
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
42 Chs


CHAPTER 42: Turning up the heat.

Edna was also in a group of 4 where she was the only girl. Even being the only girl there, the boys don't seem to care about her.

It's almost noon, and they had only found 2.


Edna sighed as she walked slowly behind the boys as they conversed with one another. She was tired and exhausted,

The boys are so slow and think they are right about everything. Worst of all they never cease the opportunity to mock her and make mean comments about her just because she's a commoner.

Edna had a frown on her face as she walked behind them casually thinking about her situation.

Until she noticed one turn his head over his shoulder to look at her,

"isn't she a beauty"

He said,

Edna was stunned at the sudden complement. Her face brightened up as she thought they were finally warming up.

"yh" another spoke, and just as she was about to scream excitement.

"A beautiful monkey"The Last one spoke.

On hearing his words Edna excitement vanished as she stood processing their words. The three boys burst into laughter as they left her,

"That was amazing "She heard,

"it was like you guys knew what I was thinking"

They all continued laughing and they left, their words were like a knife piercing through her sweet, nice soul.

It really hurt Edna, but it couldn't be worst than what she had experienced in the past.

"I've done so much destruction " She said as she looked at her hands and tears started to run down her cheeks.

"So much blood" She said crying.

"But it was either me or them and I chose them"

She said as she fell on her knees in tears. She cried as the moments of her passed flashed through her eyes playing over and over like a movie. Those death, those tears, those bad moments of giving up put her down.

As Edna was on her knees in tears, the ground began to rumble. She wiped her tears with her sleeves and turned her head to the path where the boys went.

Her face dull as she stared,

"what are those morons up to" Edna said with a dull scary tone in her voice.

She followed the path for a few minutes,and as she got to them.

Edna saw them in front of what looked like a giant worm. It was big, brown upper body, it had a giant eye and it looked like it had no match.

The boys were already attacking it, all three of them stood in front of it casting spells. While Edna stood and watched from a distance

The first guy with black hair stretched out his both hands together and fired a white beam at it. The second guy with brown hair fired a dark blue beam at it, the third one wanted to finish the job.

"Now to end this" He yelled,

"To show the true result of my training" He whispered.

"I command and bend the element of flame to my will bring forth onto me" He said,

"Flaming drago"

He yelled and stretched forth both his hands towards the worm creature. Then a large dragon engolfed in flames flew out of his hands to hit the monster.(The dragon wasnt up to the size of the worm)

Edna watched as the worm like creature was wigling in pain from their attacks. But their attack was bearly putting damage on the monster.

"Their good" Edna said to her self,

"They have potential"

She said to herself as she turned her head to the right seeing a big rock under a tree.

"Perfect place to sit back and relax" She said as she walked towards it and sat like a queen.

"unfortunately this isn't as comfortable as a real throne "

Edna said inwardly.

(Back to the fight)

"Why isn't it working" one yelled with brown hair yelled as he shot another beam at the worm.

"We need more power" another responded.

The guy on black hair turned around to face Edna direction and was surprised to see her seating on a rock under tree.

"Hey you" He yelled,

Edna stared plainly behaving assive she did not see or hear him.

"Join us we need more power" He yelled.

Edna was quiet and did not respond.

"Oh monkeys don't help human beings" Edna said inwardly as she turned her head once again ignoring the boys gaze on her.

"You are just useless" He yells out of frustration and turns back to face the fight.

Edna watched as the tables slowly turns on them. The worm was able to knock one away with it's massive tail causing him to hit the tree and thier formation was broken.


Edna released a sigh, knowing too well that they wont last long against it. Her conscience was getting the best of her,

"Fine I'll help them just this once" Edna said as she stood up from the rock and went out of the tree shade. She streched her hands pit her hands and a large red cube appeared. Edna stretched her hand forward pointing her first finger at them and raising her thumb like ot was a hans gun.

"Fuck, those guys are in the way"

Edna said as she dropped her hand and the red cube faded.

"What do to?"

"What to do?"

"What to do?"

She repeated over and over again as walked back and forth thinking of a plan.

Then her face suddenly bloomed with excitement,

"I got it" She says,

"Koska isn't the only smart one in the group" Edna says with a silly smile on her face as she walks into the trees beside the path.


"Why isn't it working on this thing" The guy in brown hair yells,

"Im tired out" One said before jumping backwards away from the worm. He stretched his both hands to his sides and and widened his palm. Then 2 blue energy balls appeared in his hands,

"Destructo Disk"

He yelled and the energy launched at the beast flying towards it forming a disk in the air as it flew straight towards the monster.

Impact with the beam caused explosions on the body of the beast but not strong enough to take it down.

The three of them regrouped and were beside one another as they stared at it. It was wiggling from the pain, so it didn't see to notice them.

"You okay" one asked the guy with black hair,

"Couldn't be better" He said responded.

"So what do we do about that" He asked,

"Literally i don't know what to do its seems slightly invulnerable to our attacks" The boy with black hair responded,

"What if we combine attacks" The boy with brown hair suggested and the others nodded in agreement without further thought.

"Its the best chance we have" the boy with black hair said.

Before all 3 of them turned to face the monster at once in a somewhat dramatic way.

"Ready when you are" The guy with brown hair said, before the others nodded in agreement.