
So I Recounted As Demon Lord

The greatest, kind-hearted human on earth died and before he knew what happened to him, he reincarnated as a Demon. It wasn’t just any kind of demon… it was the DEMON LORD. Now he finds himself between the Hero to different kinds of kingdoms. And Empires wanted him dead again. Between his evil servant to his own desire to make world peace

ClownOfHeart · Fantasía
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4 Chs


(I can't believe is been five days) Tell to itself a man of wearing a big robe with the colors red and yellow's line in the sleeves and choker with gems on it and about is Appearance he Was tell with thick horns and with beautiful face with dark green eyes and hair white colors like is skin color with huge black wings of simler somehow to bat he was very human alike if you choose to ignore is wings and horns.

And the aura he spread around feels tightening and Evil (Only three days after I died on Earth and I find me in this body in some kind of fantasy world) all of this is what he said in his mind during the time he walks inside big passageway with red meat on the floor and under it the real floor of look like Chess Board with grey stone walls with torches stick to it.

Next to am being stood two big demons with black armor and holding swords in each hand and to every sword as one red cristal in is handle's edge just follow am around not for arm am to guard am "Hey tell me again what is the problem" said the man with evil aura to the demons his voice sound clem and relax in the time he didn't feel that way, The demon who stands on the right says "The human and the dwarfs be come allis and start to knock out our troops from the kingdom of re-tary".

"So you telling me of the conquest of five months going to be doom because the humans and the dwarfs who live in this land for the last 600 years for my info and fight each other also for the last 600 years for unknown reasons become friends now?".

"Y...yes MY LORD!" The last two words he yelled this was a sign of royalty to the Demon lord among the curse races the Demon Lord smiled and move on (I'm happy they finally selected peace over war maybe I can use somehow my power to bring more peace to the world) He tells to himself.

After a few minutes of walking around the passageway, they stood next to the huge door in the color brown and golden handles after the door were open both demons stood on guard outside the room in the time the Demon lord come inside to what of seems like a Royal Room just like in the passageway.

This place also has red meat which shows the way to the Throne in the time he walks to the Throne he looks around and sees a lot of Evil figures kneel front of am between them he sews.

Female vampire she as blond hair color with red eyes her skin was so white to pallor her face look like of naive girl even she seems to am like 18 years old to am and she wears leather armor in red color with white pair of pants and also very beautiful bow was in her hand he have to say this was one to beautiful bows he sews when he comes here the bow was a great combination of black and white colors and where she needed to put her arrows in this bow there was one purple gem instead the hole she didn't have an arrow with her so he guesses of that is magic bow.

Next to her was a skeleton or if be more correct Elder Lich with a robe just like the Demon lord but in the time the Demon lord's robe was to show his royalty his Robe was for combat the robe was in the colors black with green lines and toss green lines move from up to down and he has great stuff on is back with a huge red gem in the first edge and blue gem in the second edge and the rest of the stuff was made from gold.

And on the second side of the room was a demon of looked very elegant with a black suit and white tie his face give you the feeling of someone you can trust and rely on whit his simple smile and his noble eyes show with toss simple thing something no more but royalty he has the face of a model white skin color and black hair and yellow color eye he didn't sew any weapon on am like the anther two.

The last one was someone who look an angle but with black white wings and his aura gave the feeling of some kind of evil but good am he wore full plate armor with shine blue color and in the middle of the armor was a symbol of a lion with wings and horns in the yellow color and have two great swords also shiny blue color in his back and they seem helf of is hight and he was the tallest one in the room.

The room itself was dark the only light was on the four figures and am in the room and the Thorne itself and what it could see was behind the Thorne big flag of Imp with wings holding the head of a dead human for the info of the correct demon lord the imp in the flag is the first demon lord and also 22 fancy lecterns except form this he sews nothing else in this room.

"Report", He says when site on is Thorne at this moment the demon stood up "Yes MY LORD" the Demon lord recognize am as the one who responsible on they armory Shat Ziz descendant to one of the three demons noble families and when it comes to the royalty to the demon lord there are no questions about that of the royal to am in body and soul more then normals servants "The humans and the dwarfs in the kingdom of re-tary stop the war and team up against us and now our five months we there we work so hard for destroyed the magic barrier is about to be doomed seems like if we not take action here and now" the magic barrier is speaking about build by the dwarfs 600 years ago and when they build this they found human's colony what of starting the war for calming the land.

"If I you late me MY LORD" next to speak was the Elder Lich Era she was the main strategist of the Demon lord's army sign her 'yes' with his head "90% of our troops there can live without food or water" she knew that because this her area to conquer "I was thinking to take a risk and take back the 10% who need the food and water to survive and after this poison they food and water supply with magic the only reason I didn't do it right now this because of toss 10%".

"You can redo the magic?".

"Yes MY LORD I can redo the magic but the damage will be done so this takes a few years for the land to grow food and give clean water to drink again".

"I see sorry Era think on different plan ok even the 600 years of was there toss lands always was the biggest Agriculture Zone in Doku continent this will be a shame to lose it".

"Yes so in this case I will use plan B".

there was silence "Ok but the survivors late them stay a life if they humans late stay there and work the ground for food if they dwarf late them come to here dwarf's Smits his very good this will be sad to lose it and be nice to the survivors ok and don't late them dead Era they price for survive no matter what they race will be good act from our side and they live" (I can't believe I speak about killing lives in war no start to speak this is my side who start this when they come and tell me 'hey you are our lord now).

the Vampire stood up her name was Regina Erfd she was the one who charge the guards outside the private continent Dpeath where live the demon lord and his followers in and she was the best ranger reconding to info the demon lord has "MY LORD if I allowed I know of this my job to guard, Outside the continent but my spies find out the hero locations" everyone froze even the demon lord was speechless "Ok and what you think to do with this?.

"If you late me I want to go out there and kill am" everyone starts to move again and laugh they know the history no one can stop the demon lord or the hero except the dragons is like tossing two was their very own race of close to the gods "Stop" and with this everyone else stops they laugh and giggle "And what makes you think, You can win if this because of this hero is human from this last 1600 years? , If this is your main reason so this is a very foolish one".

"I promise you of the fact the hero is a human not at all my reason for that".

"So what it is".

"Maybe is unlike the cursed item before 1000 years ago but, I have something good enough to kill am".

"Mmmm, Sorry but no you have something else to tell me or not like where is the hero now or if we going to be under attack very soon?".

"The hero is in the holy Kingdom of Jau and about invasion to our homeland the Empire of oipam in the continent Depo start to move they warships very soon".

"So destroyed them before they move this I allowed to you".

Next stood up the one who seemed like a helve angle and a helve follan is name was Malach Yasqut he was the one who guards the inside of the continte and every living being in this world will agree of he also one of the strongest worriers in this world just to fight against being mean death you consider lucky if you still alive after fight am.

"MY LORD I just like the anthers don't have info or ideas but I do have gifts for you".

"Really and what this is?".

"Sword" after he reaches to his pocket and gets their red knife "This sword alive and reacts to your touch I guess you can say is magic but in some times unique one because you are the only one who can use it he has four different powers level and effect whant for me to explain?".

"No need" the demon lord smiled "Thank you very much for this gift".

After he realized back on earth he had never gotten any gift from toss he helped in the past but he tells himself ("This ok I don't it for presents") and even birthdays gifts he never gets (Well I was an orphan and the adults don't have time to celebrate each one birthday").

Malach goes all the way to the Thorne and knee when he was in the fort of the demon lord and gives the sword for being the demon lord take it and the little red knife become medium size red sword with inside his handle four gems in different color and toss are White, Black, Yellow and Green "this very beautiful thanks Malach" and with gratitude from Malach side he goes back to his place.

"So this is all for today?" and at one every say "Yes" and they own way "Great so go out and do your job on the best way I know you can do it" and with that, Each one stands up again from the knee and goes out of the door.

Alone site, on the Thorne "Maybe I don't like it but I can use this power I have here to make this world better".