
Chapter 22 Claimed

​There was a line of kids forming up to make their offerings to the gods. They all threw in a drachma and closed their eyes, making a prayer. Even Annabeth and Percy went to make an offering, leaving Grover and Lucian alone on the log.

"So when are you leaving? Didn't you say you wanted to search for Pan?" Lucian asked Grover who was next to him. "Tomorrow afternoon. I want to be able to say goodbye properly tomorrow morning, for now I'll just enjoy my time with my friends." Grover said as he looked at Percy and Annabeth.

"Hey Grover, is it just me or do you look older? And are those horns on your head?!" Lucian asked looking at Grovers face. A face that used to look like it was his age now looked like a college students. His goatee was longer and he got a little taller as well. He also had two small stubs where his horns were growing in. "Haha you noticed! I'm no longer a junior protector, so my horns have finally come in! I'm also a lot older than what I look. I'm 34 years old, but Satyrs age half the time humans do." Lucian was surprised to hear Grover is 34, he sure doesn't act his age.

The both chatted and laughed together while waiting for Percy and Annabeth. The two have actually grown closer from when they first met, becoming close friends in a little more than a week. "I'm gonna miss you Grover, you have to promise you won't die! I dont want to have to go on another quest to save your ass!" Lucian half joked as he shoved Grover a little. "I will...hey Lucian, why dont you make an offering? I know you cant do one for your father, but why not your mother?" Grover changed the topic. Lucian stared at the fire, debating if he should give an offering or not, but in the end he just shook his head.

"She doesn't care about me, or maybe she did, once. When we were fighting the Sirens, I heard her voice warn me. I was so happy at the thought of hearing my mother's voice for the first time. I thought that maybe she hadn't forgotten she has a son, that she still loves me. But after hearing Percy describe the way she acted toward hearing my name, those thoughts are gone. I always hoped that my mother was not like every other god, but I guess I was wro-" Lucian was cut off by a sudden pink glow illuminating from his body. The glow was so intense that it glowed brighter than the fire itself and lighted up the dark camp.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked toward Lucian, and were shocked at what they saw. They were not that shocked at the pink glow, although it was the most intense they have ever seen from past ones. No, what they were most shocked about was the boy himself, more specifically his apperance. What used to be a devilishly handsome boy who could make any girl blush with just a smile, now had an apperance that made his past self dim in comparison. His apperance now can only he described as surpassing the gods themselves.

His hair turned more silky, his amber eyes had a brighter glow to them, his skin seemed to get rid of any hidden pores that lurked, eyebrows arched in a perfect angle, jaw looked to be chiseled out of rock from Olympus, nose at a perfect bridge, and a mouth being not too thin and not too full, absolutely perfect. There was no fault within the boy, and seemed to be glowing.

Everyone watching had some sort of blush on their face. Whether it was fought back, hidden, or outright covering their entire face red, they had a blush. The girls there were the ones with their face covered completely red, up to their ears and down to the nape of their necks. They all eyed this body and were imagining how perfect it was underneath all those clothes. They themselves couldn't believe all of the dirty thoughts they were thinking, but they couldn't be blamed since Lucians body was sending out a crazy amount of hormones, causing them to become like this. Some of the boys were also like this, causing them to put their sexuality into question.

The man who was the cause of everything, looked at the pink glow around him. What did this mean? Is he sick or something? Lucian turned to Grover with a questioning look, hopeful to get some answers. Grover seeing his friend being confused, decided to enlighten him. "Your being claimed. Being claimed is when your parent who is the god acknowledges you as their child, having a phenomenon occur to show the world who you belong to. This phenomenon in particular is Aphrodites, which has a special effect. The children claimed by Aphrodite end up becoming more beautiful."

More beautiful? Is that why everyone is blushing? He looked toward Annabeth and saw that she was also like the other girls around, not being spared at all. As they made eye contact, Annabeth hurriedly looked away and put on a baseball cap, disappearing into thin air. That's new, I think I remember Annabeth saying something about her mother giving her a baseball cap that turns her invisible on her 12th birthday. Guess that's the cap.

Lucian looked around more and saw guys who were blushing while looking at him, causing Lucian to shutter. Lucian didn't know whether to be happy his mother acknowledge him, or be pissed off. Lucian quickly left toward the big house using the pink glow to show the path covered in the dark, and left the stupefied crowd behind.

Lucian quickly knocked on the door, which soon opened revealing a surprised Chiron. "It seems Aphrodite has acknowledged you, this is good, now we can move you into your permanent living courters. Follow me." Its good that I'm finally getting a place to stay and all, but I'm here seeking for help damn it!

"Um, when will this pink glow go away? I need to turn back to normal." Chiron chuckled at my trouble expression. "The pink glow may fade away in a couple of hours or in a couple of days, depends on Aphrodite. As for turning back into the way you used to look, I'm afraid that wont happen. This is your new apperance." I was now in full distress mode. "What?! How can I live a normal life like this?! I cant even walk around without having people stare and fantasize about me!" Chiron laughed, fucking laughed. "You pour soul! You have to live with being beautiful! I pity you." Chiron joked sarcastically.

We continued to walk until we reached the cabins that were lined up making a U shape. Each cabin had a big number on it, and the one we went to had a number 10 on it. How to describe the cabin, let's see. It had a painted roof with pillars connecting to a blue-and-white checkerboard deck with steps and grey walls. It kind of resembled a suburban house, yet looked like a house for a barbie doll. We walk up to the deck and open the pink door, releasing a heavy smell of perfume and cologne mixed together. It hit me and Chiron like a truck, making Chirons nose scrunch up. The inside of the cabin was a light pink with a white trim, and the curtains and beds were a pastel blue with green. The cabin was sectioned in two, since there was a giant curtain separating the boys and girls. Both sides were equally neat, and had rows of queen sized beds. Each bed had a blue dresser in between each other, and a chest at the end of the beds with the owners name engraved on it. There were many photos of famous celebrities in the personal spaces of the campers, and a few narcissistic ones had their own photo pinned up. Lucian saw something stick out from under one of the beds, so he crouched down to see. Under the bed was junk food rappers, chocolate rappers, and a few love notes.

Lucian stood back up and looked at Lucian. "Do I really have to stay here?" He was just fine sleeping in Percy's home. "Yes, these are the rules. Dont worry, you should get to know some of your brothers and sisters. I'll go get your things, there is an empty bed over there." Chiron pointed to the ends of the male side of the cabin, toward a tidy bed in the corner.

Lucian stood there in the weird narcissistic cabin and silently prayed to never become like that. Chiron who was about to leave suddenly turned around. "Before I forget." Chiron bowed down on one horse leg. "Now your bloodline has become known. Aphrodite--Beauty, love, lust. Hail Lucian Kratos Amarie, son of the goddess of love." After that he left, leaving Lucian alone in the cabin.