
Sora: Ultimate Gamer

The series follows Sora and his younger stepsister Shiro, two humans who make up the identity of Blank, an undefeated group of gamers. One day, they are challenged by the god of games to chess and are victorious. As a result, the god summons them to Disboard, a world where stealing, war, and killing are forbidden, and all matters are decided through games, including national borders and even people's lives. Intent on maintaining their reputation as the undefeated gamers, Sora and Shiro plan to conquer the sixteen ruling species and to usurp the god of games.

rollowilgar · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Legend of Blank

Urban legends. To be one is a kind of aspiration.

Then shall we sort out the situation?" said the player known as Queen. "We are the largest clan is the MMRPG with 1200 people!"

She turned to face her clan, her purple hair swinging in the breeze. Allowing everyone to see her white mask and crimson tattoos. 

She followed by making an announcement to the clan.

"And four guys are provoking and challenging us to a no-rules fight! We may just disregard them, saying, "Are you stupid?" However, it wouldn't be the same if he wasn't one of the four."

She glanced squarely at the player. The player known as Blank.

"Will you allow me to verify this urban legend, Mr. Blank?" she said, a sly smile spreading across her face.

Now, let the games begin.

"Un..believable, we lost to four people?" The Queen said, her garments ragged from loss.

Her entire costume was nearly ruined, and her health bar was quite low. The clan behind her appeared humiliated and devastated as well.

This is one of many urban legends. Have you ever heard of such a story?

His streak of not even one loss was engraved in his unprecedented score. He reigns at the top of every game, an unidentifiable player.

His account name is always a blank space. He was deemed a gamer that is impossible to win against.

Then there was a huge gust of wind, and it was recorded that the account Blank logged out.

"Damn him...that cheater," muttered a long blonde-haired male player who appeared to be a member of the clan that Blank had defeated.

"Cheater?" replied Queen to the other player. "Do you know who Blank is?"

The player stared back at her, perplexed. His sadness was obvious as he gazed off before responding to her.

"No, it's just a rumour we're all aware of," he said. "There's a theory that he's a hacker who deleted his defeat record. There's a theory that he's a developer who chose a blank name for stylistic reasons. A theory in which a bunch of really talented gamers all use the same account. Anyway, if you're looking for theories, there are enough of them."

His expression went stern. "However, I am convinced that the cheater group idea is correct, the one where he and his friends all cheat on the same account. Come on, four guys can't beat 1200 people, I mean come on it's just not possible!"

He squeezed his fists violently, his face sweating and his long blonde hair in shreds.

"Auto-aiming, collision detection, and evasion management I mean, it's obvious that they are cheating! They went to the top in little over 280 games!" He yelled angrily.

Queen looked up at him, her expression somewhat displeased.

"You're one to talk," she replied sarcastically. 

"Come on, we're the ones using hacks," she remarked, standing up from the ground. "I thought if the "Blank Urban Legend" won using any means possible it would make a brand new legend. Yet…they made good use of tactics. There was no cheating as far as I could tell. We really did just lose to four guys."

Her expression brightened into a joyful smile, the kind a small girl might wear after meeting her idol in person.

"He's probably just one person, and he's scarily smart!" she said, her cheeks flushing. "Ahh…I wonder if he's a dreamy prince!"

The blonde player looked down at the ground.

"Tsh, if he really is one guy I bet he's a cripple.

Thus, the rumor would spread all the more. Urban legends. To be on is a kind of aspiration.

In actuality however, the most dull response is frequently the truth.

"We won, hehe," said Sora, the 18-year-old truant, impaired, shut-in gaming addict, as he moved his chair away from his computer and drew a long breath.

"Little sister!" "Would you mind not controlling the main account with your feet? You're going to give your older brother a heart attack," he told Shiro, his 11-year-old sister who was also a truant, impaired, and shut-in gaming addict.

Shiro took her feet off the keyboard and dropped them down on the floor. 

"I was hungry," she explained as she ate a chocolate bar. "Want some, too?" she said Sora, holding out the chocolate bar to him.

Shiro noticed her brother's eyes hardened as he stood up and lectured her.

"You bought such bourgeois rations again!" he said, extending his palm into the air and pointing at the food as if it were some kind of poison.

Nutrients are important, though," she stated childishly. "I need to grow bigger, you know."

Shiro sat back down in his chair and swiveled it back, putting his hands behind his head in a relaxing position.

A sly smile grew across his face as he put his hands on the side of the swivel chair. 

"Like I care about my little sister! The human brain operates simply; if it contains glucose, you will be OK. Plain bread shines in terms of cost, calorie, and nutrient content," he declared, almost as if he were selling a brand new automobile or something. 

"Mmmg" Shiro mumbled as he looked down at the dirty rug she was laying on.

She proceeded to yawn as she threw her hands up into the air and then brought them back down.

"What time is it, Sora?" she said, her gaze drifting away from the present moment.

Sora averted his gaze from the vividly colored PC monitors that the two had occupied for far too long. He looked around the room for some sort of time measurement but came up empty-handed.

"A better question would be what day is it," he said.

Shiro placed her finger on her chin and stared up at the expanding fan in the room.

"The fourth day?" she said, her tone uncertain.

"No my little sister, I mean what day of the month, not how long we have been pulling all nighters!" Sora remarked.

Shiro yawned again. "Does it even matter when we're not in education or employment?"

"Does it?" Of course it does. There are tournaments and stuff," Sora stated.

Shiro dragged her arms over to the PCs beside Sora. "But I am tired," she murmured, closing her eyes.

Sora turned around for a brief while to gaze at her and express his frustration. "Huh! Are you just going to sleep there? "In the middle of a battle."

Shiro opened her eyes and sat up. She pulled herself over to Sora and tapped on his feet. "Just use these, okay? I do it fine, so you should be able to do it as well!" she stated gently but enthusiastically.

A pale look grew on Sora's face as he continued to play the game while talking to Shiro. "Oh come on, don't tell me you want to play as all four characters."

Right before Shiro collapsed onto the floor she uttered a final word.