
Slave Boy With Magic Powers ( The princess loves me)

Author While enjoying his life as a prince, never predicted that one day he could become a slave. He was faced with a hard life while living with his master. One day two assassins were sent to kill his Master and Author went to save her life dispite knowing that he couldn't. But Author had a chain wich he wore containing a crystal wich his father left behind. The crystal glowed and Author was filled with power and he could see that the attacks of the assassins had slowed down then he defeated them with ease. -- Pods fell from the sky one day containing dangerous new type of monsters and Author while traveling was almost hit by one of these pods and when it opened, it was humanoid figures from another dimension. Author was Kidnapped to a different world and there he unlocked the Great Wizard System. This Novel is worth your time. It is Unique and has a taste of everything in it. From adventure to magic, to romance,weak to strong, System. Deep down in a forest, it was a cold night and the moon was completely round, blessing the villagers down below with it's bright light. The villagers sat around a huge inferno of fire and there was Laughter and chatter from both the old and young as they devoured away the results of their hunt. A little girl looked up and saw something wich she thought it wise to bring it to the attention of her mother. " Look mum it's a shooting star." The little girl's mother looked up with much expectations and so did the rest of the villagers. Everyone became very excited to see such a rare star and they started making wishes. Time passed and the girl's mum noticed that something was wrong with the star. It seemed to be growing bigger. " I must say this is the strangest shooting star I have ever seen" One of the villagers spoke. Another villager felt something landing on his neck and he slapped it knowing that it was a mosquito. When he opened his palms, a strange glowing fly could be seen. Other villagers were shocked by this fact and suddenly the man started sending out foam from his mouth and he dropped dead. " That is no ordinary star, everyone run and get in your homes and shut the doors and windows now."

Divi_Chris_2233 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
39 Chs


Since Author had reach level six, the system had granted him the permission to be able to mark up to ten people.

The last person he marked was Princess Kora and today he had decided to mark Arandy. He told him what it was all about and he agreed to get marked dispite the inconveniences. but he trusted that Author could never force him to do anything without his concern.

This was carried out in an isolated part of the school.

Author cut he's and Arandy's palm and held it together like he was greeting him. After a while, Arandy felt pains on his upper Arm and when he checked it, he saw the symbol of a Red dragon in a circle made of blood.

(( Congratulations you have created a Blue mage.

One member has been added to the Red Dragon Family.

Blue mages copy their enemies' abilities, and, even though their strength is fairly low, their magical abilities are top-notch. They copy magic abilities from their enemies and use rods, swords, and knives for their main weapons.

They have the speed of a normal human being but can be very fast if they copy a speed ability and that goes same for their strength.

The number of abilities they can copy at once depends on their level.

This subclass evolves when he successfully copies the ability of someone above him.

In order to copy any ability, he must touch his target and if the target is stronger, he can only copy his ability when he is in a weak state. ))

" And that is what you can do." Author explained everything as he was informed by the system, to Arandy.

" Does this mean I will be able sense other people's abilities as well?" Asked Arandy, to wich Author nodded, indicating that it was a yes.

Arandy could tell his body had changed. His skin color had become pale and all his senses had been heightened.

Arandy was very happy after hearing what he could do.

" At least now I can protect myself from what is about to come." He said.

After a while of jubilation, he paused, then he asked Author " What about Garry? We can't just leave him like that."

" I can mark him too if he wishes." Author replied.

" Don't worry I will talk to him and he would agree to do it."

Arandy left to go fetch for Garri while Author used this time to meditate in a yoga position.

He always does this when he is feeling stressed. It helped him to calm his nerves.


After a while, Arandy returned with Garry.

When Garry arrived, he said he was ready.

Author understood that Arandy had already explained everything to Garry. And he confirmed it when he looked at Arandy and he gave back a reassuring smile.

Garry was a little over excited wich made Author question what he was about to do. But he decided to go ahead with the plan anyway.

Even if Garry was to misbehave, Author could easily overpower him or use the Brain Hack spell on him, to forcefully control him.

Author did the same process to Garry as he did to Arandy. Cutting both their palms and holding it together in order to carry out the ritual.

After a while Garry also felt pain in his upper arm and the mark of the red dragon in a circle of blood magically printed itself on his arm.

(( Congratulations you have added one member to the Red Dragon Family.

You have successfully created a Dark Park Warlock;

Dark park warlocks are a subclass of wizards that can cause plagues or diseases .

They mainly focus on producing venom attacks.

They have low defensive capabilities and high offensive capabilities.

They are fairly fast in movement and fairly strong. But they are way beyond an average human.))

Author explained everything to Garry as the system informed him.

Garry couldn't help but shout for joy.

" Yessrsssth" But his voice came out the opposite of what he once had.

He felt strange in his mouth, so he sent out his tongue and discovered that it no longer had it's normal length, shape and color.

His tongue now had a dark purple color, longer length and it had a Fork shape at the tip, like that of a reptile.

Coupled with all this, for some unknown reason, he felt cold even under the hot sun.

Dispite all of the downsides, Garry was very happy because he had finally gained the power he wanted. Now he could go and talk to his dream girl; Mara.

Later that day when the sun had set, Author and his three new friends were having dinner.

Arandy kept looking at John as thoughts filled his mind.

' Man I can see a dark energy constantly moving inside of him. And as for Garry, there is one red energy inside of him but Author has two red and dark purple, I wonder what that means.'

later on Arandy looked for a way to touch John and see what could happen. So he came up with a plan to touch John when having a conversation with him.

When the time came, he succeeded to touch John at the mid of their conversation. And as he did, everything suddenly slowed down and he was the only one that could move freely, but for some reason, his hand was stuck on John's body.

When he looked at his hand, he could see that part of the dark energy in john's body was trying to enter into his body. The next second, he started hearing strange voices in his head and screams of people in pain.

Then he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Author. "Hey Arandy let's go to bed."

" Oh.. yeah." Arandy replied with sweat running down his face.

' Thank the gods Author saved me on time. So that is what John is going through?'

Arandy felt just a short moment of the pain and the noise in his head. It was all horrible, so he couldn't imagine what John had been going through all this while.

' I wish there was another cure for this.'


later at night, as everyone one was fast asleep, Author woke up to some noises due to his sensitive ears picking it up and he saw a shadow figure go out through the wall and when he looked at John's Bed, he was still lying there.

Author wondered what the hell was that.



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