
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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171 Chs

The Disgraced One-2

Ichimaru Gin would like to consider himself to be a smart and not so easily shaken guy. It was kind of a requirement in order to stay alive as Aizen's right hand man instead of one of her test subjects. But there were times he could get surprised as well.

Like the time Aizen brought a very non hollow guy with a lot of tattoos to Las Noches and claim that she found him in the desert.

"Aizen-sama, are you sure that bringing this… Sukuna here was wise?" Kaname Tousen, the blind wonder, asked with a tilt of his head as he gazed at Aizen from behind his shades. Gin liked Tousen at times like this, questioning the very questionable actions of Aizen so that Gin didn't have to do it.

"You do not have to worry, Tousen. I am quite confident that Sukuna won't cause any problems to our goals, in fact I'd say his presence will work quite in our favor." The most dangerous woman Gin had ever met said with a smile while her mind was likely making thousands of possible changes to their plans due to the addition of this 'Sukuna' to their ranks, each one more sinister than the last one. Gin couldn't wait for the chance to kill her to come.

"And where is Sukuna-kun at the moment?" Gin asked with his signature smile, hiding his less than pleasant intentions towards Aizen as easily as he breathed.

"He is having a… tour of Las Noches to speak. I have Cirucci escorting him." Aizen said as she put her cheek to her fist.

"Now then, on other matters…" Before the traitorous Shinigami could complete her sentence, they felt the rising of spiritual pressure and… something else. Something sinister.

"That idiot." Aizen sighed softly and got up from her throne, looking quite calm to anyone looking but years of experience meant that Gin knew that she wasn't exactly calm.

She was annoyed.


Cirucci Sanderwicci didn't know what was so special about this human spirit Aizen-sama had assigned her to escort but she wasn't going to complain. Mostly because she was kinda glad that her lady hadn't simply forgotten her existence after demoting her from the ranks of Espada, an event that still stung even to this day.

And, to be perfectly honest, the eye candy that came with the job wasn't so bad. It was quite an upgrade compared to most of the other Arrancars she had to deal with.

"Well well well!" Speaking of that.

"What a surprise to see a fly this big on my walk, and one that is going around with Aizen-sama's newest pet."

"Yammy." Cirucci growled as she looked up to the Dies Espada, the most aggravating Arrancar one could run up to.

The arrogant giant was someone that Cirucci had hated for quite a long time. It wasn't only his personality, which was shit anyway, but because of the fact that she had been higher ranked than him in Espada before getting demoted while this bastard stayed as the number ten. She did not understand, why?!

"Heh, wipe that glare off of your face, fly, unless you want me to…"

"Who gave you permission to look down at me?" The words were cold, almost as if they had came out of the Quattro Espada's mouth and Cirucci could only watch with a dumbfounded gaze and Yammy went to his knees.

No, no he didn't went to his knees. His knees went away and he had fallen to the floor with a bloody squelch!

"The hell?!" The giant Arrancar yelled out in pain but before he could do anything else, he was kicked in the head through the wall beside them, sending him to the desert with the artificial sunlight in it.

"Humph." The man that Aizen-sama had ordered her to watch over snorted with a look of contempt as he slowly walked through the wall he made using Yammy.

"And here I had thought that Aizen was a woman of character, yet she keeps an ugly and weak brute like you around."

"…weak? Weak? Weak?! WeAk?! WEAK?! I'll show you weak you trash!" The Diez Espada cried out from the small puddle of his blood as he unsheathed his sword from it's scabbard and Cirucci could feel a ridiculous amount of spiritual pressure from Yammy, far more than he should posses.

"Get pissed off, Ira!" And then with a red wave of spiritual power, Yammy released his Zanpakuto and Cirucci realized why Yammy was still an Espada as she looked at the giant behemoth.

If she had thought that Yammy had been big before, his resurreccion made her think again as Yammy was now the single biggest creature she had ever seen. Even Gillians would look small compared to him now.

But what had horrified her was not actually his size. No, it was the number on his shoulder.

It was no longer a ten, now it was just a zero.

"Hahahaha! If you think that you had any chance then you might as well regret it now! In my resureccion I am the strongest among the Espada! And now I'm going to…"

"Die." Yet his opponent didn't seem to have any amount of fear in him as he simply looked up to the giant.


"Think of it as punishment, for not properly learning your place after I had graciously cut you down to size." He said and then put his hands together with his fingers forming a weird shape as he spoke.

"Domain Expansion."

Cirucci was not sure what happened. One moment, they were simply in the artificial desert of Las Noches; the next moment she was standing before a shrine surrounded by bones of different animals and humanoids.

"Malevolent Shrine." And then Yammy fell apart with blood falling down like downpour. While the chunks of Yammy's flesh fell on the sand and made giant crater along with small earthquakes.

"If this is the strongest of Espada, I am not impressed."



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