
Soldier Boy: Marvel

follow Daniel in his jorney on the MCU world while he becomes the best "hero". ***I DON'T OWN ANY CHARACTERS OR NOTHING JUST OC***

Forseti_0 · TV
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18 Chs

New House, new life

Ch. 6 New House, new life


It's Saturday, mom and me are moving to the new house, my grandparents decided to help us move.

When everything was pack we left to our new home, when we arrived, we saw the house. It's a beautiful two stories house with a lot of space, it's in the end of the street and there's a forest behind it.

"Wow mom, it's great."

I can't help but say it. The house is actually perfect for me, lot's of space, a forest on the backyard and it's in the end of the street so we can see anyone who comes and goes. This is going to give me so much more time to train my powers.

'Besides it's great for my summon.'

"I am happy to hear that sweetie, how about we go inside and you can chose your room."


I answer while running in the house, it's a good common American house first floor we have a kitchen, living room, laundry room and an extra empty room for whatever. The second floor we have the master bedroom, two rooms and a bathroom, last but not least we have horror movies favorite, the attic. Hope we don't have any ghosts or demons on the house.

'I'm in marvel soooo let's be careful, I meet a divine being who granted three wishes and reincarnate me with Solder Boys powers, I think ghosts can be a thing.'

After exploring the rest of the house I meet mom and the rest of the family in the living room, they are carrying the boxes from the pickup and I help. When were all finish with the boxes and cleaning the house and putting everything were it should be we get comfortable in the living room.

"I think I'm getting old, my back is killing me."

Herald say while stretching on the couch. That gets him some laughs from everyone, and mom can help but add to his suffering.

"Now you're sounding like a real grandparent."

As my grandfather was recovering from that burn, my grandma got up and said her goodbyes.

"Anyway, it getting late, we should be going now, we'll see you tomorrow honey. Goodbye my little man, I am going to missed you so much, do come visit."

"Goodbye grandma, don't worry I'll visit you after school when I can."

I gave her a hug, and said goodbye to Herald. After they left it was only me and mom in the house.

"Mom why don't you go to your room, I'll clean the dishes, you should rest."

"Aren't you tired sweetie? You been helping move all day."

"Not at all."

Lorraine smile while pulling me into a hug.

"I love you son, I want you to know that, you're the best thing that happened to me."

I am stunned for a second; I hug her back a little worried.

"I love you too mom, is everything all right? You can talk to me if something is bothering you."

I like Lorraine, if someone is messing with her I'll beat the shit out of him.

"It's nothing honey, I just a little emotional that all, we are officially in a new home, and your birthday is coming, you're going to be 10, you're growing up into a wonderful man. It feel like time is passing so fast, next thing I know you're bringing girls over."

'Okay that's going fast, calm down a little woman, I'm 9.'

I don't know what to say, it's a bit awkward trying to stay in my persona like this, I mean what I'm supposed to say to that has a 9 year old.

"I'll go wash the dishes, good night mom sleep well."

Tactical retreat, we will talk tomorrow.


After mom was asleep, I left the house from the back yard, I'm in a black ninja costume that I used for hollowing, yes I know it's ridiculous but it does the job. I go deep in the forest and make sure there isn't anyone around me, when I'm completely sure no one is in the woods, I check my summon.

[Spriggan Earth Mother - Super rare]

[They may be identified by their purple halo effect and taller, more muscular form, in contrast to the green halo and slender silhouette of a regular spriggan. They are usually accompanied by one or two spriggans and/or bears or wolves that keep their opponent busy while they swoop in for their attack.

Little is known of the mysterious Spriggans, save that they revere Skyrim's forested regions, and will defend these regions with their lives. Some spriggans may be encountered hiding in trees.

Their most notable ability is their tendency to enthrall the nearby wildlife, including animals not normally hostile like deer, dogs and foxes, to come to their aid. Summoned animals bear a distinct purple aura and the effect cannot be overridden by normal means.

They have the ability to use the Invisibility spell, heal themselves and allies quickly when low on health, and attack their target with a unique Destruction spell Leaf Blast, and summon a swarm of killer wasp, which attack and poison their target. Even in close quarters, they can also pose a fatal threat: they can swipe at the enemy with their claw-like appendages, which contain a poison known as "Spriggan Poison" described as "Saplike poison"

They are said to have a 25% weakness to fire and often seem to collapse under a concentrated fire attack.

Spriggan Earth Mother are able to completely restore their health multiple times, unlike the normal spriggans, which only fully regenerate their health once. This makes slashing them to death in standard fashion a decidedly tedious chore.]

I still can't believe, I got a crazy good summon, it's a protector of nature with stealth, I mean she can turn fucking invisible, I'm going to summon her.

While having magic would be sweet I don't know how it would affect my future right now, I don't have a teacher and honestly there is better magic in this world, plus plant magic isn't my thing.

I click on her on my screen and it pops up.

[Synchronize] [Summon]

I don't waste a second and click on summon, I don't know what I was expecting, a flash of light or a gate, hell even a magic circle like in animes.

But nothing like that happen, it was fast one moment I'm alone in the deep forest, the next in front of me there is a purple tree like naked woman in front of me, there she was levitating and curiously looking at me.

I stared back at her has she looked at me, she looked from top to bottom and I did the same to her. I reached out my hand and touched her cheek.

"I always wondered what it would be like to touch someone like you. Would your skin fell human or something, now I know."

I remember when I played Skyrim, all those other races, how would they looked if they were real, if you hugged a khajiit would it be like hugging a giant cat? Skyrim is a world of dragons, giants, ghosts and Gods. I used to play hours and hours of that wonderful game.

"Now I known, it's strange but not in a bad way, I can feel you're a living being."

Man what a strange and good life I have, thank you God for giving me this life.

Here you go, new chapter, my next summons are going to be epic i can barely wait to show you guys, the lore of the Spriggans is mysterious and unexplained so I'm going to use that.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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