
Part 4

***Y/N's POV***

after an amazing shower, I walked back into the room I stayed in to change into the outfit that Nathan set out for me.

it was the slandered choosing day attire accept this one was in better shape then the others i have seen from previous years.

i tied my H/C hair back in a high pony and went out to met Nathan so we could leave.

***Nathan's POV***

i took a shower and got ready. today was the day i make my choice to leave or stay, and i am happy to say i'm leaving. i will no longer have to live a lie, or under the constant judgment of my parents.

i stepped out of my room only to bump into my father who didn't seem to happy

"whats wrong" i asked as i helped him pick up some papers that had fallen from his hands.

"oh its nothing your mother and i just had another fight but don't worry it was nothing too serous" he responded not looking at me

"what was it about this time"

"oh it was nothing really she was just worried about how close you have gotten to this girl you helped, she's afraid you may have a thing for her or something. i tried to tell her that it was ok even if you did and she just started screaming saying that she wont allow it and a bunch of other things"

i took what he said and thought about it 'why would she act like that its so out of character for her

"but enough about that are you ready for the choosing?" he asked 

"yeah but i was meaning to tell you that i was going to the ceremony with Y/N"


he looked concerned but quickly shook it off

"well i guess that's ok i will just have to notify your mother"

just then i saw Y/N leave her room wearing the outfit i had given her and she looked really nice

"hey Y/N wait up" i called out to her startling her a bit

i bid good bye to my dad and went over to her

"i hope the dress fits ok it was one my sister refused to wear she said it made her look fat"

"oh well it fits great but you didn't have to give this to me i could've worn my own close"

"yeah i know but i thought this would look better on you and it dose but anyway lets go or else we will be late"

and with that we left the house and headed to city hall