
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Cómic
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171 Chs

Flower Mountain

"Next, Yamaguchi Eri." Aizawa droned as he called for the next student to perform ball throw. For most he didn't look any different than he usually looked, utterly disinterested, but that was the furthest thing from the truth as he was making sure to keep an eye on this potential problem student.

Yamaguchi Eri, to be perfectly honest her personality and athletic abilities should have made her a perfect student along with the fact that she was responsible with her quirk but there was one fact about her that made her potentially the most problem student in the history of problem students; and it wasn't even her fault. It was her family, her grandfather to be specific.

Yamaguchi Isaburo, the former boss of the strongest remaining yakuza group in Japan. A man with honor and code but also with a very long criminal record that neither the police or heroes were able to prove. Aizawa had no idea why exactly was that the granddaughter of a yakuza was trying to become a hero but he knew one thing, it was troublesome.

"Ninety nine meters." He droned the result, which was rather impressive for someone without a quirk to enhance their strength even if it wasn't exactly plus ultra, and watched the girl go back to the rest of the students.

After her he had to deal with the other potential problem student, this one had earned the moniker with his actions. Honestly, he did not even want to think what on earth had motivated a kid into entering the school with a quirk that destroyed his body to the point of making him a liability in the field would enter the school. There was a reason he had not exactly given the kid a high score in hero points during the exam, saving one person in exchange of your life did not change the number of dead people.

So with the intent to make the kid understand exactly what kind of dangerous life he was trying to enter, he erased his quirk and then gave him a small speech about how he did not show the potential to be a hero.

Was it cruel of him? Maybe. It definitely would be better than having the kid go home in a body bag because he let him pursue this path.

So it was a pleasant surprise to see that the kid had some amount of brains and talent which he used in order to focus all the strength into the tip of his finger, breaking only the finger instead of his whole arm as it would have happened if Aizawa hadn't stopped him before.

"Sensei… I can… still move." The damn brat said with a forced smile and tears around his eyes as he clenched his fist with the broken finger.

Truly, a real problem student.


Midoriya Izuku, the one who inherited the great quirk of Allmight, One for All, could only stare in horror at his placement as the lowest score in the class and the words of Eraserhead echoed in his head.

'The one who places the lady in the test will be immediately expelled.'

This was it. His big moment of failure. He had just failed Allmight himself who must be regretting putting any amount of hope in a 'Deku' like him. He would more than likely ask for One for All back before Midoriya went home and then start teaching a class without him in hopes to find somebody who was actually worthy of his power and…

"Oh, by the way I lied about the whole expulsion thing."


"It was a logical ruse in order to make you all show the best possible results." Eraserhead claimed with a wide grin and Izuku could feel the relief fill his body.

"HUH?!" But there was also a certain amount of shock too.

"Oh, by the way, Midoriya." The teacher called out to him with a 'come here' gesture and then handed him a slip of paper.

"Go to Recovery Girl and have your finger looked."

"Ah, sensei, I can heal it if it's okay." A voice came from behind him and Midoriya turned to see Yamaguchi-san.

"Hmm, sure, I guess." Eraserhead said with a shrug and Yamahuchi-san grabbed Midoriya by hand, making him instantly go red due to being so close to a girl and actually being touched by one.

But then the horn on her forehead started to emit a low glow and then Midoriya could feel his finger return to its normal state and saw that it was no longer an unhealthy purple.

"Oh, t-thank you." Midoriya said with a bow while Yamaguchi-san simply waved him away.

"It's no big deal, we both aim to be heroes after all." Yamaguchi-san said with an angelic smile and Midoriya affirmed the holy truth that he knew since his childhood once more in his mind.

UA was the best.


Ashido Mina was having a blast. She was in UA, the best hero school in the country, and had just spent a whole day using her quirk in activities where she normally would not be allowed to do so among people who had similar interests as her's. And even Kirishima was here, and she had horns of her own now!

Best day evah!

Speaking of horns though…

"Eri-chan, are you going alone?" Mina asked the other person in the class with a horn and the white haired girl smiled at her.

"No, my sister said she's coming to get me with… a friend. I'm waiting for them." She said with a smile.

"A friend, could it be a boyfriend instead?" Mina asked with a teasing tone as she wiggled her eyebrows at Eri-chan and the girl simply shook her head.

"Oh no, he's not my boyfriend. That would be awkward."

"Huh, what do you…" Before she could properly ask what she wanted to ask, a black limo of all things parked in front of them and a beautiful woman with black hair and a medical mask on her face stepped out of it.


"Chisaki-nee!" Her fellow horned student cried out with joy as she hugged the older woman who patted her back with an awkward energy coming off of her.

"I'm so happy to see you." Eri-chan said with a smile and the sight of it made Mina want to kneel down and pray as there seemed to be an Angel ready to hear her prayers.

"So am I, let's go. Toga and Bubaigawara are making dinner." She said but before Eri-chan could get into the car, someone else stepped out of the car and for a moment Mina forgot how to breathe.

She had seen big dudes before but the man who had just gotten out of the car was not simply big, he also felt big with muscles straining against his white suit and the sight of his scarred face made him quite a bit more frightening than most big people she had seen, with the exception of… that guy.

"Eri." He said as he looked downed at the white haired girl who simply smiled before, much to Mina's shock, jumped and wrapped her arms around his neck before starting to kiss him.

"I missed you." The girl with horn whispered out as she got down from the man's neck and Mina could swear that there was a small smile on his face. But Mina had a question.

"Eri-chan, I thought he wasn't your boyfriend." Mina said and her question was clear. 'Why did you kiss him?'

Eri-chan looked at her with a face of confusion before she smiled.

"He isn't my boyfriend. This is Kaoru, my fiancé." Mina's mind, officially blown.



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