
Slayer of Babylon

A normal person goes to the FT world 400 years before the plot starts. What will he do while he was there, he doesn't remember the plot? ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ My grammar in the first chapters was bad. Until I fix these chapters, this will be here :)

KAABS · Cómic
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32 Chs

Golden Calamity - PART 1

Eric was running towards the enemy camp while killing enemy soldiers. He was using only his zanpaktous while doing that since his Susanoo was not complete form, he cannot move while using that. There was also not too much enemy soldier who saw Susanoo since Eric cleared an entire area from enemies so he chose to not use it if the situation is not necessary, for now.

'Those dogs have no ends,' he thought. 'I have to be faster, we are losing soldiers as me being late,' added Eric with a frown. 'I have to reach their general before this war caused more damage.'

While he was killing, chopping the enemy soldiers, he heard an arrogant voice. "Ah, here I thought I am not going to find you here," said a male voice with superiority on his voice.

"I must admit tho, you killed them swiftly," he added.

When Eric looked at the one who speaking and smirked devilishly. "Speak of the devil," said Eric. "I was looking for you, you dog," said Eric as he narrowed his eyes.

"And I was looking for you too, thief," said the male. "I heard you won against one of my mages. Well, at least Irene's taste doesn't seem that bad," he said. "I was beginning to think you were just an arrogant prick with no power whatsoever," he added with a monotone voice.

Eric clicked his tongue. The man who is the general of the army was there and looking down on him. There were no emotions on his face aside from his eyes which is currently looking down on Eric.

Eric was looking at him. "Rung, was it? You really thought you can win against me?" he said while trying to suppress his anger.

"I do not think like that. I know I can beat you, but you are not going to fight with me," he said with an emotionless voice again. "I waited to get Irene for 3 years. I planned to take her kingdom and everything was fine," he said while an angry expression beginning to form on his face. "Then you came. Took her from me, took the kingdom from me, took my wealth from me," he said with a stern expression. "I will not dirty my hands with your filthy blood," he added. Then he looked at the sky " Your kingdom going to be destroyed for anyways," he said.

Eric was very pissed, he was about to explode. As his eyes start to emit red light again, he was trying to maintain his rationality. "Destroy? How can you say that while we have the advantage over you peasants!?" he asked with a cold voice. The land around him was beginning to crack.

"Nothing really. We just made an agreement with one of your neighbor kingdoms, you see? Well, the majority of your army was here, and they started to march towards The Dragnof's east border as we speak," he said with sarcasm.

'WHAT?' yelled Eric inside of his head. 'Did they really?' he thought and stayed frozen. After he saw Rung's amused face he started to laugh like a madman. "Ahahahah! How amusing! How amusing indeed!" he said with a mad smirk. "You mongrels really thought this through," he said while his aura started to pushing the ground apart. "Fine then let me show you; what calamity you two kingdom have brought upon yourselves!" he yelled with a smirk. "It is definitely going to be the best day ever!" Eric said and red portals started the open.

When Rung saw the portals he shocked a little. Then he looked Eric again and said, "It seems you did not understand at all. The other kingdom is going to conquer Dragnof and our soldiers are going to capture you," said Rung and 30 mage appeared from all sides as they surround Eric. There are also soldiers who stationed behind Rung for safety. "So tell me? How may this situation is going to be your best day?" said Rung with a frown. 'Did he really think, I will come here alone?' he thought.

"Ahahaha! 'How' you said? Ahahahah!" Eric pretty much lost his reason at this point. He said "Ah, god. I thought I just have to kill you then finished this war. Killing a general in the middle of his army is a grand accomplishment for a person, is it not?" said Eric as he increased the counts of his 'Crimson Gates.' "Yet it's not enough! People think Irene is an inexperienced Queen with no one who backs her up since dragons are out of the war now," he said again now his voice was beginning to stern and cold. "And now... You mongrels made an agreement, brought another army. Isn't it just perfect? If I destroy that army alongside you dogs, other kingdoms will see that NONE CAN MESS WITH MY WOMAN!" he yelled and started to throw all his weapons in his vault towards the mages.

Various elements were in this battleground. Rung was looking at the scenery with a shocked expression while Eric pretty much dodged, shot to speels which coming towards him. 'You are indeed surprised me,' he thought. 'A pity it's not enough.' thought Rung and suddenly an explosion appeared on Eric's below. Eric dashed backward on last-second but the explosion injured his left hand.

'With that one of your arms is gone,' though Rung. 'Tho, we still have these stupid portals which shooting us swords like rain.'

In Eric's vault; there is a lot of variety of weapons but they were just normal weapons. 'I need to fix this issue. I can't break their magic shields,' thought Eric. While he was shooting his weapons via the crimson gate.

"What are you doing you fools!?" Rung said. "We have 30 men! Make three squads with ten people each! In each squad one makes the shield, one supports him! Others will attack him!" he ordered.

After the order, mages got positioned. Then they attacked.

There is plenty of attack coming towards Eric while Rung basically smirking. Eric looked directly at the Rung and formed a genuine smile. 'Second time in a day, eh?' he thought and unleashed Indra with his right hand as he yelled, "Destroy the one who opposed me, Indra!"

The ground began to shake with his magic pressure, his eyes glowing with a blood-red color that giving Rung a chill. On the ground, a crimson aura began to form and surrounded Eric. It turned slowly a half-human figure. It has a sword sheat that glowing with a golden color above its head. it has four arms, its skeletons were white and its aura was transparent. Eric was inside of him with a smirk looking at Rung as he completed his half Susanoo.

Rung frozen on the spot, but slowly gain is rationality and said, "Do you think this thing is enough!? One man against an entire army?!" he yelled. "You think this plan of your will be succeeded?"

"Oh, you know...it's fun, it's only part of my plan... to start a massacre... to make my fame..." said Eric with a smirk. "Well, also I'd be lying if I said things are going according to my plan... but beggars can't be choosers, right?" Then Eric's Susanoo's sword sheat shined and split 12 swords.

(Hehe, I always want to use this Madara's quote.)

"We have numbers on our site don't yield!" Yelled Rung.

"If a couple of mongrels will stop me, what kind of king will I be?" said Eric and remaining 8 sword attack towards mages, shattered their shield and heck them apart. "So run you dogs. Run for your life! Maybe that way you may see another sunrise!" he said as he started to kill his way towards to the Rung.


'Shit! Shit! Shit!' yelled Rung inside of his head. 'He is a completely different level then info we got!' he thought. He was running from Eric. Eric killed his mage squads as if they were flies. He was running for a while and Eric was nowhere to seem. When he thought he was safe, he said "It isn't supposed to be like this. I planed everything!" he yelled when he hid to a cliff's below. "Damn fucking wastelands. There is nothing but a bunch of cliffs and rocks!" he yelled. "Goddammit! Everything was planned! He was alone too! That fucking info we got about his abilities was completely wrong!" hissed Rung. "I need to reshape the plan. This time I won't fail, no I can't fail," he said huskily then he heard a voice. "Destroy the one who opposed me, Indra!" then a red hand captured him and lift him up.

Eric was smiling at him with a smirk on his face. Then he said "Wake up to reality. You will not do shit any longer," said Eric with a grin. "Come on, with we have you. This part of the war is over," said Eric. "Now, after I went to our HQ with you... hehehe," laughed Eric sinisterly. "Let's hope everything you promised for them was worth it."