

An inside room made out of metal different kinds of weapons and armor from bows to guns from attacking stuff to healing stuff and armors of different size shapes and also different materials inside the room were the demon lord and Shat Ziz "Thank you very much for coming to the armory I don't take any of your time"

"This ok tell me what you need"

"Is about the quality of our items, I have to say MY LORD your something, not from this world you sew the problem before me, Just like you see most of our items here are more commons ones than magic or our best build curse once I see now why you refuse to kill the dwarfs in the meeting yesterday you are great"

("The only reason I refuse to kill them this because I dislike killing but where am I now I need to use my powers to kill the lasts I can")

"Well if this only reason you called me I will be on my way"

"Not at all I just wanted you to know of Era took the devil's stuff with her to the kingdom of re-tary" the devil's stuff of one of the 6 main items belonging to the demon lord gear everyone can use them but only the demon lord can awak they true power "And why u give this to her?"

"She said this is for plan B I hope you don't mind," he said scared from the fact of his master no happy about this and he let it know about this after he did it "This ok Era is not our main strangest no for nothing I sure the item will be good on her hand but still to get this item there..... just show how weak this army"

"MY LORD no I swear in your true name Sadar Uuma Shed of I Shat Ziz will be more royal than before" Shat was royal to am but what of made am to swear this oath of royalty was because he sews Sadar Uuma Shed as someone of seeing to the further and recanted different situations by one person act ("Aaa way he doing this now? I only wanted to make a more clem I sew how scared he was and when I said the army was weak I meant the stuff only summons a bunch of weak demons")

Inside a huge field full of grass there is an army full of skeletons and zombies and some trained trolls in front of the army were Era holding stuff with some kind of red golden color and smell statue of a demon of the inside of it there is a red gem in the edge of it "My lady are you sure this is ok?" ask zombie with soldier's uniform "Yes our lord lat me the approval for this" and with this, the zombie left and she started to cast the spell and huge magic circle appear out of nowhere and with this purple monsters with smell horns and huge size wings come out to toss monsters was called a gargoyle and with this, they attacks and killed every human and dwarf they sew this was a bloodshed something like 5 hours later all the gargoyles are dead by the combine troops but all the kingdom ended up a hostage because the power of the summons gargoyles was to much to the level of the army numbers want from 900,000 to 10,000 and because of this numbers diffrant they give up and the kingdom of re-tary fell down

In the see huge numbers of warships with flags of Imp with wings holding the head of dead human and the main ship standing in the middle of this great military power was Regina Erfd and Malach Yasqut "We close to Oipam Regina are you sure when the lord says to take care of it he meant another invasion?"

"He said 'So destroyed them before they move' so this means only this no?"

"But a lot of our powers right now on re-tary and start with smell and unexpired troop war with the empire of oipam now? are you sure I think he only means only about they warships"

"Well, we come with me to the end no?"

"You know a bit about me in the end no?"

''True true well last just move on we close, Magic-casters pot your mana to the cannons every one else starts to move to exist and wait she will open"

And with this bunch of magic-casters between them low-level Lichs, Imps, and anthers start to load their mana's to the cannons, and a lot of different trained monsters just like goblins or huge rats was in fort the door and wait for it to be open

"Fire" and with this one word the cannons shot

"something coming this way fast ..... WE UNDER ATTACK" and with a yell, there was one big boom sound, and one by one each one of the simpler warships was gone, and the strongest ones start to be damaged by the attacks, in the end, the magic caster's mana was gone also but the fight has no done yet because the remaining ships start to attack with they very own cannons and with this Regina ordered to escape and they escape but no before they lose two from they very own ships.

"They have gone Captian" silent They start to move to the captain's room "We wait for your orders" they opened to door inside they sew the dead captain's head on the table and next to it was an unknown man with black and white wings in the dark side of the room holding two greats swords in blue shiny color "No is that....."

"MALACH YASQUT" And when they get who is the one on the ship some try to be brave and fight and some try to escape but is no help in the blink of an eye Malach killed all the soldiers on the ship and jumps from the ship to ship and kill all the other soldier non survived

After this, oipam's warships get on fire from the flags (Red colored with bluebird) and down to the decks "Good job malach"

"Shat it, I hope you know what you doing because if you going to touch this land and not just the sea I think the lord will dislike it"

"Don't worry I promise you after today we will give am happiness"

"If I have done for today?"

"Not yet but you can take a break"

with this Malach returned to the warship and back to his room

"My emperor bad news," said a soldier in the time a walk to the emperor's Thorne room of his floor made out gold, and the glass makes the room shine like the light of heaven site in fancy Thorne red color hair man with blue eyes whit white skin and Shiny gold armor with Red shiny medium size sword in his hand and next to sites four women to serve am the first feed am the second clean his hair the third sings for am and the last one just hug am "What can happen now? The adventures killed the big bees last week"

"That is the demon lord's army they attack us" with this the emperor become more series and level the room and the ladies and come out to the war room

This room was made unlike the Thorne room with simple stones and in the middle of the room was a table of showed the empire map and two of the neighbors she borders with and like this was with two figures one was a black skin man with black hair and browns eyes and wear black metallic armor and his the main weapon was mace seems like the second one was a white skin woman with a modal face (her face remind abit the face of the black skin man) with blond hair and blue eyes color also wear black metallic armor and she didn't have any weapon on her but she does have a metal glove in her hands "Only you here the Baip sibs? where are the anther generals"

"Fight and protect the port city reconding to report we have MalachYasqut is with toss forces, And because we were under attack of warships we guess of also Regina Erfd with am"

"Like of my brother says because we count to be your weakest generals every one agrees of we give to you the report"

"You didn't think of this was a need to give me soldier to report weak or not you still have your job to do never forget our civilian always come first" there was quit in the room "Well quick give the report witch port city they attack?"

"They attack Maj" and with this, the emperor live the room and signs to the sibs to follow his lead "Open portal now," He said to the robe cover figur "Yes" and with this, They come inside the portal and teleport to Maj "Soldiers make sure of every each of our civilian will get out of the city, The soldier of having the rookie badge will do the evacuation the ones who above the rookie help the generals to hold them back". and with this, Each one of the soldiers does his job and one by one the city was cleaned out of the civilian "Emperor," said the man with black hair and blue eyes with some kind of black white skin color wear Metalic black armor and his main weapon was huge hammer "Jup Baip why you send to me your little sibs and not come with them?"

"Sorry if this was rude but they more fast them soldier so I chose to give them to you"

"I see and if this true and you sew Malach Yasqut?"

"Indeed I sew am with my very own eyes"

"He bad like the tells?"

"I sew am get inside the warship without no body notice am and get inside the captain's room and kill and after this, it took to kill each one of the soldiers in the ship just five seconds"

"There survivors?"

"Only one but she was quick when we sew her maybe she is on trauma"

"Show me the lady" after this they walk to a tower made of stones and magic iron "open the magic barrier" they walk inside and go up to the last floor after this Jup opens a simple brown door with an iron handle

Inside the room were a few weapons on the floor and a box of there site little girl with black hair and blue eyes with the cloth she wear she looked like one of a noble she look very gloomy "Maybe she was the daughter of one of the nobles of come to help our troops today but we still don't know which family she belongs to"

"Take her out of the city now" and with this Jup take the girl with his two hands and run out from the tower ("What I can do now I know can fight against this stupid vampire but Malach different story what I can do?") In the time he think Malack come in a fort of his eyes"AAAA" the emperor fell to the floor "I can I here to talk don't worry" The emperor quick stand up and replace his scared face to some kind of the face of hunted animal try to scare her hunter "I listened"

"I want to end it up without too much bloodshed you agree with me there is a need to end without any more loses from both sides right?"

"Right we are the only ones who lose"

"I speak with Regina she stops the attack for two weeks only now you have two options give up or prepper to war your choice"

"We don't give up I know what you doing to the one who loses your cruse ones"

"The demon lord Sadar Uuma Shed say to show mercy to losers"