
Skyrim: The Man In The Background

A boy thrown from his world into another, going from a semi-peaceful modern world into the medieval, magical, worn-torn hell that is the fourth era of Tamriel is a fate I wouldn't wish on anyone. With a load of will and a touch of insanity, can Cilus make a name for himself with a legendary Demi-God warrior making waves everywhere she goes?

CYANOMN1VORE · Derivados de juegos
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13 Chs

Chapter Four-Choose Your Path Young Warrior!

The only good thing about walking six hours straight? Besides a few blisters and a burning desire to create the first car just to spite the world with pollution.

Or just get a horse.

Endurance +1

'At least my time isn't being wasted... Could probably cheese it and do the good ole Oblivion jump in place strategy. Bad idea considering these are now my knees, maybe if I had a restoration spell though, further research is required. Wait wouldn't that just be working out... My exploits are useless' A small tear fell from my eye at that realization.

It was only another ten minutes that we finally passed the only thing that kept me walking on this journey, besides the soft tavern bed.

"Finally, well come on younglings. This is a good opportunity for you, these are the Guardian stones. Three of thirteen others that represent the constellations which are said to be very helpful on a warrior's journey. I myself chose the Warrior stone when I left Riverwood." Ralof said with nostalgia as he put his hand on the stone

'Oh whatever will an Altmer like me decide on'. Quickly I placed my hand on the mage stone and it lit up a line to the sky, maybe to the constellation it represented? No idea, one of the things I rarely researched. 

Standing stone activated!

The Mage Stone- Every skill under the Mage branch will receive a bonus 20% improvement rate.

"Mage eh? Well, to each his own, not my place to judge" Ralof said while despite his words still had a judging look on his face. 'Whatever you Npc'

"So what do they do?" Ryker asked in curiosity as he observed the now mystical stone that lit up from my touch.

"Apparently they help people strive in their chosen profession, as long as it correlates with that specific stone you've chosen. The specifics are long lost however."Ralof said.

"The mage stone gives a boost to learning all functions and arts of magic, about 20%. The thief stone gives the same learning multiplier to all of their related skills, stealth, archery, pickpocketing etc. While the warrior stone again offers a 20% learning boost to all warrior skills, block, swords, heavy armor etc."

"And where'd you learn that pointy ear?" Ralof asked. 

"Your mother told me, fucking Nord" I said in exasperation. 'Seriously, how many slurs do you all have for elves? Some of them are funny while others sound like they were thought up by a toddler. 'Hehe they have pointy ears' 

"You said you've never been to Riverwood elf? How could my mother have told you the secrets of the stones?"Ralof asked me completely seriously. 'Sigh... just drop in Cilus, he'll kick your ass'

"So it doesn't have a limit? Even if you're already proficient in said skills?" Ryker asked to which I just nodded, he smiled and put his hand on the warrior stone. 

It seemed that Tiberia was more unsure of where she wanted to go, she looked between each one for a good while before she hesitantly picked the warrior stone. 

"Ah yes! The constellation of the warrior will bring you much honor and glory." Ralof said with a smile. 

Everyone's choice was made and we began setting off towards the lake in the distance. A nice spot for a break and a drink of water. 

I was a little worried as we headed towards the river as I knew it'd be a rough experience. 

Looking at the young Altmer in the water I couldn't really complain much. An extremely pale skin tone marked with a bit of gold best described his skin, along with shoulder-length messy silver hair and sky-blue eyes. The only blemish being a small scar through the right brow. And yes the pointed ears and were a rather blatant feature, luckily my cheek bones weren't too the extreme.

It was an odd experience as I could also see a young blonde American with short blonde hair and green eyes. A small scar under his nose from falling from a bike as a child. 

It honestly gave me a screaming headache but I couldn't look away, like I was in a trance. I wanted to scream…. But my mouth was silent. 

I just sat there on the bank of the river watching 'myself' slowly fade away with every ripple in the river.

"Come on shorty, no time to keep admiring yourself. We only have a few more hours of travel" Tiberia said as she set her hand on my shoulder, breaking me from my trance.

"You know I'll probably be taller than you in like a year" I said to the Demi-Goddess as I rose to my feet. 

"And I won't hear the end of it I know" she said with a roll of her silver eyes like she already knew what I was gonna say. 

Soon we continued forward, it was oddly exactly when Ralof said we had less than an hour of travel left that three Nords and a Bosmer blocked our path

"You never should've come here!" A Nord yelled as he drew his steel great sword, the other two Nords both seemed to dual wield iron axes. While the Wood elf unsurprisingly retreated back and pulled out a hunter's bow.

"Come now kinsman, we have journeyed from Helgen with news of the Dragons' return, can't we just continue on our quest?" Ralof asked as he drew his steel axe, Ryker next to him drawing his two steel short swords.

(Lvl 14) Bandit Highwayman- great sword-wielding Nord

(Lvl 8) Bandit-Nord

(Lvl 8) Bandit-Nord

(Lvl 13) Bandit Rouge- the wood elf

'We might be outgunned' I thought in worry as I hoped to even our odds as I cast my spell behind the nearest tree. The purple portal went unnoticed by all except Bosmer who looked at me in mild alarm. Though I doubt he noticed exactly what I casted.

"A dragon? That's at least top five in the worst excuses to 'not rob me' I've ever heard, what do you think boys" the 'leader' asked the other bandits. 

They all but the elf began to laugh and I realized then that negotiations were bound to fail. With a mental order, I sent my skeleton boy to sneak up to their flank.

"Watch it Gojorn, the little ones a mage. There have been rumors of a black Dragon flying over Riverwood….." It seemed the Bosmer wasn't as careless as his Nord companions. 

"He's wearing wizard robes Cenal and I'm not going to believe that crazy old woman yelling about seeing a Dragon" 

From their right a trio of arrows shot from behind a tree, it seemed the elf lost track of my summon during the short conversation. 

The one headed towards the great sword-wielding leader was parried with a scoff as he punched it out of the air with his steel bracers. However, the others found purchase in the shoulders of both dual axe-wielding bandits.

"I'll take care of the Archer!" Tiberia yelled as she took off in a sprint towards the archer who quickly took aim at her and fired, it seemed her 'hated' teachers taught her well as she easily sidestepped the arrow without any lost momentum.

"I'll take the leader then!" Ralof yelled in excitement as began to take off towards the snarling Nord, well until Ryker grabbed his shoulder and for some reason, a dark feeling started coming over me. 

"Why don't you take the two axe wielders kinsman? I have an uppity elf that needs training after all" Ryker said with a smile and it seemed like a hundred thoughts went through Ralofs face before his smirk turned absolutely malicious.

"A fine idea there" Ralof said as he walked over to the side and taunted the other Nords to come fight him. 

'What the hell is going on, I did all of that strategizing, executed an almost perfect sneak attack and these fuckers are going to fuck it all up!'

"Come on kid, he's already running towards us. Don't worry I'll watch your back" Ryker said in what I guess was a reassuring smile. 

"Fuck you Ryker!" I said as I barely raised my sword in time to block the big bastard's overhead swing. 

He was forced to retreat during his follow-up attack as three arrows appeared in his place. 

I smirked at this and charged him as he came back to a stop and righted himself. Sending a stab filled with my anger at my plan being fucked. It wasn't enough as he raised his gauntlet and deflected my blade. 

It was then that I realized I made a mistake. I overcommitted, he waited for it perfectly as his blade was coming down to split my head in half. Luckily Ryker didn't lie as he was right behind me, with a powerful dual slash he forced the bandit's sword to ricochet back and stagger him.

After being saved from that close call I jumped back and ordered another volley of arrows. Two were easily dodged by quick head movements but they were a distraction as another landed firmly in his thigh. Hopefully slowing down and or stopping that insanely fast charge of his.

'Jeez, commanding a summon while fighting is stressful. Barely have time to breathe….' Realizing the problem I just decided to give it a bland order, 'attack only when we're out of the line of fire'. 

'Alright, quick math time… two hundred and ten mana that regens one percent in combat plus the fifty percent boost from the novice robes is….. three-ish mana a second. One eighty a minute, and it's definitely been over a minute' With that a purple energy flashed in my palm as I sent the mana forward and another portal appeared behind the bastard. 

The same guy that was somehow charging toward me at the same speed as if the arrow in his thigh was imaginary.

He seemed to expect destruction magic as he raised his sword in a guard position and halted his charge. He was confused that I was just standing there until the crackle of bones and the whip of a released bow caused him to turn toward the problem. 

He blocked those arrows fine but when a barrage from his left came at the same time he couldn't do anything. 

An arrow crammed in his skull, shoulder and knee in almost perfect sync. 

He fell over like a puppet with its strings cut off.

Level up +5 stat points, Intelligence +1

"Crazy Nord bastards" I said with an exhausted sigh as I fell back onto my ass and sent my summons to help the Dragoness because fuck Ralof.

"Well I'll be damned... you sure you need training kid? That bandit was almost as strong as me. Definitely better equipped" Ryker said as he sat next to me, eyeing the steel great sword, iron armor, and steel bracers with a critical eye.

"Suck my balls Ryker, I was trying to ease into this medieval battle thing. You know, always feel like I'm in control? Train up my warrior skills in case my magic fails me." I said with a sigh.

"Never picked up a real sword until yesterday nor wielded magic. I'm just lucky to have survived this far" I said as I both sent a player to 'God' as well as Akatosh for my luck.

"Be in control huh? Sorry to break it you kid but unless you're the baddest warrior on the field you'll never have complete control. Hell even then it's not a surprise to see those same men fall by a stray arrow." Ryker said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"And if that's true and you've never fought until now? You'll be one scary bastard when you grow up, that's for sure. Now stop whining, you've got loot to take" Ryker said as he smacked me in the back of the head and stood up. 

"Yes, money….. another problem in any life" I said with a sigh as I got up and headed toward the lead bandit. 

He had on him a coin pouch as filled as mine, two hundred and fifty septims and a gold ring were quickly stuffed into the same fold my other pouch was. Then came his gear which I quickly stripped him of. 'Why the dumbass was so decked out in gear but didn't have a helmet is beyond me'

"Take it" I said as I pointed towards the steel great sword I had no intention of using. 

"You sure? I barely did any work on that kill, giving me the second-best piece of loot is a little much" Ryker asked for confirmation. 

"We're partners now. Besides, I'm not carrying this two hundred pounds of armor" I said as I looked up at him with a smirk. 

"Deal" he said as took the bandit's shoulder strap and situated his new blade across his back. 

"Might as well take the armor too. Not really keen on the idea of traveling with an idiot Nord who has a target on his back. You owe me…. Let's say an even 200 septims" I said as I pointed out that his Stormcloak attire was going to become a problem when we left Riverwood, or it might even be one when we got there. 

'Ralof could also be a problem if there are Imperials stationed there... Ralof who? Never met the guy, just trying to escape the dragon my good Imperial officer sir'

"Yeah, you've got a point there. A little more dangerous when I don't have ten men with me dressed the same" He seemed to agree with me as he left into the bushes with the armor in toe.

Looking over I noticed that Ralof too had taken out his two enemies and was heading towards me, the usual storm cloak attire replaced with hide armor and random iron pieces. 'Nevermind, the guy is smarter than I tagged him for'

"Seen your battle there high brow, wasn't very honorable but it was a keen showing of battlefield intelligence. You have my respect" he said begrudgingly. 

'Now usually I'd tell him to shove it but….. I may have been giving him a hard time. That or we are trauma bonding which is a bag of worms I'd rather not open'

"You as well milk drinker" I said with a smile to which he surprisingly returned and offered me a hand to help me up. Which I accepted as a burying of the hatchet moment.

"So why are you checking on me, don't you have some escorting duties to do?" I asked as I noticed that Tiberia still hadn't appeared unscathed as usual.

"The lass? A Nord like her should have no problem with a tree swinger elf" Ralof stated with pride in his voice as he walked over to a tree and awaited her return.

'Sighhh….. Besides that, she probably had more trouble than Ralof thinks, he was only a level behind the one I killed and of the same rank I think. One of the summons timers has already run out while the other seems like it's coming back here. Hm, that's a cool ability I didn't notice before. I can tell, kinda where my summons are.'

"Yeah, she won, my summon is on its way back. She should be coming soon, seems the Bosmer gave her a chase"