
Snake's Survival Guide: From Noodle to Nightmare

Meet Sam—a socially awkward, noodle-obsessed NEET who never expected his greatest achievement to be... getting flattened by two trucks at once. But hey, if you're going to die, might as well go out in style, right? Instead of moving on to the afterlife, Sam finds himself reincarnated in a magical world. The catch? He’s not a hero, not a wizard, and certainly not some mighty warrior. Nope, he's a snake. A tiny, scaly, noodle of a snake with zero chill, a sarcastic attitude, and a hunger for survival. Armed with a status window, some basic skills, and an unnatural obsession with eating other monsters to gain their powers, Sam’s got one goal: to become the ultimate predator. Along the way, he’ll unlock new abilities, devour anything that crosses his path (seriously, no one's safe), and evolve into increasingly deadly—and ridiculous—forms. But it’s not all fun and slithers. Between dodging overzealous adventurers, evading ridiculously powerful monsters, and navigating ancient ruins with world-altering secrets, Sam’s got his hands—er, fangs—full. It’s survival of the sneakiest as Sam tries to climb his way up the food chain, one bite at a time. Can this former NEET-turned-snake survive the wilds, outsmart his enemies, and become the nightmare every adventurer fears? Find out in "Snake’s Survival Guide: From Noodle to Nightmare"—a tale of deadly evolution, sarcastic humor, and one very persistent predator!

Fourleaf_Clover_ · Fantasía
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49 Chs

Chapter 43: Surrounded

(Lina's POV)

The sun had barely set when Harlan called for a break. The forest was already draped in shadows, and we were deeper in than I'd ever been before. Duskwind Forest felt different here—denser, darker. The kind of place where every tree seemed to be watching you.

"Set up camp," Harlan ordered, his voice low and cautious. "We'll rest for a while before moving on."

The others started working immediately. I looked around at my party—Leon, Derrick, Marie—and then at the E-rankers we were supporting. Reed, their leader, stood like a statue, his hand resting on his sword as if ready for battle at a moment's notice. Garret was leaning against a tree, as casual as ever, though his eyes scanned the treeline, never settling in one place for too long. Sienna was off to the side, casting quiet spells to prepare for whatever might come next, and Alyssa stood by with a soft smile, offering us reassuring glances.

"We're safe here, right?" I asked Derrick as we started clearing the ground for camp.

"Safe enough," he replied, not sounding as confident as he usually did. His shield was leaning against a nearby log, within easy reach. "But keep your weapon ready, just in case."

(Third-person POV)

As the camp was being set up, the F-rankers busied themselves with clearing debris and preparing a small fire. The E-rankers were on edge, standing at the perimeter, their weapons drawn. The silence in the forest was unnerving—too thick, too unnatural. Even the usual sounds of wildlife were absent, as though the creatures knew better than to make noise here.

Harlan's sharp eyes flicked between the trees, his instincts on high alert. He had been an adventurer long enough to know when something was off. The forest felt too still, and that was never a good sign.

"Keep your eyes open," Harlan muttered to Reed. "Something's not right."

Reed nodded, his grip on his sword tightening. "You think it's wolves?"

Harlan gave a curt nod. "It usually is in these parts. But these aren't just any wolves. They've been stalking us for a while now."

Garret, overhearing the conversation, raised an eyebrow. "You sure about that? I mean, it's not like we haven't seen a wolf before."

"I'm sure," Harlan said, his voice dropping low. "These ones are different. Smarter. They're waiting for something."

(Lina's POV)

I kept glancing at the E-rankers, wondering what they were sensing. If even Harlan was this tense, then it couldn't be good. I tightened my grip on my bow, ready for anything, though my stomach churned with nerves.

"Just focus on getting the camp set up," Leon said, his usual confident smirk plastered on his face. "We've got them watching our backs."

Marie was unusually quiet, her eyes darting to the tree line as she muttered some incantations under her breath. A tiny flame hovered in her palm, barely illuminating the space around us. The air felt heavy, and the silence pressed down on us like a weight.

(Third-person POV)

As night settled in, the campfire crackled, casting flickering shadows across the clearing. The F-rankers huddled near it, their backs to the E-rankers, who stood as the first line of defense.

Suddenly, the wind shifted. A rustling sound, barely audible, stirred from the trees. Garret was the first to notice, straightening up from his lazy stance. His casual demeanor was replaced with something sharper, more alert.

"You hear that?" Garret asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Reed turned his head slightly, listening. "Yeah."

Sienna, who had been preparing her spells, immediately tensed. "They're here, aren't they?"

Harlan didn't say anything, but his posture changed. His sword was drawn a moment later, the metal gleaming in the dim light.

The rustling grew louder, and with it came the unmistakable sound of low growls—wolves. But not just any wolves. These were bigger, meaner, more cunning than the average pack.

(Harlan's POV)

"Everyone, on your guard," I said, my voice cold and steady.

The E-rankers formed a loose circle around the F-rankers, protecting the logistics team in the middle. The F-rankers—Marie, Leon, Derrick, and Lina—shifted nervously, eyes wide, hands gripping their weapons.

"This isn't a small pack," Reed muttered, his eyes scanning the darkness. "I can feel them."

A few moments later, shadows began to move between the trees. One by one, the wolves emerged—large, muscular beasts with gleaming eyes and snarling fangs. There were at least ten of them, all moving in coordinated silence, their low growls rumbling in the still air.

(Lina's POV)

My heart pounded as I saw the wolves. They were massive, their fur bristling as they stalked toward us. I'd never seen anything like it before. These weren't the usual forest predators—they were something far more dangerous.

"How... how are we supposed to fight that?" I whispered to no one in particular.

Leon was standing beside me, his sword already drawn. "We'll figure it out," he said, though his voice lacked its usual cockiness.

The wolves didn't attack immediately. They circled us, their yellow eyes glowing in the dark as they waited for the right moment.

(Harlan's POV)

"They're testing us," I muttered, my eyes never leaving the alpha—a massive wolf with gray fur streaked with scars. It was bigger than the others, its presence commanding. This was the leader, and it wasn't going to go down easily.

"Keep your formation tight!" I barked, my voice cutting through the tension. "Don't let them separate us."

But before anyone could react, the alpha moved.

In an instant, it lunged forward, teeth bared, aiming straight for our group. The E-rankers leapt into action, clashing with the wolves in a flurry of blades and snarls.

Reed swung his sword with precision, cutting into the nearest wolf. Garret's axe cleaved through another, while Sienna unleashed a blast of fire that sent two wolves yelping back into the shadows. But the wolves were relentless, and for every one we drove back, another took its place.

(Lina's POV)

I could barely keep up. My hands trembled as I knocked an arrow, aiming for one of the wolves that had gotten too close. I let the arrow fly, and it sank into the wolf's side with a sickening thud. But it wasn't enough. The wolf barely flinched as it turned its glowing eyes toward me.

Before I could fire again, I heard Harlan's voice, sharp and urgent. "They've breached the perimeter! Watch your backs!"

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