
Chapter 8 Obstacle Course

Lucian woke up to a bright beam of sunlight that sneaked through one of the sheets and hit his face. Lucian slowly opened his eyes and realized were he was. He looked around and saw that Percy was still unconscious, and that there was a set of leather armor by his back pack. It was a leather chest peace, leather bracers, and leather boots. On top of the leather armor was a greek helmet, with a red seem on top. Lucian took off his jacket and hoodie leaving only a white T-shirt, and put the leather armor over that. He also put on the leather bracers and switched his shoes for the leather boots. He decided to switch his Jean's to a pair slim black cargo pants so it's easier to run.

Lucian did not notice before but he saw a sword leaning at the side of his bed. He grabbed it and sheathed it to the side if his leather armor. There was a note written next to where the armor was that told him to go to the cafeteria to have breakfast after getting changed. Lucian did not put on his helmet and tied it to his side like his sword.

He stepped outside the hospital wing and saw kids his age walking to a place where there were giant stone pillars pointing toward the sky a few ways off. Inside he was able to see a bunch of wooden tables and one long table with a lot of different varieties of food, as well as a lack for a ceiling. Lucian went into what he assumed to be the mess hall that can easily fit all of the kids and went to a pile of plates, picking one up. He started to stack a bunch of eggs, bacon, and sausage. He also grabbed 3 Breads of toast  and a glass of orange juice.

"Your going to eat all of that?" Lucian turned around to the voice. He saw someone that he has never met before, a woman. She had Blonde curly hair that was tied in a ponytail, Grey eyes that couldn't hide her wisdom and calculative gaze, rosy full lips, and beautiful white skin. She was also wearing her leather armor and had her sword at her side, making her look like a warrior. The moment I turned around to face her I saw that her face became really red. She tried really hard to compose herself, which lasted a few seconds. "Are you new? I dont think I've seen you around." She asks. "Yeah, I got here last night. My name is Lucian Amarie." I said reaching out for a handshake. The pretty girl looks at my hand then grabs it and shakes it with a firm grip. "Annabeth Chase." She says.

"Well it's very nice to meet you Annabeth." She smiles and nods. "Do you have someplace to sit?" I look for Grover and see him sitting in a table at the back. "Yeah, I see my friend in the back." Annabeth looks toward where I'm looking at and sees Grover. "Is it ok if I sit with you?" I shrug my shoulders. "Be my guest." She gave a happy smile and followed me to where Grover was sitting.

I sit down in front of Grover and Annabeth takes a seat next to me. "Hey Grover, thanks for the stuff." Now that I arrived he started to eat his food. "No worries, you'll need it." Grover looked over at Annabeth. "Are you two friends?"

"We just met." I said as I ate my food. Grover looks over to Annabeth and sees that she was not making eye contact and had a very small blush on her cheeks. "Ohhhhhh, I see what's going on here. Uh-huh Annabeth has a cru-Oww!" Annabeth did not let Grover finish his sentence since she stopped him with a fierce kick under the table. Lucian was not really paying attention as he was fully focused on his food. "Damn girl, watch the hooves!" Grover complained about his mistreatment.

They all continued to have their breakfast when Annabeth and Grover noticed all of the sudden stares they were getting from all of the females nearby. Grover didn't mind that much since they might be able to see him, although he does have to say that he is jealous of Lucians looks. Annabeth on the other hand was feeling irritated for some reason. She hated the feeling, it was unbecoming of a warrior like her.

"So what are we going to do first today Grover?" Lucian asked after finishing his food. "Archery. Have you ever shot a bow?" Lucian nodded. "I have, although my bow was not very good." Annabeth perked up all of a sudden. "Your training him? Can I come too, I want to see what he is made of." Lucian turned to her. "You want to test me?" Annabeth nodded while Grover sighed. "This girl is very competitive and always wants to prove her strength." Lucian nodded. "Alright, let's go start with your training." Grover stood up and started walking out of the tent. Lucian and Annabeth followed him to a row of targets. It seems that they were the first ones there since everyone else was still eating.

Grover handed Lucian a bow and a quiver filled with arrows. Lucian put on the quiver and it was hanging from the side of his hip and lower back. "First let's see what you got." Grover said gesturing to the targets. Lucian took that as a sign to start and readied an arrow. He pulled the bow string back and took aim, he breathed in and gently let go of the string sending the arrow flying toward the target. The arrow hit dead center.

"Beginner's luck, do it again." Annabeth said. Lucian wanted to laugh, she really is competitive. Lucian readied another arrow and shot at the target.

Yet again it hit dead center and split the previous arrow. Annabelle and Grover were pretty impressed. "Anyone can do it from this close. Shoot it from farther away."

Lucian went to 100 meters and let an arrow fly. Not even seeing if the arrow hit he went to 200 meters and let another one fly. Like before he went to 300 then to 400 and lastly 500. All of them hit dead center breaking the arrows that were previously there.

Grover and Annabeth were now left speechless. Annabeth even had a fire of competition growing in her. Lucian walked back and looked at Grover. "How was that?" Grover slapped Lucians shoulder. "That was awsome man! Let's go test something else." Lucian put down the bow and quiver and followed Grover to the next location. We climbed up a tall tree that had a wooden latter. Soon there was an obstacle course high up on the air with no safety net under us.

"Now we are going to test your agility! All you have to do is make it to the other side!" Grover explained like it was easy. Lucian looked to where the other side was and saw that it was almost a mile away! Are you kidding me? "Is this safe?" I asked Grover.

Grover shrugged his shoulders. "Mostly, I mean no one has made it to the other side yet. Even our little Annabeth here." Annabeth huffed in irritation at not being able to complete the course. "Its true, I always fall off half way through. There are many obstacles that purposely try to make you fall off. It's pretty dangerous and many people get hurt trying to complete it. Be careful."

This is sort of making me nervous. I look down and saw that we were pretty high up, really high up actually. Not enough to kill you but definitely enough to get really hurt. There was a crowd that started to form underneath watching him.

"Look, there is someone attempting the course." A guy shouted getting more people's attention, and pretty soon everyone was watching the new poor soul. "Who is that? Is he knew? He's really hot!" Girls started to point out how good looking he is even from that height, and were now hoping nothing happened to that beautiful face!

Annabeth got irritated again when she heard this and pushed Lucian to the first part of the course. I was not ready! I was about to come down, fuck this! Lucian was standing on a small wooden beam barely big enough for his feet. It was being supported by rope, so it wobbled when Lucian landed on it. Once Lucian regained his balance he stepped off and went to the next slab. Fuck it, Let's put on a show!

Lucian bounced from slab to slab pretty quickly. Once he was about a quarter of the way through a wooden log came swinging toward him! Lucian nimbly jumped over the log and continued running. Lucian looked behind him and saw that the log was coming back! He sprinted to get out of the logs range but this only made it harder to balance!

Luckily he was able to get out of the logs reach and was now half way done. Lucian saw that there was another log that came swinging down, only this one was a lot bigger and it could not be leaped over.

Lucian had an idea and jumped up to grab the ledge of the log, but the force was a lot and it knocked the wind out of him. He was being carried with the log and it will soon start descending the opposite way.

Lucian quickly pulled himself up and balanced himself on the moving log, no oak tree is more like it, it was that huge. Once the tree got him the farthest distance he leaped off of it and tried to land on one of the small ass slabs. His foot missed though and was about to fall off untill he grabbed onto the slab. He was now dangling in the air.

The crowd that was watching let out gasps, well mostly the girls. Even Annabeth let out a gasp of worry for Lucian. The cause of all the worry pulled himself up and started to balance himself again. He then started to run again as he was now almost done. Being more than half way done he was on the final stretch. Lucian could almost taste victory, untill he saw a big ass shadow cast over him. The tree was humongous, and it was coming from his left side. There was no way he can out run it on these wobbly slabs.

Fuck it! Lucian held his ground and turned to the tree. Where the hell do they even find a tree that big?! Just when the tree was about to hit, Lucian met it with a big punch. The part where Lucian hit broke to splinters and the tree was sent flying in the direction it came from, but Lucian was sent flying off the course because of the momentum. Lucian fell from the height and landed on a wooden table, causing it to break.

The crowd was so shocked! How the hell was he this strong?! Grover had his jaw dropped, he knew he was strong, but not that strong! Grover and Annabeth quickly climbed down to check on their friend. They dispelled the crowd that were circled around him and saw that he was unconscious, and that his hand was bleeding. Luckily it did not look broken but it did need to be treated. Annabeth and Grover carried him to the hospital.