
Part 5

***At city hall***

***Y/N POV***

"hey Y/N" Nathan grabbed her hand stopping her in place "do you remember the test everyone had to do at school"

"yeah what about it" i asked

"what did you get"

"i don't know they wouldn't tell me"

"why" Nathan was confused

"they said it was invalid then sent me on my way" i confessed

"hm ok then"

with that said we walked in to begin the ceremony. There were thousands of people gathered around in the main hall.

"ok everyone please take your seats so we can start" said the test keeper

me and Nathan split ways and waited for our names to be called. Since Nathan requested that i do the test with him we will be called to choose at the same time.

*After a long wait*

"Nathan and Y/N of sector 3 please come this way" a tall woman with short hair spoke with a calm voice.

Me and Nathan stood up and made our way to the back room where everything was done and set. We were each handed a glass with a clear liquid. We were then put in separate rooms, the walls were covered in mirrors and a single chair sat in the center.

"you must be Y/N, please take a seat and we can start"

a girl with beautiful dark skin spoke from behind me causing me to jump slightly

"uh yeah ok" i walked over to the chair and sat down

"Now if you remember the test they did in primary school this will be almost the same with only minor changes ok" she explained as she got everything set up.

she placed sensors on my temples and forehead, she then placed a few on my chest.

"this should be quick and painless so please relax and we can get started"

I closed my eyes and the test began.

****Nathan's POV****

After going to my designated room I was given a quick run through of what will happen and what to expect. The test was like a visual simulation but only the test taker could see what was happening, which is the same test i did in primary school.

"ok whenever you are ready we can start the test" said one of the people monitoring the test

I closed my eyes and waited for it to begin and within seconds it did. Suddenly I was back home sitting in the dining hall with my mom. In the center of the table there were 2 baskets. The first one held a knife and the second one held a piece of bread. I walked to the first basket and examined the knife. It had a stainless steel blade along with a beautifully hand carved wooden handle. I held it in my hands a little bit longer before putting it back but before I could place it back in the basket I realized the basket was gone.

'what?' i thought to myself. my thoughts were cut short as i heard someone laugh, out of curiosity i turned around to figure out where it was coming from. It was a young girl she stood across from what looked like a small dog. i looked down to see i still had the knife in hand

'what am i supposed to do?' i asked myself as i looked back up at the girl only to see she no longer had a smile but a frightened look, i followed her gaze to a not so small and innocent dog. The dog now had a viscous look showing his teeth and getting ready to charge.

"Hey kid you need move" i hollered but if fell on def ears

The next thing I saw was the dog charging and without thinking I ran into action, I held the knife tightly as I pushed the little girl out of the way and tackled the dog down to the ground. the dog gave up one hell of a fight then it went still, i looked down to see the dog was gone but the little girl was still there

"hey didn't you hear me call out to you to move out of the way" i asked but got no answer, that was till she leans in and whispered 'you can't hide forever' then the test was over

"Ok now that that is over there is only one last part you must do and that is to choose to stay or go" the worker then handed me a tablet with the different sectors on it.

each sector has different cores and beliefs :

sector 1 - selflessness

sector 2 - bravery

sector 3 - intelligence

sector 4 - peace and prosperity

sector 5 - honesty

I stared at the tablet before making my final decision.

****Y/N's POV****

the test was starting in...





the room went dark and stayed that way for a few minutes before it suddenly got bright. I was confused because the room was empty, the walls were wight matching the floor, then it was as if there was a glitch in the system and suddenly there were trees as far as I could see. as i looked around i heard singing but what's weird is it seemed to be surrounding me, i was starting to feel uneasy just standing in place so i started walking. as i walked the voice got louder so i started to run but the closer i ran the louder it got in till it just stopped. my running slowed to a stop as i realized i was now standing in a large clearing, then the voice came back but it was a whisper this time i wasn't going to run i had to figure out where it was coming from. I turned around and that's when I found it, the voice came from a woman who seemed to be holding something. the closer i looked the more i realized she was holding a baby.

"it's ok sweetie everything is going to be ok" she whispered to the baby

out of the corner of my eye i saw a dark figure walk up behind her holding what looked to be a gun

"hey lady look out" i yelled but all she did was hold the baby closer.

then a second figure came into view. this one walked right up to her and took the baby right from her hands and all she did was sit there and cry.

"don't just sit there doing something!" i yelled but she did nothing

'i won't this happen' i thought to myself, rushing in front of the person who took the baby trying to stop them but nothing worked, then i heard the click of the gun as it got ready to fire

"NO!" i yelled and rushed in front of the person shooting just as the shot was fired but i was too late.

she laid there in a pool of blood and it was like time stopped and everything went silent till the sound of the women's cry's mixed with the baby's broke out and surrounding me, my head started to throb and my body started to ache as if everything was shutting down, then everything stopped.

"hey Y/N are you ok" the worker asked as she shook my shoulder pulling me back to reality.

i looked around to see i was back in the testing room "uh yeah i'm ok is the test over?"

"yeah you finished just in time" she answered as she grabbed her tablet

"what do you mean" i asked

"well just as your test ended the system crashed luckily all your data was saved so now all you have to do is choose" she explained handing me the tablet for me to chose

I stared at the tablet unsure 'what am i supposed to choose? the test gave me no answers' i asked myself then i thought of what Nathan told me.

i took a deep breath and selected

"sector 2 chosen" the tablet spoke out

the worker looked at me with a smile "i hope you chose wisely because you can't change it now"

and with that i was released to go meet up with Nathan and the others of our sector before leaving to head to our new home