn to master these unwitting pawns."

And so, the die was cast, destinies entwined, within a symphony of loyalty, manipulation, and the shadows of a greater game.

As Commander Kenzo left the stage, the soldiers were assigned to their units and squads. Ash's excitement continued as he eagerly searched for his squad.

Amongst them, Ash, Codey, and Mickey conversed.

Ash grinned, "That's exactly what I expected from my future master. His voice still gives me chills."

Codey and Mickey, both looking weary, exchanged knowing glances, were carrying Ash like a log because Ash's leg gave up from the mana emitted by the Commander.

Codey remarked, "You can't even handle his mana, yet you expect him to be your master."

Mickey chimed in, "Let him be. Some idiots are beyond help."

An irritated Ash retorted, "You'll see. Once I can walk properly, I'll get you both."

Ash asked."Guys, which unit were you assigned to? Mine is Sector B7, Squad C,"

Codey's smile grew as he replied, "Mine is Sector B7, Squad A."

Mickey burst into laughter and said, "Dumb Duo, I won. I'm in Sector B7, Squad 7."

"Huh, no kidding?" Ash and Codey were shocked to hear that.

***The soldiers were divided into units and squads based on their ranks and positions.

Squads 1 to 7 were primary platoons for frontline battles in the Sun realm's raid.

Squads A to L comprised the secondary battalion, providing backup to the primary platoons. The secondary battalion also fought on the frontline, but it was challenging to advance in ranks and positions due to a lack of personnel available for training.

The remaining squads, from Squads M to Squad Z, often found themselves fulfilling requirements such as serving civilians or protecting surface people whose souls were slowly being drained.

Each year based on performance, Squad number will be change accordingly


As the soldiers were divided into units and squads based on ranks and positions, the sense of departure grew more real.

"Guys, this is it. We're each headed down our own path. I'll see you on the battlefield," Codey declared, his tone filled with determination.

The three friends shared a final hug and parted ways.

Left alone, Ash sought out his assigned squad. Their location was on the third floor of Sector B7, where soldiers trained and resided.

"Ah!!!, you sneaky bastard, Codey. Why are you here?" Ash exclaimed upon arrival.

With a mischievous grin, Codey answered, "You didn't know? Four squads share a floor. Squad A to D is on the third floor and Mickey is in Second floor. And by the way, farewell speech was to mess with you."

"You bastard!" Ash chased Codey for making him a fool, and both ran outside the building, heading towards the training ground.

Outside, Codey and Ash accidentally bumped into a towering figure, standing at 8 feet 11 inches tall. The guy had a massive physique, his face marked with numerous small cuts. He carried a huge hammer on his back. As he looked at Ash and Codey, They seemed to tremble in fear, uncertain of what might happen.

He asked, "Hey guys, are you from Planet Earth? I seem to be lost. Do you know where Sector B7 Squad A is? Could you kindly show me the way?" A faint sparkle radiated behind him.

Ash and Codey couldn't hold back their laughter and ended up shedding tears of joy upon seeing the big guy with a kind voice and what seemed like a sparkle emanating from him.

Codey said, "Look at you, you seem friendlier than most humans. I'm from Squad A as well. I'll show you the way. I'm Codey. Nice to meet you."

Ash joined in, "Hello, big guy. I'm Ash from Squad 7."

The tall man, who introduced himself as Atedingetilknmuipe, My code name is Menoetius.

He then warned, "Please, stop calling me 'big guy.' Otherwise..."

He gestured with his massive hammer, creating a barrier between Ash and Codey.

Menoetius continued, "An insect flew between two of you , I've read in the manual that insects on Earth are poisonous. Did those insects bite you? Why do you both look so scared? I can help if you need it." Another glimmer surrounded him.

Ash and Codey were left speechless in shock, unable to move.

Menoetius resumed, "As I was saying before, please refrain from calling me 'big guy,' or I might have to file a complaint about making fun of my body."

With a slow nod, Ash and Codey acknowledged his request.

Menoetius smiled, a smile that appeared angelic yet held a hint of something demonic to both Ash and Codey.

Codey interjected, "Follow us. We'll take you to everyone."

The three of them set off, Menoetius now accompanied by his newfound companions.

As the three arrived on the third floor, every squad seemed to be engaged in a brawl, arguing about who should have priority for training equipment.

Squad A and Squad B were insisting that Squad D and Squad C should take on cleaning duties.

Both Ash and Codey attempted to intervene, but they seemed unable to quell the commotion.

An unknown figure suddenly appeared and spoke with a loud voice, "Stop your petty brawl! I'm Dtedingetilknmuipe, codename Annarrgeal from Squad A. I will lead these four squads, resolve all squad problems, assign everyone proper schedules, and oversee everyone. Shut up and listen to me, you idiots."

As soon as everyone saw him, they started laughing and making comments like:

- "Look at this short kid."

- "Come here, cutie, cutie."

- "I heard Elves are short, but I didn't expect this short."

They continued laughing.

Annarrgeal blushed and angrily retorted, "You bastards, I'm not short. This is the average height on Planet Elves."

Someone teased him further, "Look at him getting angry. So cute. Ha, ha."

Suddenly, he wielded a small staff and chanted an incantation in Sindarin (the Elvish language).

He said, "Silence and sit down," and unable to resist his mana waves, everyone obeyed his command.

Annarrgeal proudly declared with a huge smile, "If any of you can break my incantation, you will be the squad master overseeing these four squads."

Everyone tried but nobody could break it.

Annarrgeal announced, "So, I'm the new squad master. First, say sorry to each other, and then I will release you."

Everyone apologized to each other, although there still seemed to be some hostility among them.

Annarrgeal suddenly declared, "This is not the time to fight among ourselves. We, Alphabet Squad (A to D), will work together to overpower the Number Squads (1 to 7). Together, we can become the primary platoon and heroes on the battlefield. Are you guys with me?"

Suddenly, everyone shouted, "Hell yeah! Let's defeat those Number bastards!"

Codey looked confused and tried to talk to Ash, "Aren't we supposed to fight together?"

But Ash, being the first one to chant, replied, "Let's defeat every Number soldier. You wait, Mickey; I'm coming for you."

Codey and Menoetius both looked bewildered by everything happening.

What kind of future lies ahead for these brave soldiers? Look forward to future chapters.

[End of Chapter]


<The code name given to Dexter's species to soldiers was devised to prevent disrespect to their original name and to address pronunciation issues.>

Code Name:Menoetius ;

Real Name : Atedingetilknmuipe

Rank: C

Soul: Red

Height : 8 feet 11 inches tall

Species: Titan


Exceptionally kind, prioritizing the lives of others before his own, he aspired to become a teacher in the future.

Code Name:Annarrgeal ;

Real Name : Dtedingetilknmuipe

Rank: B

Soul: Blue

Species: Elves


"At a height of 120 cm and possessing knowledge of Sindarin, the Elvish language, he exhibited leadership qualities, consistently maintaining a calm demeanor.

However, he grappled with anger issues when faced with mockery about his height. He was an individual of immense pride and served as the Squad Master for squads A to D."
