
Slayer of Babylon

A normal person goes to the FT world 400 years before the plot starts. What will he do while he was there, he doesn't remember the plot? ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ My grammar in the first chapters was bad. Until I fix these chapters, this will be here :)

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32 Chs

Golden Calamity - PART 2

-Inside the HQ, Command Centre-

"Yes I captured him," said Eric with a stern voice to the people around him and looked directly to Rosanof's eyes and added, "ALONE."

Rosanof was looking at him sternly. That man went through the center of the enemy camp and killed an entire garrison along with their mages. Then he came with their general. The situation is going to be hard for him.

"What do you mean by alone?" asked Irene with a frown. "I remember clearly we planned you go there with a team," she said.

"Yes, that was the plan. Until certain general thought that 'Heh, making that blondie safe until we won the war, it's better than risk Irene's happiness,' said Eric with a cold voice and continued, "You know what? It worthed it. But I'm wondering did you do the thing I said to you by that Ivan fellow? Or it was too small that it didn't fit the hole?" he hissed.

Rosanof just looking at him sternly, then other soldiers and strategists started talking, "You can't speak with the general like that even you are the queen's fiancé!" they yelled. "You yet to be a king!"

Irene looking at them and narrowed her eyes. 'Is it really wise to say that thing while I am here? Tho, let's see what you will do first, Eric.'

"Shut up!" Yelled Eric. "Your stupid general think that I should be a toy for Irene's happiness. You stupid general thought that I am not mature enough for war. You stupid general thought that making me late to the war is a better solution!" he yelled. "I can understand if he wants Irene's happiness, yet this is not a game. He aged it seems he better retired after this stupid war," he hissed.

The room filled with arguments. Rosanof looking Eric with a stern expression until the end and said, "You have disobeyed the orders, Sir Eric," he continued "It is a big crime, and you know that."

"I clearly know that, General," said Eric with a sarcastic voice. "Ah, but please do not worry. I will receive my punishment, but what about your punishment? You deliberately made a soldier squad out of the war for your selfish desires and now all the people putting the blame on me?" he hissed. "If I tended to follow your plan, there would be no Dragnof left!" he yelled.

Irene looked at Eric with a confusing expression and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Ah, Rung fellow was a very talkative lad," said Eric. "He said his plans with no worry of me being run or overpowered him," he added. "Ah, and yeah about the plans..." he said and looked directly to Rosanof. "It seems there is an army coming here from the east border as we speak. Ah, do not worry, General. I just heard before I destroy their main camp, the majority of their mages and, yeah before I captured their general while you think this is just about the west border while making stupid decisions with your tiny brain of yours. Ah, please don't mind me speaking like this too. After all, I am just a little MAD RIGHT NOW."

"That was an interesting plan," said Irene suddenly interrupted the conversation. "Even they are marching with an army, they can't be fast," she said while thinking. "Let's say they started to march here when the war began, we have more or less ten days," she said and looked at the room. The tension was all over the room and Eric was still looking at Rosanof with cold eyes.

"Alright, this room tension is started to be annoying," she said with a stern expression. "We are having a break. Eric, Rosanof you stay," she added.

Everyone left the room. Irene looking these two with a stern expression. "Alright. This situation is no good," she said with a frown. "We will talk about punishments for both of you later," she added. "But Rosanof, we are going to talk about your 'tactics' and the other things that between us for so long," said Irene as she looked Rosanof. "Now, you are two grown-up men, don't be children," she said sternly.

"Alright, I can do it," said Eric. 'At least for now.'

"As you wish, Irene-sama," said Rosanof with a bow.

"Great," said Irene with a sigh. 'I am dealing with a bunch of children every time,' she thought. "Now half an hour later bring the others here. We need to plan," she said.


- After a boring but necessary strategic meeting later yet again and went to the east border-

Eric was at the east border of the Dragnof. Compared to the west side, The East border seems to have green areas. The east side of the border was on the coast and the humidity rate was high.

'It's hot,' thought Eric. 'I am all sweat already,' he added. "What's with these armies problem anyways? They always use the terrain for their disadvantage," he said loudly.

"Well, if we are still fighting with the Dermatros Kingdom, this does not matter that much since the majority of our army was there," said Irene from behind.

"I thought Queen is forbidden to come battlefield," said Eric.

"Ah, you know? I am a beautiful and powerful queen. When you have those perks you tend to make people change their ways," said Irene with a smirk.

Eric sighed and look at his beautiful fiancé. "Alright but no fighting," he said sternly. "It won't be a good sight," he added.

"It does not matter. Have you mastered your spell?" she asked.

"I can't say yes. But with those amounts of water it shouldn't be a problem," he said with a frown as he turned to the sea.

"You still angry about Rosanof it seems," said Irene as she walked closer to him and hugged him behind. "You are still frowning," she added with a sweet voice.

"Why I wouldn't?" he said. "I am not weak. If he was worried about me that much he can attend me an archer squad since I have these," he said and crimson portals appeared.

"Alright, he is guilty O' almighty Eric," said Irene with a sarcasm. "But please do not mad on him too much. He didn't always like this, he just blames himself for my... father's dead," she said with a little sorrow on her voice.

"What do you mean?" asked Eric with a frown.

Irene sighed and said "Well, three years ago; my father won a big war," she said. "After us, other kingdoms started to live with dragons too and before they got dragons we fought with them with dragons... so they were angry. A big, very big war started. War was very big that land itself changed by dragons' furry and attacks," she said sorrowfully.

Eric turned and give her a hug. It's alright, you don't have to tell me if it's hard," he said. "No," said Irene. "This must be done today before two important people in my life will fight," said Irene. "Rosanof was... fighting with a criminal..." she started again.

"Criminal? Why would he fight with a criminal in the war?" asked Eric.

"It was a runaway mage," said Irene. "He ran because his magic was using lives," she added. "He was a necromancer."

Eric shocked and she continued. "Rosanof, by all means, is not weak in the fight, yet against a necromancer, you cannot do a thing as an archer," she said. "That scum ran from Dragnof, and other kingdom used him. They did not care what he is or what he did. They basically wanted to revenge," she said.

"Rosanof was at a disadvantage. He was beaten very badly. When necromancer about to kill him, my father came and fought with him," she said with a sad smile.

"You know that criminal turned more than one-hundred people to zombies. They couldn't die at all. You have to cripple them to... to stop them," she said. "My father used his wind spells and able to kill him, yet he was poisoned," she said as she tightened the hug.

"He fought a war with poison and grand us the victory," she said while her head resting on Eric's chest. "But, even he won the war, he couldn't win over the poison," she said as she started sobbing.

"Rosanof pretty much blamed himself for my father's death, and when he saw me crying it was his breakpoint. He distanced himself to me and became the person he is now," she said.

'Talk about the drama,' thought Eric. "Alright, I will try to make things right, do not worry," said Eric as he caressed her crimson hairs then he lifted her head and looked at her eyes sweetly. "But now we have a war to win," he said and give her a quick kiss. "And now I got my lucky charm too. So do you mind if destroy some of the threes here?" he asked with a genuine smile.

"It's alright. Be careful," she said then she kissed him back.

War was on the horizon.


(alright sorry, I was about the wrote the war, but I have things to do right now. Probably after 3 - 4 hours I can publish the other chapter. If not, tomorrow.)