
Son of Traitor Mage

What happens when a genius saves the kingdom from doom? The celebration turns out to be his trail and judgment was a special seal to stop his mana use and execution. Why? you will find out This was 20 years ago a mage who should be dead will return and you will learn along with his son about the past of his lazy father. The son who will grow in his own right with his own adventures, friends and dangers and his journey from weak to strong with interesting side characters Ps First time writer will try to complete 50 chapters and if it works will continue more, appreciate honest review and point any errors

Kaiser_3924 · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Chapter 3 Traitor

A boisterous laughter was heard among the explosions in the village of korn, where a team of spies from the empire was supposed to bring former mage Kaine back dead or alive.

'It was supposed to be a easy mission damn it, not a life or death situation' Captain Xeres Vaneer, son of duke Vaneer who used his father's power to get an easy mission assigned to him which would help him promote his rank in the army thought while avoiding the attack, even after half a day of battle opponent showed no sign of fatigue instead he seemed to be enjoying himself.

'Finally after 50 years i can use my powers again and empire was generous enough to provide me test subjects' a cold light shone in Kaine's eyes when looking at his supposed captors, floating in the sky after sending his son to a former teammate he was more relaxed than ever.

"You thought i would be helpless and miserable drowning my sorrows in alcohol or women and it would be easy mission, didn't you?" Captain heard and didn't reply but thought 'Yes it was supposed to damn it'

"You pampered brat I remember that insignia of house Vaneer, I will enjoy this but did you ever stop to think why you were the first team in 50 years to find my location before launching an attack on me? I bet you didn't even call for backup thinking too highly of your megre skills"Hearing this Xeres raised an eyebrow, he too had found it too coincidental to be first one to find the criminal in 50 years but accounted it to his luck and other's incompetence.

He replied "Doesn't matter if you have your magic or not, we are taking you back to the empire, Traitor"

"OH we will go to your precious empire but who will take who is yet to be decided" kaine replied calmly while performing a summoning magic which made a giant portal covering village open through which came out the body of a giant dragon, his black scales glistening in setting sun, his wings unfolding and casting a huge shadow on ground as well as on hearts of Xeres' team.

The team wanted to retreat when they saw the dragon, declaring the mission failure but found the space in disarray, not locked but in chaos.

'So there goes hope for escape or calling backup' Xeres thought while thinking of ways to get out of this situation with minimal damage to him and the team but his mind coming up empty.

On the other side, a man and dragon were chatting as if they weren't target of largest empire on continent and had all the time in the world

"You grew wings, lizard? And whats with the emo black?"

"Looks like those muscles infiltrated your brain too monkey"

"HaHaHa seems so" kaine said, his voice holding immense sadness and pain"how long on your side?"

"20000 years" came a reply seemed calm but filled with emotion underneath

"Well there is an imperial family in the middle of empire who loves me so much they won't leave me alone even after 50 years, and thats a lot in monkey years, you know?"

"You know i may get jealous" dragon replied "Shall we go and tell them to stop CALMLY?"

And so the conversation went in draconian while all the team heard were growls and roars no knowing the worst calamity in history of empire is about to descend on them.

When Xeres woke up, he found himself in a dark humid cave with a light crystal dimly lighting up the cave with few military food packets on side.

"Look who came to his senses, now will you tell me information i need easy way or hard way"Kaine asked

"You know i am son of AAAAAHHHHHAHHHH" Before he could finish speaking, he screamed on top of his lungs while the person casting [Decay] on his body and [Heightened Perception] calmly replied "Tell me when you are ready to talk"

Captain fainted after a few seconds because of pain but woke up screaming when [Regeneration] was cast which hurt even more than decay.

Tears flowing from his eyes, floor under him wet and stinking from his uncontrolled bladder and bowel, mind in shambles he said weakly "Just kill me"

On the other side of room dressed up in combat uniform after tearing all insignias kaine replied "I wouldn't dream of it my golden ticket to empire" and then after locking his prisoner he went to meet an old friend and check on his son before he made his way to repay old debts.