

Team Kakashi had assembled at the gate ready to set off on their first mission outside the walls of the village. Everyone was geared up an excited for this new adventure expect for Samuru.

He was standing at the back of the group with a sleepy face. He had just came back from an assassination mission and barely had any time to rest. Having huge chakra reserve doesn't mean you don't need sleep.

"Why aren't you excited like everybody else?" Kakashi asked Samuru.

"There is nothing to be excited about, we are just escorting and old bat back to its cave" replied Samuru.

"I heard that" said Tazuna

"I know, that was the point" said Samuru.

"Okay clam down" said Kakashi was he came between them, "why don't you take the lead Mr Tazuna"

Tazuna walked out of the gate with Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke closely behind and the Kakashi and Samuru following at the back.

It didn't take long for Tazuna to piss off somebody else, actually it was just four steps out the gate and he was already having an argument with Naruto. About what you my ask?, well Samuru didn't give a flying flaming crap.

Kakashi had to go forward and control the atmosphere.

It was about 2 hours in to the journey when Samuru detected a presence in the trees watching them. He was about to inform Kakashi when all a sudden, a man wearing a breathing apparatus with a left metal claw arm began to rise up from a puddle of water on the ground.

The assassin raised his hand and received a spiked chain from his partner that was hiding in the trees. They quickly tied Kakashi up and pulled in opposite directions shredding Kakashi in to pieces.

"One down, three to go" they said in unisons.

The duo then appeared behind Naruto and with the same spiked chain and they launched an attack. However, Sasuke acted first and throw a Kunai that hit the chain sticking it in to a tree as he landed on the metal claws halting there attack on Naruto.

Now temporary immobile, Sasuke was going to execute a follow up attack, when the assassin duo disconnected themselves from the chain, throwing Sasuke off balance.

With Sasuke off the metal claws, they decide to divide and conquer. One of the assassins, turned in the direction of Sakura and Tazuna while the other continued his heading towards Naruto.

All of sudden, Samuru appeared out of thin air and collected both assassin by the necks. Before they could escape his grip, he crashed their necks then dropped their dead bodies.

Everyone was staring at him with one thought, how did he do that? Appearing out of nowhere and killing the assassins like it was nothing.

"Now things are getting exciting" said Samuru with a smile. He then turned to a bush and said, "You can come out now Kakashi, the teaching moment has passed… and I think Naruto has pissed himself"

Kakashi walked out of the bush as Naruto yelled at Samuru, "I didn't piss myself".

Samuru just shrugged his shoulders and walked towards Tazuna and Sakura he didn't feel like tormenting Naruto for freezing up. But Sasuke didn't mind. An argument broke out between them that he didn't feel like being part of.

"Are you okay?" Samuru asked Sakura.

"Yeah, I am a bit shaken up but I am okay" replied Tazuna.

Samuru looked at the old man and was about to bite his head off when Sakura spoke up, "I am okay Samuru" she said with a smile.

She pulled him away from Tazuna's general direction and asked, "Why do you hate him so much?"

"I don't, I am just tired and should be in my comfortable bed. But I am here because if him. Once I get some sleep, I will be good" replied Samuru.

The atmosphere began to calm down after the assassination attempt as Kakashi called for a short break and that is when Tazuna spoke up, "I have something to confess about this mission" he said.

Samuru tuned out the next part. He found a nice shade area and took a nap.

45 minutes later, Samuru was a woken by Sakura as they began their journey. Samuru was kind of surprised that Kakashi continued the mission given that they were lied to.

The group arrived at a small docking area were they got in a small boat and began to cross a misty lake and it wasn't long until they could see a huge unfinished bridge which they were to defend until it got finished.

The boat docked near at a small shabby looking shack and they got off and headed towards the village.

Samuru and very body else noticed that Naruto was a lot more jumpy and kept throwing shuriken and any rustle in the bushes or tree tops.

"Would you quiet doing that?" finally yelled Tazuna.

"What, I am on high alert in case of another attack" Naruto said.

"Well you don't have to wait long" said Samuru as he removed a kunai from his ninja tool bag and throw it at a tree top.

All a sudden man with a half badged face, shirtless man appeared jumping out of the tree and landing on his huge sword.

"Well well, if it isn't the hidden Mist's missing Nin Momochi Zabuza" said Kakashi and with a side glance to his team he said, "Everybody step back, this one's on a whole other level"

"Yeah to them but not to me" said Samuru.

Kakashi sighed "just get back protect Tazuna and look after your team mates"

"Fine" said Samuru as he walked towards his team mates that had now formed a defensive circle around Tazuna.

With Samuru back, Kakashi reached for the area of his fore head protector and removed it revealing a Sharingan in his right eye.

Zabuza saw the red iris, "you appear to be Sharingan Kakashi…sorry but… the old man is mine" he said.

When they had the word Sharingan, question marks appeared above, Sakura, Naruto and Tazuna's heads.

"It is a power eye that has the ability to read and defeat any Gen, Tai and Nin jutsu" explained Sasuke.

Sakura, Naruto and Tazuna's mind were being blown by this revelation when Zabuza added, "that's not all, what's even scarier is that it can copy the techniques of you opponent and use them and Kakashi here is said to have copied a 1000 thus his nick name the a thousand's copy ninja"

Sakura and Naruto were both happy that there sensei was such a cool guy, while Sasuke looked at Kakashi's Sharingan wondering, is he also an Uchiha like me as for Samuru, he knew his Sharingan was the most supreme in existence so he didn't give a fuck.

"Now let's end all the talking, I have to kill that old man…but it seems I have to kill you first Kakashi" said Zabuza. He then vanished with his sword and appeared on the lake.

[Ninja art: hidden mist jutsu] he said as mist appeared and began to cover up the area.

The entire area around the lake was covered with mist limiting visibility.

"Now it begins" said Kakashi.

Zabuza disappeared in to the mist, "prepare to die" he said.

All a sudden a dangerous killer intent began to spread around the lake making it difficult for everyone to breath expect Samuru and Kakashi. They began to feel the ice grip on death as they there bodies began to shake in fear.

"Don't worry, as long as I am here nothing will happen to you" said Kakashi in attempt to comfort them.

Samuru was amazed by the effect of Kakashi's words because the bodies of his team mates stopped shaking as looks of determination appeared in the eyes.

All a sudden Samuru was struck by the urge to send his most powerful kick in to the space near Tazuna, so he kicked out when all a sudden Zabuza appeared and received his kick right in the face.

The kick was so power it knocked Zabuza's head clean off his body. Samuru expected blood to spray all over the place but it was water instead.

"Water clone… well played" said Samuru. Without his Sharingan active, even he was fooled and he hated being fooled so much that he wanted to rip Zabuza's guts out but he promised Kakashi he would stay with the team.

Zabuza reappeared back on the lake with sweat running down his back. He did expect a kid to react instantly to his attack and with such lethality. If it wasn't for the fact that he had a water clone ready for a switch, he would have died.

"I need to be really careful around that kid" he said.

Kakashi suddenly appeared behind Zabuza and with his kunai and he stabbed Zabuza in the back but Zabuza turned on to water, it was another water clone.

Kakashi instantly detected the presence of Zabuza behind him so quickly turned around and blocked Zabuza's giant sword with his Kunai.

"I am impressed, the rumours about you are true, you really are a tough opponent" said Zabuza to Kakashi.

"You aren't so bad" replied Kakashi.

Zabuza chuckled, "it's my win" he said as he jumped away as a water bubble Kakashi appeared and trapped Kakashi. Another Zabuza appeared out of the mist holding the water bubble in place.

"So what do you thing of my water prison?" He asked.

Kakashi felt his body weigh down by heavy water restricting his movement. He sighed and looked at Samuru, "he got me…it's time to tag in"

Samuru smiled as he took a step towards the lake, it was time to fuck up a fool.

"Oh and Samuru… don't hold back if you will do, he might exploit it" said Kakashi.

Samuru nodded as he looked at Zabuza.

"Ah the kid that catch me off guard earlier...hahahaha…show me what you have got" said Zabuza in a smug voice.

Samuru looked at the two Zabuza's and wonder which one he should attack. The one trapping Kakashi or the one ready to fight...

Samuru chuckled as he removed a kunai form his ninja bag, "don't blink…you might miss it" he said as he throw the kunai at the Zabuza ready for a fight.

Zabuza laughed at the futile attempt and raised his sword and waved it to knock the kunai out of the air. When his sword touched the kunai, it exploded with the shock wave blowing him back.

"What the fu…." Before he could finish, he felt a wave of pain travel through his right side. Before he was sent flying, he saw that the kid had landed a blow on his right side sending him in to the air.

Zabuza flow through the air and landed on the lake coughing blood. The kid's attack had broken at least 3 of his ribs.

"How did he move so fast?" thought Zabuza.

Samuru laughed, "So you are the real Zabuza…lets continue shall we" he said as he vanished.

Zabuza looked around waiting for the attack to come and it did, but it was against him but at the clone holding Kakashi prisoner. A shuriken appeared and lodged itself in the clone's head causing it to turn back in to water.

Zabuza saw Kakashi being freed and turned to head in his direction and attack before Kakashi could recover when all a sudden shuriken flow across his face. In slow motion, he watched the shuriken begin to glow, he quickly cancelled the flow of chakra to his feet causing him to sink in to the water as the shuriken exploded were his head used to be.

While under water, Zabuza began to re-evaluate his view on the kid. He was a lot more dangerous than he thought because in a few seconds, he had 3 broken ribs and lost his prisoner in Kakashi.

Zabuza jumped out of the water ready to attack when flames appeared from all direction, [water style: water formation pillar] he called as his body was covered in water barrier blocking the fire attack.

When flames finally died down he noticed Samuru standing a few meters from him and he had already formed a seal, [wind style: Great Breakthrough].

A bust of explosive wind shot out of both of Samuru's hands hitting Zabuza full on sending him flying through a number of big trees until he disappeared in to the forest.

Samuru looked at the direction Zabuza was sent flying, "I will be right back" he said as he vanished.

Samuru reappeared in a tree top just in time to see a masked person collect Zabuza and disappear.

"Hmmm…this trip is proving to be more exciting than I thought" he said as he teleported back.

"So is Zabuza still alive?" asked Kakashi as he reappeared.

"I don't know, when I reached a saw some in a mask take him away". Samuru then went on to describe the mask design.

"That sounds like an Anbu missing nin hunter from the Hidden Mist Village… so he might be dead". Kakashi sighed then said, "let's continue to our destination"

Kakashi and Samuru re-joined the group and continued on their journey.

As the travelled, Samuru noticed Tazuna had a shocked expression on his face after seeing his performance, he didn't think a kid could be that powerful. As for his fellow team mates, they were no longer surprised by Samuru they now expect greatness form him every time he fought.

It wasn't long before they arrived at Tazuna's village.

"I am home" he said.

longest chapter i have ever written...dont expect more today....next post on Saturday....probably

ghosttowncreators' thoughts