
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Película
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46 Chs


Nelson and Murdock

7:00 p.m.

Omega Protection Agency

Everything has officially gone to shit.

It's almost been a week since the disastrous Halloween Party. During that time, all the attendants have been through a whirlwind of a time trying to pick up the pieces from the shambles their life has become. The blizzard might have rocked New York and essentially stopped everything, but The Avengers have quite possibly ruined the Omega Protection Agency for good.

Since being released from the tower, the bulk of the Agency have tried and failed to return to their daily routines, much to their dismay. They couldn't forget what they've been through. They couldn't forgive themselves for allowing it to happen or the Avengers for causing it in the first place. Try as might, they couldn't move on.

Karen kept the office running with an unshakeable iron will, refusing to give up considering recent events, the conversation with Winter Soldier in particular. She was still surprised by his sincerity. By how his intense and menacing figure just melted away to reveal a broken man who only wanted to care and protect Violet. She was unnerved by the Black Widow. Where the Soldier melted, the Widow hardened. The Widow figuratively turning to ice as the two Alphas talked to the Omega about Violet.

Karen talked about the best parts of Violet, hoping desperately she didn't give anything too pertinent away like safe spots, places she could run and hide from them, stuff like that. She talked to them about her spirit, her brash and willful nature, the caring soul she hid behind jokes and sarcastic wit. She talked to them about the way Violet gets lost in her music and watches the sky like she's searching for something. As she talked, she watched the Alphas, gauging their reactions to her words. They did the same to her.

It was like fire and ice between the pair. Their scents in particularly signified that. It was surreal, breathing in the pair made her dizzy, overwhelmed. Karen has never been in the presence of one Alpha whose scent affected her so, let alone two. When she smelled them, she could picture a scene straight out of a movie it was so specific.

With the soldier, the first scent that came to her was the whisky, the dominant role in the aroma. Next came the smoky fireplace, Cedar wood burning away in the flames. The strong scent of cinnamon and apples entered, followed by the surprising addition of pages from books. Closing out the scent was falling rain. Karen imagined a log cabin deep in the forest on a rainy morning.

With the Widow, the dominant facet of her aroma was Red Wine and Cayenne, the combination creating a dark and tempting mixture. The next was fresh bread, piping hot and just pulled from the oven. Hints of sweetness with a strange mixture of saffron, honey, and rose petals, then capping it off with freshly fallen snow. It made Karen think of the days where she woke up to find out there was no school due to an overabundance of snow and her mom making pancakes in the kitchen.

It was enthralling. Like she was reliving moments from her past, or perhaps their past. She noticed how similar it was to Violet's scent. She too imagined a moment straight out of a movie when it came to Violet as well. The smell of a beach along the coast of a great ocean, the sun setting from high above with a campfire roaring right in front of her. Eating an assortment of berries and chocolate covered almonds, vanilla and sea salt filtering through the air. She mentioned it to Violet once or twice, how strange her scent was. Violet just shrugged, blaming it on bad luck and walking off before Karen could continue.

If she had kept her eyes closed and focused on their scents, she would be putty in their hands. She hated to admit it, but it was true. That was the effect of their scents. Most Alphas and Omegas smelled like one or two things, maybe three if it's such a defining characteristic. Frank smelled like his guns. Karen smelled like rose water and juniper. Matt smelled like the boxing gloves his Dad wore when he was a kid.

Violet and the Alphas were different breeds altogether.

Thankfully, their menacing demeanors shook Karen out of her stupor and enabled her to keep her head on right. The conversation between Karen and the Alphas was short. They asked about the plethora of hospital visits and why Karen was the one to bring her in, Violet's current and past living situations, relationships (platonic and romantic) which Karen had little to add too (which they both seemed relieved by), and other stuff pertaining to Violet's health and wellbeing.

After that, they left her to stew in the guest bedroom where she was detained until she and the rest were released upon finding Violet and Peter.

Foggy followed her lead of running the office and helping his clients to the best of his ability, but Karen often caught him staring blankly into space. Tears falling down his face while blubbering to himself in self imposed silence. He was taking Violet's capture hard, unsure of what to do or even how to help. He was a lawyer, and a damn good one at that, but even though their little firm took down Wilson Fisk, a mighty Mafia boss in his own right, and also currently building cases for the victims being cared for at the Omega house, the couldn't go up against the Avengers. Especially since both Violet and Peter were both with them.

He knew what he wanted to do. The same thing all the group wanted to do. Charge into that damn tower, grab their friends, and hide away Paraguay, just like suggested in their last meeting. How could it only be two weeks since it happened? It feels like a lifetime ago. A new spout of tears formed. Just goes to show how quickly everything falls apart when you're not careful.

Matt rarely came to the office anymore. Apart from stopping by for an hour or so to research and prepare for their two open Omega cases, his office was cold, barren, and empty, much like a cemetery. Foggy and Karen were both worried about him, but there was no time to search for him. They knew he could handle himself, having watched him fight a group of muggers when one night when the three were walking home from Josie's after having a grand time playing pool and drinking beer.

He was taught how to defend himself shortly after the accident that took his sight. Another blind man he refused to name was his teacher. He was strict, stern, and knew what he was doing. He helped shaped the man Matt inevitably became, for better or worse.

Since their release, the three have only been in the same room three times. Once when Karen was released and met them at the office. Second when joining up and preparing for a case they were presenting next week, and the third time today.

Along with everyone else from the Omega Protection Agency.

Nelson, Murdock, and Page sat at Karen's desk as the others slowly trickled in with forlorn, angry faces. Pietro was the first to arrive, both eager to get this started and angry at the situation. His loss sadly paled in comparison to Violet and Peter's situation. News spread quickly of Wanda's desire to stay at the tower and find a new Alpha. With all the work Pietro put in to help her move on from the last one, everyone could feel how betrayed he was by her decision. Still, it was her choice and he was going to respect that. He hoped the Alpha Tony was pairing her with will be an improvement on the last one.

Today was about saving Violet and Peter. Over and over he reminded himself of that, even when it brought up the cold, hard fact that the Omega House was no longer in existence. Word got out over what happened there, what with the Avengers being invited in and all the Omegas being taken elsewhere when leaving. No one was going to risk coming there, even those who are desperately in need. Everyone was too scared to risk it. So, the Omega House was no more, now it was just Pietro's.

The next to trickle, or rather stumble, in was a very hungover Jessica Jones. Out of the whole group, she was definitely taking this the hardest. How could she not? Her sister for all intents and purposes was kidnapped and now held captive after getting shot by a man who never would have met her if it wasn't for Jessica. She should have been the one to get shot. She should be the one fighting for her life in the hospital. Not Violet.

Natasha Romanoff made that very clear to Jessica when she and the others were finally released from their captivity. Going so far as to pull Jessica aside and display the blood that covered her chest. Violet's blood.

"Violet should be mourning your worthless carcass right now, not fighting for her life because of a bullet meant for you." She pushed Jessica against a nearby wall, a bloody hand choking Jessica with an iron grip. "If she dies, you'll feel it too. Either way, you'll never see her again. She's ours now. I suggest you remember that before doing something you'll regret."

An hour later Jessica was back home and started on her first bottle of jack. She hasn't stopped drinking except for sleep and eating pop tarts. She was even drinking on her way here, earning very disapproving and encouraging looks from fellow passengers on the subway. She didn't care. Nothing mattered to her except seeing Violet and begging for forgiveness . . . then forcing her to go to Paraguay.

Next to enter was Sam Wilson. He wasn't much better off than Jessica. He wasn't drinking himself to death, but he was slowly killing his career. A near permanent line had formed between his brows, the corners of his mouth curled with disgust. Rage filled him to the brim and threatened to spill over at a moments' notice. Fueled by guilt over failing to protect Violet and Peter from the Avengers influence, and now a lone gunman who he never had the pleasure of dealing with. Who knows what they could be going through right now?

Thanks to Tony Stark, Sam has been demoted from his hard-earned position and is forced to perform grunt work for the Detectives once more. He couldn't spare time to help hurt Omegas anymore, especially since The Avengers being at the Omega House ruined its good reputation and now no one will come for aid. He couldn't help Violet and Peter no matter how much he wanted too.

But that doesn't mean he wasn't going to try.

Same was quickly followed by two people who were not affiliated the group whatsoever. People that came because Matt reached out to them when they were asking for Frank since he hasn't popped up anywhere since Madani's failed invasion plan. Curtis Hoyle and David Lieberman entered first and were quickly followed by interested party Brett Mahoney.

Brett was only here to discuss certain aspects of a case with Nelson and Murdock, while also hoping to arrest The Punisher as well. He knew the last part was a long shot, but it was on the back of his mind. He had no problems helping innocent Omegas. Too many of them were treated like pieces of meat and thrown away just as easily. He never understood that. They're responsible for bringing life into the world, raising the future and caring for them until they're old enough to care for themselves. People, not just Alphas, should protect them at all costs, not butcher them for laughs.

So, everyone sat down in random spots all around the room, and just sat there. No one knew what to say. No one had any ideas. No one had any hope. Just a goal. Get Violet and Peter away from the Avengers and keep them safe. But no one knew where to start.

Except for Jessica.

"I vote Paraguay," Jessica started in a pained voice, closing her eyes and leaning back in her rickety chair, "I'll let you guys figure out the specifics."

With that everyone straightened up and started talking all once. Ideas were thrown about and just as quickly dejected. Most stood from their chairs and started pacing around the room, Karen pulled out a marker board and started plastering ideas to it. Sam helped, the indention between his brows easing slightly as they discussed the board. After all the ideas were exhausted, and silence consumed the room once more, they all realized the same thing.

The only way they could help Violet and Peter without alerting the Avengers is to wait for them to reach out. It was a hard truth to swallow, but the truth still. They hated it, Pietro kicked over his chair in frustration as a result, but it didn't change anything. This was all they could do now.

And so, they would.

Avengers Tower

Peter Parker

Peter has never found a chair to be so uncomfortable.

After leaving Violet in the Med Bay with James and Natasha, Peter spent the next few hours in the lab with Tony. He didn't talk much. Too scared to give something away. The notes he and Violet wrote burned a hole in his back pocket, and he was trying desperately not to think about them. He could feel his face morph into guilty expression every time he did so, and someone was bound to catch on if he didn't stop soon.

Inevitably, Tony did.

Peter was now sitting on one of the metal stools in the lab, far away from the tables where he could busy himself with tinkering instead of watching with fearful eyes as Tony read the notes from Peter's pocket. The same notes he and Violet discussed possible escape ideas with not too long ago. He was too afraid to move, to breathe as his fingers gripped the cold metal of the stool seat and waited for Tony's anger.

It never came.

Once he was done with the notes Tony sighed, setting down on the table nearest Peter before walking up to the Omega. He reached out his calloused hands, palms facing upwards in a non-threatening gesture. His brown eyes soft, his smile kind, posture relaxed. Peter still trembled with fear, but he released his grip on the stool and gently took the Alpha's hands. Tony's smile widened at Peter's reciprocation, gently pulling until Peter was standing toe to toe with him, his wide and innocent doe eyes highlighting how scared he was.

Tony kissed his hands, "do I really scare you this much?"

"Not y-you per say . . . what you've d-done does though . . . I'm really sorry," Peter's body shook, almost vibrating in fright.

Tony's hands soothed Peter's, "do you think I'd ever hurt you, baby?"

"I didn't use too," Peter quickly said, staring at the ground, "then again I didn't think you'd record me during my heat either. Or show anybody what I went through. I was wrong."

Tony reared back, and Peter cowered in response, bracing for Tony's anger. "What do you mean? I didn't record your heat-"

"Then how come Frank knows about it." Peter interrupted; his meek voice stronger with his humiliation. "Explain how else he could have quoted the things I said to you, described the things I . . ." Peter trailed off, too embarrassed and mortified to continue.

"No, Peter listen to me-"

"I trusted you," Peter interrupted again, pulling away slightly without looking at Tony, "I trusted to take care of me, to not take advantage of me during my most vulnerable time, and you betrayed that." Peter took a deep breath, gathering up what little courage he had and looked into Tony's eyes, feeling offended at the confusion he saw there. "Is it really that difficult to understand I'd rather leave then stay here with you after that?"

Tony's hands moved to grasp Peter's shoulders, "Peter-"

"I can't trust what you have to say," Peter tried pulling out of Tony's grasp, "Violet was right."

"Violet has been through a terrible ordeal throughout her life," Tony started, gently pushing Peter backwards as he spoke. "She's seen many things that have left her jaded and hardened, experienced even more that have left her with the beliefs and notions she has every right to deem the truth. But you haven't lived the life she has baby."

"Don't call me that," Peter pleaded, attempting another weak push to Tony, who continued unfazed. "And don't talk about Violet."

"I swear to you, I didn't do anything you're accusing me of. I didn't record you and I didn't show anyone footage of you."

"I don't believe you," Peter whimpered, pushing against Tony one last time before he was suddenly pressed up against the cold, metal wall. Gasping as Tony pressed his body against his own.

"Peter, I need you to believe me."

"Why should I?" Peter's voice shook as Tony's calloused hands brushed his face, one hand grasping his chin and pulling his face upward, forcing him to look into Tony's eyes.

The calming brown was now the color of blood, the deep red both menacing and arousing. Peter froze, paralyzed in the Alpha's embrace. Those red eyes scanned Peter's face, taking in every facet he could before returning to Peter's panicked gaze.

"Because I'd rather die then allow anyone to see you like that."

Tony's breath was hot on Peter's skin, his tongue flicking out to lick his lips.

"You were so beautiful Peter. So delicate, so graceful, so patient with me. I wanted to spend all night tying you up just so I can watch you melt into the bed. Losing all inhibitions as the pleasure took you over. The way you came undone over and over from my scent alone." His course thumb brushed Peter's bottom lip, "the way your mouth opened when you moaned so prettily. It was the best moment of my life."

"And you told Frank about it-" Peter started but stopped when Tony released a menacing growl.

"No!" The red became bolder with the exclamation. "I would never betray you like that, and I would never talk about you like some common pet or submissive slave." His growls grew in intensity with each word he spoke. His grip tightening on Peter as he was pushed further into the wall.

Peter's heart raced in his chest. Tony wasn't talking anymore. It was the Alpha within him, and the Alpha was scary beyond imagining. Peter was ashamed to admit the Alpha was arousing as well, just as much as he was terrifying.

"You are my chosen, Peter. My darling, my love, the person I will cherish and protect for the rest of my life. That's going to mean a lot of things that you're not prepared to hear just yet but know this. What happened in that room is only between you and me, and if someone else knows about it that isn't allowed to know it, I'll make them regret it."

Tony pressed his forehead against Peter's, his hot breath marking Peter's skin, his arousal filling Peter's senses. Peter felt dizzy, his knees going weak in response to Tony's dominance. It was hard for him to keep his focus. He was supposed to be mad at him, right? He was supposed to find a way out of here. For him and for Violet. Why didn't want to anymore?

A moan escaped his lips, a sound that nearly shocked Peter back to his senses, but Tony smiled and did something Peter was not expecting.

He titled his face up just little bit more and pressed his lips to Peter's.

It was everything Peter imagined a kiss would be, and more. The fear he felt melted away as the arousal took center stage. Those calloused hands released Peter from his grip, immediately roaming up and down Peter's sides, untucking his grey button-down shirt and gingerly groping the skin at his waist. Tony's tongue flicked at Peter's lips, begging entrance into his mouth. He let him in, moaning at the graze of teeth as Tony practically devoured his mouth.

Peter gingerly grabbed Tony's shoulders, pulling him closer and eagerly reciprocating Tony's actions with equal vigor. Soon enough Tony's wandered once more, unbuckling Peter's belt and quickly pulling it out through the loops. The belt clattered to the floor quickly forgotten. Then Tony started unbuttoning his jeans, and Peter abruptly came back to his senses.

With a strength he didn't realize he had, he finally pushed Tony away from him. Sending him backward a couple of steps. Peter stayed against the wall, fighting to catch his breath. Tony didn't move towards, hands splayed out at his sides, his mouth slightly pink from kissing Peter. He was sure his own lips in worse condition.

"I don't want that," Peter spoke with authority, finally sounding like a person instead of a scared little mouse.

He was shocked when Tony took a breath, nodding in response. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go that far. I just wanted to prove that I wouldn't betray you like that, and I got carried away."

Peter remained plastered against the wall, but his heart eased at Tony's words. "How does Frank know?"

"I'm going to find out." Tony promised, looking Peter dead in the eyes as he did so, "and I'll make sure that never happens again. No one hurts you like that, not ever."

Peter relaxed even more. Part of him was angry with how he easily forgave Tony, but the rest of him didn't mind. Life was far too short to hold onto things that will only cause you pain. Uncle Ben taught him that when he was having trouble dealing with his parent's deaths as a child. There was no point in holding on other than to punish yourself. Peter didn't want to do that. He wanted to live.

With that decision in mind, he bobbed his head in acknowledgement and pushed away from the wall, moving towards Tony in his usual shy manner. Before he could second guess himself, he grasped Tony's shoulders once more and brought his lips to his. Tony quickly returned the favor, hands gently resting on Peter's waist and staying there. The kiss was nicer too, not as manic as before, but just as amazing.

"Is it okay if just kiss for a while," Peter whispered, more than a little surprised by his sudden bravery.

"Darling, we can kiss until Father Time meets his end if you wanted. Just let me know," Tony chuckled before eagerly returning to the warmth of Peter's mouth.

They continued for a long time. Kissing lazily without a care in the world. So enamored by one another, they missed the scream in the distance. A terrified, blood curling scream coming from the Med Bay.

Violet's scream.