
Son Of The Grand Duke

When Alaric first awoke after a long slumber, longer than he could remember, he was no longer in his own body but in the body of a fifteen-year-old. What was worse was that he couldn't remember anything about his old life, but the mysteries didn't end there. What he could remember was a book he once read, his name, Alaric, and that he shared it with the body he had awoken in. How did he know that? Well... it belonged to a character in that book of course, Alaric Astraeus son of Duke Astraeus. *New cover Page* Updates will be any time between [1800]hrs to [2100]hrs (UTC).

Croppedtrolley · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Astreaus Duchy

Duke Astreaus strode purposefully through the corridors of his ancestral home, his mind a reservoir of thoughts and considerations. The clangour of blades on the training grounds faded behind him as he entered the sanctum of his office. The air, heavy with the scent of aged parchment and oak, embraced him as he settled behind his intricately carved desk.

His keen eyes, a shade of deep of grey, surveyed the room adorned with ancestral emblems and relics. A reflection of House Astreaus' storied past, the office bore witness to the legacy that now rested on the Duke's shoulders.

Seated in the high-backed chair, the Duke considered the changes he had observed in Alaric. A nuanced improvement in character, he mused. The young heir had evolved from a distant, indifferent scion into a young man with a burgeoning sense of responsibility. While the Duke acknowledged this positive development, he didn't dwell on it for long. Alaric had not always been a problem, and this transformation was merely a return to the rightful path.

The Duke's attendant, a figure of poise and efficiency, approached with a notepad in hand. "My lord," he began, "the Duchess requests your presence. She awaits an audience with you, my lord."

The Duke nodded, his thoughts shifting momentarily to his wife. Duty and family were intricately woven threads in the fabric of his life. "I shall attend to the Duchess shortly. And Eldmund?" the young heir and first of his sons was not within the duchy.

The attendant, always attuned to his lord's concerns, provided an update. "Eldmund has completed his assignment in the mountains, my lord. He is expected to return in two days. The subjugation of the invasive feline creatures with illusion-based abilities was successful."

The Duke's brow furrowed slightly at the mention of the elusive creatures. It was one of the many issues of a myriad of challenges faced by House Astreaus in maintaining the balance within its territories. "Very well," he replied. "Ensure that Eldmund is accorded a proper welcome upon his return and a reward awaits him on his return. Now, summon the Duchess."

With a respectful bow, the attendant left the room to convey the Duke's message. The Duke left alone in his office, pondered the intricate web of responsibilities that defined his existence. House Astreaus, a bastion of nobility, faced challenges both internal and external. Yet, with each challenge met, the legacy endured. The situation with the royal family was never a problem for the duke, he got along with the king just fine, the issue was with surrounding territories with their respective lords and ladies. The Eastern Duchy was by no means small, in fact, it was the second largest in terms of the size of the territory however because much of the eastern part was within a mountain range that spanned into the neighbouring nation, the duchy along with a small baron, where the only noble houses in the east. Because of this, They stood as the sole voice of the east and the other noble houses that sought to advance did not like the amount of power held by the house of Astraeus. Of course, they could do nothing about it because the infamous duchy was well known for its formidable defence against both deadly creatures and invaders who assumed the east was a weak spot for the Nation. So to do away with the duchy was to claim equal or greater strength and capability in doing what the duchy and its forces did, not many noble houses could. Of course, they learnt the hard way that a terror lay in the east and the invasion attempts via the mountains became less frequent and outcries in capital meetings became less, mere echos of now headless fools.

The Duchy was also largely loyal to the throne more than most noble houses, so they very visibly received favourable treatment from the capital.

As he awaited the arrival of the Duchess, the Duke's gaze shifted to the window. Beyond the stone walls and lush gardens of the estate, the city of Lysandria sprawled— the dynamic ebb and flow of life was there for him to behold. In the corridors of power, amidst the echoes of blades and the whispers of duty, House Astreaus stood steadfast.

The duchess arrived in a timely fashion and her discussion with the duke began.

In the private quarters of House Astreaus, the duchess, Eleanor, was keen on discussing the upcoming military campaign in the southern region led by the royal family.

"Alistair," she addressed her husband, "I believe it would be wise to send our eldest daughter to gain experience in military administration. We can also dispatch an elite unit of warriors to accompany her."

Duke Alistair nodded thoughtfully. "A prudent suggestion, Eleanor. It shall be arranged." Of course, the duke's plan was not that much different. He had asked the duchess for input and he was glad to hear they shared the same sentiment.

Moving on to the next agenda, the duchess broached the topic of Alaric's admission to the Royal Academy.

"I've been considering Alaric's future," Eleanor began, her eyes focused on her husband. "I propose that you personally procure a letter of recommendation for him. It will allow him to bypass the standard admission tests. We must ensure that his unique abilities remain discreet during the process."

Duke Alistair, understanding the significance of this strategic move, readily consented. "I shall take care of it, Eleanor."

With a sigh, she gave him a wry smile, "I do not despise the boy, my love, he is my son too albeit under unfavourable circumstances I love him all the same and have his best interests at heart."

"It is as you say dear I'm very much aware, he was just distant... hopefully he'll come around with the rest of you all."

As the duke considered these matters, his attendant alerted him to Eldmund's impending arrival. The duchess continued.

With the matters addressed, Duke Alistair and Lady Eleanor focused on the impending challenges and opportunities that awaited House Astreaus and its members. The intricate dance of politics, military strategy, and the delicate balance of power within the nation played out in the confines of their office, setting the stage for the future. 


In the quiet solitude of his study, Alaric sat amidst a sea of paperwork, diligently finalizing details for the opening of his restaurant. The aroma of freshly brewed ink and the rustle of parchment filled the room as he meticulously arranged the documents, envisioning the bustling activity the establishment would soon host.

His thoughts, however, strayed from the immediate concerns of the restaurant to the broader events that might unfold in the near future. A mental map of potential scenarios played out in his mind, and as he analyzed the possibilities, one conclusion emerged—aside from the impending academy arc, nothing of significant consequence loomed on the horizon.

His contemplation then shifted to the elusive concept of heritages. These rare and powerful legacies held the potential to reshape one's abilities and influence, be they weapons or powerful abilities granted by relics. Alaric was privy to the locations of several heritages, each with its unique characteristics. Some were ominous, shrouded in dread and mystery, while others required specific individuals to unearth their secrets.

As his fingers danced over the maps and scrolls, Alaric entertained the idea of acquiring a heritage for himself. The notion of altering the narrative intrigued him, and he pondered the possibilities that might arise from such a choice. While he wasn't averse to embracing a darker path, he sought a heritage destined for a 'villain' within the context of the novel.

'Perhaps it'll stop the death of innocents if I take what was meant for someone inherently evil.'

The study became a haven for contemplation, a space where the pen danced between the lines of paperwork, and Alaric's mind traversed the realms of potentialities. In the silence of his sanctuary, a new narrative beckoned.

Hi guys it's me again :)... Anyway here is today's chapter. Also, I wanted to know how many words would you all like per chapter, currently, I average between 1,3K to 1,5k so feel free to let me know and as always Enjoy... take care.

Yours Truly


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