
Chapter 9 Revelation

Lucian stood up right on his bed. He realized that he must of passed out after falling from that height. Honestly it's so pathetic that I have been training my whole life and I pass out from falling. He looked to his left where Percy's bed was at and saw that he was not there anymore. He must have finally woken up. Lucian noticed that he was still in his armor so he just got up, grabbed his sword, grabbed his helmet, washed his face in the water bin, and left the tent.

There were many demigods that were training. Either by practicing there swordsmanship, or by shooting arrows. There were even some that were attempting the course. "Hey has anyone seen Grover?!" I shout out getting everyone's attention.

"He's awake!" Instantly I was swarmed by my fellow campers. They all stopped what they were doing to speak with the man who has come the closest to completing the course. "Haha thank you everyone for the attention really...its much appreciated. But can anyone tell me where Grover is?"

"Who's Grover?" People started to ask. "Was it that satyr that walked out of the Medical bay with some kid?" Someone asked. "Yes that's him! Can you tell me where he is?" The guy who spoke pointed in the direction of the lake.

"Thank you!" I ran off in the direction of the lake and soon found myself on the shore line. I could see Percy, Grover, and Mr. Brunner talking. I started walking toward them and saw Grover run off to join a bunch of girls that were relaxing in a sort of hot spring. Mr. Bruner led Percy into a really nice cabin resting on the shore of the lake.

"Hey guys!" I called to them making then turn around at the entrance. "Lucian! Your up." Percy called and gave me a pat on the shoulder. "I was up way before you, only I passed out the next day Haha. How long has it been by the way?" I asked Mr. Brunner. "You were unconscious for 2 days." I groan. "Ughh 2 whole days? That sucks." They both laugh and continue walking into the cabin. "So my father built all of this for me?" Percy asked as he fiddled with a few things lying around. He picked up a trident and twirled it. Wait...a trident?

"Your father wanted you to have a place of your own." Mr. Brunner explained. Percy looked at a symbol that had a trident on it. "My father is Poseidon!" Percy was flabbergasted. Poseidon?! THE Poseidon?! The one who rapped my mother and left without even taking responsibility?!!

Lucian was emitting a crazy amount of killing intent. He was clenching his fist really hard that it was drawing blood. Calm down Lucian! Calm down, remember what Mother Medusa taught you. Breath.

Lucian was trying his hardest to calm down his rage. The rage that was currently burning him up inside. It's not Percy's fault, Percy is not to blame for his father's mistakes. He has never even met his father. Just how I should not be blamed for my father's mistakes, neither should Percy.

While Lucian was trying to calm himself down, Percy and Chiron (Mr. Brunner) were talking on the deck leading to the lake. "This is about all worlds! Olympians will be forced to choose sides, earth would become a battle frowned! Mountains erupting, earthquakes, raging fires...the end of life as we know it. The world can not take that sort of event twice, which is why this can not happen again!" Percy looked at Chiron. "This has happened before?"

"Yes. A long time ago." Chiron said not giving more information.

Percy and Chiron finished their conversation and saw the way Lucian was acting. "You okay buddy?" Lucian snapped out of his state and saw the both of them staring at him. "Yeah I'm fine...just had some bad memories." Percy kept trying to make sure Lucian was alright while Chiron narrowed his eyes and stared at Lucians face that was trying to shake off the worried Percy.

Just then Grover came running in. "Come on Percy. We have to get you properly dressed." Percy followed Grover out but looked back once more to Lucian. "Go, I'll meet you in a bit." Percy nodded and followed Grover. Lucian was going to leave to but he was stopped by Chiron. "Lucian may I talk with you for a moment." Lucian stopped and looked at Chiron. Chiron looked at Lucians neck and saw a strawberry gold locket with a Crest that he recognized. "May I see your locket Lucian?"

Crap! I forgot to take off my locket. I guess I have grown so used to having it on my person since I was little, I forgot to take it off. At this point there was no way he could avoid the situation. So he took off his locket and handed it to Chirons extended hand.

Chiron looked at the fine exterior if the locket, it was very well crafted. Chiron opened it revealing a dangerously beautiful woman with a smile that can cause war between men. She was hiding a baby in her arms. Chiron recognized this women, it was the goddess Aphrodite. "Your mother is Aphrodite?!" He asked shocked. Lucian slowly nodded. "Why did she give you this locket? Aphrodite is known to be very vain, even to her children. She has many children and not one of them have a locket that she has given them, perhaps maybe Eros." Lucian shrugged his shoulders. "Why don't you ask her?"

Chiron shook his head. "It is rumored that she has angered Zeus and is being kept under very strict house arrest, no different from imprisonment." He continued. "They say it's because she had a baby with Kratos, but no one really knows since Zeus refuses to say...wait." He stooped with wide eyes. "Are you?...No, impossible!" Lucian sighed. Guess I have been found out. "My name is Lucian 'Kratos' Amarie. Son of Aphrodite and Kratos. The letter I came with said that my name can be chosen but I was to have my middle name be Kratos. It also explained who Kratos was, hence the reason why I only say my name is Lucian Amarie, and also the reason why I lied to you."

Chiron was deeply shocked by this revelation. The son of Kratos, the man who nearly destroyed Olympus single handedly, is standing right before him. "Are you going to turn me in to Zeus?" Chiron was shocked. Was he? But Lucian did not do anything, his father did. Why should the son be punished for the crimes of the father? No, he must be protected. "No. I will not turn you in. You my boy are innocent, and should not be guilty because of your father's sins. I will protect you from Zeus' grasp."

"Thank you Chiron." Chiron waved it off. "It is only natural. If you dont mind me asking, who is your adoptive mother?" Lucian spoke as if it was natural. "Medusa." Chiron was shocked yet again. Your mother is Medusa and you were not turned into stone?! "She has the most beautiful eyes, my mother." Chiron nearly choked, that's the last thing people see before they are forever unable to move. Chiron sighed and decided it was enough surprises for one day and walked off before he had a heart attack. Lucian watched him as he left and smiled. Perhaps he is the reason mother Medusa sent him to that school, she most likely knew he would keep his secret and protect him.

Lucian stretched and decided he should go join Percy and Grover, capture the flag should be starting soon.

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