
Son Of The Grand Duke

When Alaric first awoke after a long slumber, longer than he could remember, he was no longer in his own body but in the body of a fifteen-year-old. What was worse was that he couldn't remember anything about his old life, but the mysteries didn't end there. What he could remember was a book he once read, his name, Alaric, and that he shared it with the body he had awoken in. How did he know that? Well... it belonged to a character in that book of course, Alaric Astraeus son of Duke Astraeus. *New cover Page* Updates will be any time between [1800]hrs to [2100]hrs (UTC).

Croppedtrolley · Fantasía
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49 Chs

Morning after

The morning light filtered through the ornate curtains, casting a gentle glow across Alaric's room. The events of the previous night lingered in his thoughts as he slowly emerged from the depths of slumber. The echo of cosmic energies, the clash in the Devil's Lounge, and the newfound alliances played like a vivid tableau in his mind. The lives he had taken didn't way to much on his conscience, he had already established in his mind that it was him or them. He had incapacitated the majority of them and not killed them, but he did not fell a few, his kill count was in excess of five and that was a lot by his standards 

As Alaric rose from the bed, his thoughts became a contemplative tapestry. The weight of power and responsibility pressed upon him, and he found himself reevaluating his approach to the intricate web of the underworld. The city, with its shadows and secrets, demanded a nuanced strategy. Brute strength would not work in some areas.

He stood by the window, gazing out at the awakening city below. Lysandria, with its sprawling expanse, held the promise of both opportunity and peril. The underworld, a labyrinth of clandestine dealings and elusive power structures, required a deft touch.

The alliances forged in the Devil's Lounge carried a delicate balance. Lysandria's underworld, with its ever-shifting allegiances, needed to be navigated with a keen understanding of the currents that flowed beneath the surface. Alaric considered the intricacies of the city's underbelly. He had not been honest with the two underworld denizens, he intended to bring it down not rule it. To him, it was well beyond just an eyesore.

The Principality Nexus, Abyssal Antireality, had been silent when he tried to call on it yesterday evening. Yet this morning he felt its power thrum and pulse within him, a constant reminder of the untapped potential within. He had been fortunate, Lysandra had stood down. There would have been complications if he had clashed with her. The morning light bathed him in a subtle glow, casting shadows that seemed to dance with cosmic energy. The very fabric of reality responded to the presence of a being whose power extended beyond the mundane.

The city sprawled beneath him, its waking denizens oblivious to the clandestine machinations that transpired in the realm of shadows. Alaric's mind, a repository of memories and experiences, contemplated the path ahead. The balance he sought was not just a matter of power but of influence, alliances, and the delicate dance between order and chaos. But in order to do al that he needed to get his house in order. Charity began at home.

As he prepared for the day, Alaric pondered the upcoming challenges. The underworld, with its whispered secrets and veiled intentions, demanded a vigilant gaze. The Principality Nexus within him resonated with the city's pulse, a cosmic heartbeat that intertwined with the ebb and flow of its clandestine energies, yet did not heed his call, and the complicated relationships that resided within this Illustrious Duchy.

The morning breeze carried the scent of possibility and uncertainty, a reminder that each step in this world's dance was a calculated move in a grander game. 

With newfound determination, Alaric made his way out of his room, the echoes of the Devil's Lounge and the cosmic energies within him setting the stage for the unfolding chapters of his journey. The day ahead held challenges and revelations, he moved with purpose through the corridors.

In the House of Astreaus, the routine of training with the Duke became a constant in Alaric's daily life. As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting its warm glow over the city, Alaric made his way to the training grounds where the imposing figure of the Duke awaited him.

The vast training grounds, which spoke highly of the martial prowess of House Astreaus, stretched before them. The Duke, clad in light armour, stood with a sword in hand, the embodiment of experience and strength. Alaric, with his eyes surveying the environment, approached the training grounds with a focused determination.

The Duke, acknowledging Alaric's presence, gestured for him to ready himself. The routine had become familiar, a dance of blades and cosmic energies that unfolded under the watchful gaze of the morning sun. The clash of steel echoed through the air as Alaric and the Duke engaged in a series of strikes and parries, the movements fluid and precise.

Each swing of the sword, each surge of cosmic energy, was a step in Alaric's journey of mastery. The Duke, a seasoned mentor, observed with a discerning eye, offering occasional guidance and corrections. The training sessions were more than physical exercises; they were a communion of martial skill and cosmic potential.

As the training progressed, Alaric felt the ebb and flow of celestial energies within him. His cosmic energy responded to his will, intertwining with the physicality of the training. The Duke, with his own mastery of cosmic energy, demonstrated techniques that went beyond the conventional. The morning sun bore witness to the merging of martial prowess and the cosmic forces that fueled it.

Between bouts, the Duke took moments to impart wisdom. "Your strength lies not just in the swing of your blade but in the seamless fusion of physical and cosmic energies," he advised. Alaric absorbed the teachings, internalizing the nuances that went beyond the mere act of wielding a sword.

The rhythmic exchange of blades continued on the training grounds as Alaric and the Duke engaged in a dance of skill and strength. The morning sun painted the scene with hues of gold, casting elongated shadows with each swing of the blades.

As Alaric executed a series of well-practiced strikes, the Duke's voice cut through the air. "Your movements are sharper today, Alaric. But there's something on your mind."

Alaric, attempting to maintain his focus, replied, "Just the usual thoughts, Duke. Preparing for the responsibilities ahead."

The Duke, an astute observer, wasn't easily fooled. With a swift parry, he disarmed Alaric, causing the young scion to step back. "Responsibilities, yes. But there's more, isn't there?" The Duke's piercing gaze bore into Alaric, largely due to his ability to read beyond the surface.

Alaric hesitated for a moment, then sighed. Knowing he couldn't fool the duke he decided to come clean there and then. "I had a little... excursion yesterday. Took a stroll around the darker corners of the city."

The Duke raised an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation. Alaric, sensing the need to provide more details, continued, "There are issues in the underworld that need to be addressed. Corruption runs deep, and I wanted to see it firsthand."

The Duke's expression remained stoic, his eyes revealing a depth of understanding. "Your intentions may be noble, but direct interference could cause unforeseen consequences. The capital is delicate, Alaric, and actions in Lysandria reverberate through the entire nation."

Alaric, realizing the gravity of the situation, attempted to defend his actions. "But if we don't act, Duke, the corruption will continue to fester. It'll harm us all in the long run."

Surprisingly, instead of reprimanding Alaric, the Duke's countenance shifted. A faint smile played on his lips, and he nodded approvingly. "Your passion for justice within our domain is commendable, Alaric. However, we must approach this strategically. A widespread operation requires resources the capital currently lacks. It could also draw unwanted attention from the royal family and other territories because if we move publicly it will force their hands."

Alaric, not expecting such a response, absorbed the information. "So, what do we do, then? Let the corruption persist?"

The Duke's approving gaze persisted. "No, Alaric. We act, but discreetly. I'll provide you with the resources you need, but we must conduct this with finesse. We'll use indirect methods, putting pressure where it matters most. We have a month to clean up Lysandria. Can you handle it?"

Alaric, surprised by the Duke's approval and the offered support, nodded. "I'll get it done, Duke. You won't be disappointed."

With that, the Duke retrieved his blade, and the training resumed. The clash of steel echoed against the training grounds, a symphony of determination and purpose.

Training with the duke came to an end and with a respectful nod, Alaric expressed gratitude for the guidance. The morning sun, now ascending to its zenith, bathed the training grounds in a warm radiance. As Alaric left the arena, the echoes of clashing blades lingered, a melody of cosmic potential and martial discipline that resonated within the heart of Lysandria.


Hi guys network issues again but I tried to give you guys at least one chapter so this is from my phone Enjoy :) hopefully, all will be sorted tomorrow, Goodnight and take care.

Yours Faithfully


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