
Slave Boy With Magic Powers ( The princess loves me)

Author While enjoying his life as a prince, never predicted that one day he could become a slave. He was faced with a hard life while living with his master. One day two assassins were sent to kill his Master and Author went to save her life dispite knowing that he couldn't. But Author had a chain wich he wore containing a crystal wich his father left behind. The crystal glowed and Author was filled with power and he could see that the attacks of the assassins had slowed down then he defeated them with ease. -- Pods fell from the sky one day containing dangerous new type of monsters and Author while traveling was almost hit by one of these pods and when it opened, it was humanoid figures from another dimension. Author was Kidnapped to a different world and there he unlocked the Great Wizard System. This Novel is worth your time. It is Unique and has a taste of everything in it. From adventure to magic, to romance,weak to strong, System. Deep down in a forest, it was a cold night and the moon was completely round, blessing the villagers down below with it's bright light. The villagers sat around a huge inferno of fire and there was Laughter and chatter from both the old and young as they devoured away the results of their hunt. A little girl looked up and saw something wich she thought it wise to bring it to the attention of her mother. " Look mum it's a shooting star." The little girl's mother looked up with much expectations and so did the rest of the villagers. Everyone became very excited to see such a rare star and they started making wishes. Time passed and the girl's mum noticed that something was wrong with the star. It seemed to be growing bigger. " I must say this is the strangest shooting star I have ever seen" One of the villagers spoke. Another villager felt something landing on his neck and he slapped it knowing that it was a mosquito. When he opened his palms, a strange glowing fly could be seen. Other villagers were shocked by this fact and suddenly the man started sending out foam from his mouth and he dropped dead. " That is no ordinary star, everyone run and get in your homes and shut the doors and windows now."

Divi_Chris_2233 · Fantasía
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39 Chs


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You have successfully survived for five minutes against a strong opponent.


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' That was not a fair fight. He was using an ability. If I wanted, I could have used blood bending on him.' Thought Author as he watched Mr X giving him a creepy smile.

The fight had been stopped and Mr Leo moved ahead to the next topic wich was about The Silent Running.

" Now let me tell you the meaning of silent running.

Just from the name you could understand the basic idea.

Ningers must learn to move in such a way that there is next to zero noise. This is because you could face an opponent with very sensitive ears or you might one day be in the mist traps triggered by noise. It could help you ecape.

This is one of the most important parts of your training. If you don't succeed with this skill, you might repeat this level. " Mr leo said looking at kenneth.

' Oh boy.' Kenneth became embarrassed.

" Now I will demonstrate and you watch and learn." Mr Leo said as he took a stance.

Then at a great speed, he left from one side of the hall to the other.

Then he ran on the walls while making no sound.

Everyone was so amazed by this and was hungry to learn. But kenneth.... you know why he was hungry.

The class went on And everyone was beginning to catch up and even kenneth had decided to forgo his hunger and try not to repeat that class again.

During the lesson, a senior black belt student entered the class and whispered something into the teacher's ear. Then the expression on his face changed into a serious one.

Then He stood up and said " You guys can end here for today. Remember the steps, then you go home and practice. see you next class." With that said, the class was adjoined and Mr leo hurried out with the senior black belt student.



In a large office in the school, most of the staff members were sitting in a circle with some students sitting at the middle. They were all sweaty and had pale skins.

Just then Mr Leo arrived and took a sit too.

Then an old Man stood up with the intend to speak.

" Last night, something strange happened in the school. These students sitting here each complained that they saw a shadowy figure that overpowered them and bit them on their necks."

When one could look close, he could see that all the students had bite Marks on their necks at the same spot.

The old mancontinued his speech.

" This sort of thing had never happened before in this school and it is a horror that since it is new, we don't yet have a cure.

And this disease might be contagious or not, we don't know. But for now, we must quarantine these students. Till we find a cure.

And we must take drastic actions to stop the shadow beast. So I am open to suggestions." The old man said and sat down.

For a minute there was a lot of murmuring as everyone was discussing amongst themselves, while looking the suffering students.

Then a male teacher stood up, cleared his throat and spoke.

" I suggest that the school should shut down with immediate effect and all students should go home. This beast might be more dangerous than we think. maybe we cannot even defeat it." Then he sat down.

" Hmm I think it might be too early for that.

I suggest that we send out the ninger assassins students at night to watch over the school and hunt the beast if it shows up." Another male teacher spoke with Authority.

When Mr leo heard him say this, he stood up in anger.

" No! they are not ready for that yet. Why don't you send out your sniper students instead?( students practicing spears, Bow and arrow shooting). " he asked the other teacher.

" Well you know that the snipers are not trained to fight in the dark so the ninger assassins are best equipped for this, or are you afraid you didn't train them well?"

The other teacher asked with a grin.

It was obvious the two of them did not like each other for some reasons best known to them.

"Silence you two."

The old Man said calming down the situation.

The duo took back their sits and the old man continued speaking.

" Despite how hard it is I must agree with Mr. Sil that the Ninger assassin students should carry out this task this could serve as a real test to their abilities as they face a real life situation. Meeting dispersed."

With this said, Mr Leo left the room furious about the decision.


Author was in his room thinking about the current situation in the school as the news of students suddenly getting attacked at night had spread.

' But John was here the whole night. This only means there are more shadow infected people in the school.'

" Hey Author, can I talk to you for a second?" Author's thinking was intterupted by Arandy.

" Sure, what is it you want to tell me?" Author asked.

" With my ability, I have the power to see the energy inside beings and sense the type of energy.

Yesterday I used that ability on John and I saw a dark energy growing in him.

And today when I looked at the victims of the night attack, I saw the same energy in them and it was wilder.

what I mean is I think they might be affected by the shadow." Arandy concluded.

Author took a sigh and said.

" I know, they are infected by the shadow.

And quarantining them in the underground school prison is just buying them time to transform.

But if we tell the elders directly they will not take us seriously, so either we tell someone who can convince them or we talke matters into our own hands and kill them.

After Author said this, Arandy held his chin and thought for a while, then he asked.

" Do you think John is responsible for this?"

Author replied.

" I don't know. Yesterday night I saw a shadow figure leave the room through the walls but later on when I checked on John, he was still lying in bed."

" Then there must be more people infected on campus." Arandy realized.

" I thought so too." Author finalized.