
Soldier Boy: Marvel

follow Daniel in his jorney on the MCU world while he becomes the best "hero". ***I DON'T OWN ANY CHARACTERS OR NOTHING JUST OC***

Forseti_0 · TV
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18 Chs

Happy birthday

Ch. 8 Happy birthday


It has been a few days since I summon the spriggan, that night I got back home after testing her abilities and let me tell you she has some good powers, she can travel from tree to tree through their roots, it not very fast but it's impossible to see. When she commended the birds around us I could see a purple glow on their eyes, they followed her commend like it was natural, but after she couldn't keep the spell for long before re-casting.

I asked to see her hand and it was normal, she could make her fingers grow into claws with the poison on them, I took some of the poison in my hand and it's like a sap.

When I tried talking to her, she did not speak but I could feel what she wanted to communicate to me, it is hard to understand. I asked her how she felt about me. She sees me has someone precious, a leader or guardian to her.

I got lost in exploring her powers and talking to her, for the first time I had someone else to share my secrets and help me, when I saw the sun rising in the distance I asked if she can take me home without being seen she embraced me and cast a invisibility spell on us before carrying me home.

Now she is inside the tree in my backyard, I can feel her looking at my window wishing me good morning.


My door opens and Lorraine enters my room. "Good morning birthday boy, how did you sleep?"

She brought a tray with breakfast and set it up on my bed. "Good morning mom, I slept well, thank you for the breakfast I'm just excited to see grandma and the rest of the family for my party. It's the first party on our new house."

Lorraine smiles at me, she hugs and kisses me a little. "Well I have a present for you and after the party…" She hesitates for a little and I can see she is struggling with something.

"Anyway today is a big day, your turning 10 this is your first mile stone, my little boy is growing up. Your grandparent's are coming after breakfast to help organize your party so eat and get ready."

'Huh something is bothering her, it's been like that ever since we moved, but the spriggan didn't see anything out of the ordinary around the house, I have to ask her what is going on.'

I eat my food and get ready for my grandparents, when I go down the stairs someone rings the bell.

"Who is it?"

"Daniel it's me, open the door and help me with the bags."

I open the door to see my grandparents; Herald is holding many bags for the party. "Hey buddy can you help me put this in the kitchen."

"Sure grandpa, what is all of this?" I ask as I help him with the bags.

"This is for the party. We have hamburgers, sausage, garlic bread and steak. All we need for a great barbecue."

'Its official you're my favorite grandparent.'

Herald seeing me salivating laugh a little. " Calm down little man, we have to cook first, why don't you help me with the grill and we can get started?"

"Ok grandpa."

I went on my mission to prepare the barbecue.



I am nervous, today I'll tell Daniel about his father, I promised Peggy and I can't delay it anymore, he is growing and I can feel in my gut that he is special like his father. The sooner I talk to him the better. I remember what Steve used to say about the red skull, a man consumed by greed for power.

'I won't let my son end like that. I'll teach him that power cannot be abused, like his father he should protect not harm.'

I open the door to the backyard and see the party, Daniel is playing with his friends, and the adults are all talking and laughing. Man are on the grill drinking beers and playing with the meat, while the woman are siting under the shade gossiping.

I made my way to my dad. "Hey dad glad to see you on the grill, anything ready?"

"You're just in time, the burgers are ready and I'm about to cut the first steak."

Like magic, Daniel appears by my side with a dish. "Can I have two burgers, sausage and steak please?"

I swear this kid eats more than a bear; maybe it is because he is growing up? I hope his appetite doesn't increase with his age.

"Enjoying your birthday honey?"

"Yes mom thank you for the party, do you want to eat with me?"

I nod and take some food for myself, we find a seat at the table and soon everyone sits to eat lunch, it's a pleasant afternoon we barely felt the time passing and it's time for the cake.

We sing happy birthday and Daniel opens his presents, lots of toys and a BB gun from my father that Daniel loved.

"In a couple of years I'll take you hunting just like you mother, so you better practice."

"Thank you grandpa I loved it."

'Great I hope he doesn't shot the window or break anything.'

After that the party ended and everyone went home, I was saying goodbye to my parents. "Drive safe and call me when you get home."

My mother hugs me. "Relax honey we can take care of ourselves, besides I'm driving."

At that comment, my father was offended. "I just had a couple beers, it's not that big of a deal, but your mother is right better safe than sorry."

"Bye grandpa I loved the gift, and don't worry I'll practice so we can go hunting."

"Hahaha that my grandson, sleep well and happy birthday." My father says while hugging Daniel.

"Bye Daniel I hope you like the cake, I made it myself." She says and them kisses his cheeks.

"I loved the cake grandma thank you for making it, love you."

"Ok you, let's go home now."

After they enter the car, Herald rolls the window and yells. "Careful with that BB gun, your mother once shoot your grandmothers crystal vase when she was your age!"

After that unnecessary information from my father, they left. Now it's time to talk to Daniel.

I take a deep breath. "Daniel could you please come here for a second."

"What is it mom?"

"I still didn't give you a gift. Wait here I'll brig it."

I went to my room and took a box. I come down stairs and put it on the living room table. Then I closed all the windows so no one will see us.

"This is from a friend of your father, she gave me this and now it's yours. Son I know you are curious about who your father was, I told you he was a good man that is no longer with us. Now I'll tell exactly who is your father and why I didn't tell you until now."

I take a deep breath and tell him the truth.

"Your father was Steve Rogers. You also known him has Captain America."

(VOTE TIME: next chapter is a long one and a time skip so lets put this out of the way, Lorraine love interest?)

(Lorraine pic)



tomorrow there will be a chapter!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Forseti_0creators' thoughts