
Soldier Boy: Marvel

follow Daniel in his jorney on the MCU world while he becomes the best "hero". ***I DON'T OWN ANY CHARACTERS OR NOTHING JUST OC***

Forseti_0 · TV
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18 Chs

Training and gacha.

ch.5 Training and gacha.


It has been 9 years since I started my training, and let me tell you there were some changes around the house. Mother started working at the station with grandpa when I was 5, so I have spent most of my time with grandma around the house, it wasn't bad at all, she is a sweet lady and I just carried trash bags for her or cleaned the floor.

I started school a couple of years ago, my training time was a little affected but I saw this as an opportunity, I asked for a bicycle for Christmas last year and now, every day I go to school alone, like that I trained my cardio and had a couple of hours to myself after school.

Right now, I am in the forest facing Neches River, I am testing my nuclear blast.

'Ok, just control the energy from the chest to the arm.'

I take a breath and my chest glows a little, I move the energy to my right arm, and the glow spreads from my chest to my veins in my arm, and from my hand a ray of nuclear energy blast the River.


"hahahah! That is what I'm talking about! I shot laser from my hands! Hahahahah!"

I start to jump an celebrate like an idiot, give me a break I have been training for years and I can finally use my nuclear energy without fear of accidentally killing anyone.

I still did not try the chest blast, I have been training control and finesse when it comes to my power.

"It's too late for anymore practice, but now I am officially a badass, I can finger gun someone to death hahaha."

After laughing a little more I look for my bicycle and started to pedal home through the woods, making my way home.

"Let's see if I can break my record."

Now let me tell you something, bicycling as a super is awesome, I mean super stamina and strength is great for this, I go 70 mph in this thing, and if I fall, I'll get a scratch at worst.

"Man I can't wait for when I am 18, I'm getting the fastest motorcycle I can buy."

Has I made my way home, I gave a quick look at my gold, and I think it's a good moment to try my first big roll.

[3.731 G]

'I've saved this for a good time now, let's see if I get something good to help my trainig.'

When I arrive home, I can see my grandpa's car on the garage, so he and mom are back already. I make my way into the kitchen when I arrive, wash my hands and help my grandma setting the table.

"Careful that's hot."

My grandma warns me has I take the platter of the counter and bring to the table.

"It's not that hot."

I reply with a smile, after setting the table and getting everyone, we start to have a nice family dinner. During the desert mom gets up.

"Mom, dad I have something to say, I have been saving some money from work and this last week I have been looking at some houses, and I bought one."

At that announcement, both my grandparents stop eating; I think they are a little stunt. Therefore, to break the awaked silence I act my age a little.

"What are we doing with the house?"

"Well honey you and me are moving there, is a little closer to your school so it'll be good for you, plus the is a big backyard so you can bring your friends over."

That wakes my grandparents; the first to speak is grandpa.

"That's great honey, it's good you made plans, but isn't a little soon?"

"Soon dad? I have been here with you long enough, plus it's time I get a place of my on again, I can make a nice little home."

"I know you want to have your own place again and all, but why now all of sudden?"

"I have been thinking about this for a while dad, it's not a big deal, it's a chance for me to grow, and I want to take it."

Herald sight, in the end he knows his daughter is stubborn, so he supports her.

"Ok honey, if you want to go you should, just remember you still have us here, we'll always be here for you."

"Thank you dad, I love you."

After that talk dinner passed a little quieter but the mood was good, we'll see the house tomorrow and this weekend we'll start moving, it's a little fast but she must be eager to move to the new house. I am curious about the house but now let us get to the good stuff.


[System online]

[G- 3.731

Consumables- 25 G 250 G

Clothes- 50 G 500G

Armor- 100 G 1.000 G

Weapon- 200G 2.000 G

Character- 500 G 5.000G


I am excited it's my first time spending this much money, I want a good weapon and armor, and I'll cross my finger for a good summon.

I click on the armor section and spend 1.000G, this time a see two options. The first is a golden box alone; the second is a screen with ten silver boxes.

'Since this is my first armor and it's one to protect me it has to be really good.'

I select the golden box. After I selected the box, it started shaking, when it stop the box opened and after the light was gone, I could see…

[Netherite chest plate – Epic]

[Netherite is a material that is stronger than diamond, fire or lava cannot damaged the armor, and it has a high enchantment base.]

'… I did not expect that, but it is a great armor, stronger than diamond, I don't have to be afraid to melt the armor with my blast and I can put a shit ton of enchantments later, I mean it can take all of the games enchantments at level max.'

Putting that aside for now, I go to the next best thing. it is time to open the weapons box.

I click on the weapons and the same screen appears, one golden box or ten silver, this time I chose the ten silver boxes, right now I don't need fire power.

[Boom-stick - uncommon

Good Samaritan – rare (Hell Boy 22mm 4 rounds)

Zapp Lipstick Taser – uncommon

Freeze ray – rare

Sword of self-respect – super rare

M1911 45acp – common

Hattori Hanzo katana – uncommon

Ar-15 springfild – common

Ebony and ivory – super rare

Rambo survivor knife- common]

'Ok that is a lot a good stuff, is that Ash double barrel shotgun, no way.'

I take the boom-stick out and behold its Ash's shotgun, man I loved evil dead movies, this shotgun was Ash William companion in every fight against the Evil.

'So many iconic gun, Ebony and Ivory Dante's main pistols, 'kill bill' katana, and is that?'

[Sword of self-respect –super rare]

[A sword that made of your self-respect and values. Fight for what you believe.]

'The fuck, at least is a nice sword, I mean the purple fire and all is really cool.'

Now it's time to try my summon, I fell lucky right now, I hope I get someone useful or a hot chick would be ok too, or a hot powerful chick. Ok control yourself and focus on the task.

I give a little prayer for a good summon. 'Please be a hot ch- I mean a good summon'

I select the character, I don't have much gold so I only pay 500 G and we start, the silver box appears and I click on it, after the glow the box slowly opens and….

(Who can guess his firt summon, comment and i'll tell if your rigth)

Sorry for the cliffhanger but next chapter i'll show the summon and let me tell you, you'll never guess.

Forseti_0creators' thoughts