
Skyrim: The Man In The Background

A boy thrown from his world into another, going from a semi-peaceful modern world into the medieval, magical, worn-torn hell that is the fourth era of Tamriel is a fate I wouldn't wish on anyone. With a load of will and a touch of insanity, can Cilus make a name for himself with a legendary Demi-God warrior making waves everywhere she goes?

CYANOMN1VORE · Video Games
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13 Chs

Chapter Five-Riverwood At Last

Tiberia Winged, from the about thirty-two hours I've known her she seemed like a strong woman. Like an ice-princess type that doesn't seem to have a flaw and could take on any challenge.

Not a long time but usually enough to get a basic read on someone. 

She was a literal Demigod amongst living men, a fantasy version of Hercules after all.

I guess what really solidified that for me was during our mad dash through Helgen. I obviously took more of a backseat role, focusing more on ranged combat, but even then an arrow still grazed me and I had a rather large burn on my forearm from a wisp of Alduin's flames. 

So watching her charge in the frontlines against a few squads of Imperials a giant spider and not receive a single wound? 

Painted a rather specific picture that perfectly fit the mental image I had of the beautiful Nord battle goddess. 

I guess where I went wrong was that I forgot the absolute basics of a fantasy epic, the Hero always starts as a nobody who slowly rises to their power. A series of trials and tribulations that showed what it would take for a legend to rise.

Tiber Septim was just a regular warrior before he was trained as a Dragonborn.

The 'Hero Of Kvatch' started as a prisoner in the Empire's prison.

The last Dragonborn emperor was just a common priest before rising to power.

The 'Nerevarine' started out in a random slum on the coasts of Morrowind.

So when I saw her limping into camp, with about three arrows sticking out of her? I might have ran to her side, given her a hand and shoulder to lean on. My Skelton archer came out of the forest soon after, obviously watching her back while she made her way. 'It's only been like four minutes since she left.' My timing was just about perfect as the skeleton archer chose that moment to return to Oblivion.

'Is a Bandit Rouge, a mini-boss level enemy? A type of field boss of Riverwood. He certainly answers to a bandit chief though…. I think'

'What? I'm a gentleman. I see an injured woman and I'm compelled to help her' I said to myself as I slowly led her up against a tree to get a look at her wounds. Ryker and Ralof appeared next to me in less than a second to look over our injured companion.

"What the hell happened?" I asked her as Ralof pulled out a health potion. She had an arrow in the right shoulder, right hand and right knee. 'A dangerous Marksman then, methodically took out her entire right side'

"He toyed with me….. tricked me into thinking I was chasing him. The entire time he just wanted to lead me away from my allies. When I realized it, it was already too late. He fired barrage after barrage, engaged me in melee combat with nothing but a dagger." She said as she shook in rage or disappointment?

"He disarmed me in seconds and he was about to end it but a barrage of arrows came out of nowhere. He seemed to be caught completely off guard, an arrow struck him in the shoulder. That gave me enough time to grab my blade with my still-working arm. Think the bastard hit an important muscle by luck…. Ah!" She said as she looked over the arrow that Ralof Ironically grabbed.

'Good thing I sent my summons on a whim, would be really bad if the Dragonborn died… Like Alduin eating Nirn levels of bad' I thought as a drop of cold sweat rolled down the back of my neck.

"He seemed spooked once two armored skeletons came into view, it seemed he wanted to cut his losses and run. So in an admittedly impressive feat, he grabbed every arrow in his quiver and loaded them. Firing them all at once, using that chaos he slipped away. Taking out my right leg to make sure I couldn't follow.... Ahh!" She finished her tail as both Ralof and Ryker ripped out the three arrows in her and handed her the healing potion which she quickly drank.

"That's a minor healing potion lass, should be enough to seal your wounds and get you back in fighting shape. Though those scars will be rather gruesome if you don't get a healer at some point." Ralof said in a perfect doctor's voice. He showed his combat experience as he ripped up one of the corpses' shirts and used them as bandages just in case her wounds reopened.

"Then rogue types are always deadly and an annoyance to deal with, we're just lucky he was cocky. Most of them prefer assassin-type abilities, we got lucky he didn't utilize stealth. Those wood elves might be the most dangerous species to fight in the woods."Ryker said as he helped her to her feet and gave her his water skin.

'That's why the BOSMER! Are famous for being apex hunters….. Just stay quiet, Nords are badass Viking warriors, not scholars'

It was interesting, to say the least, a small red potion was all it took to take the girl from a limping fountain of blood to a rather unharmed but extremely fatigued warrior. 

'Now that seems like something worth looking into, the mystery of alchemy. An art I overlooked as an 'immersive' trade the first couple of times I played'

"You fine there Tiberia? Luckily we're only a few clicks away from the town, I can even see structures peaking out in the distance at the bottom of the mountains" Ralof said as he pointed out the roofs he could just barely see in the distance.

"Yes….. Thank you all. Let's get going, I just want a bed" she said with a bright smile, Ralof nodded as we again set off for the last time towards the 'tutorial' town.

After ten minutes of walking along the river the…. Gates of Riverwood came into view. 

'This is as big as fucking Whiterun! Maybe larger actually in terms of population thanks to the rows of houses I can see. How big is this world? Not even to mention the giant fortress like wall that seemed to cover the entire town, a battlement I believe' 

Realizing again in worry that my foreknowledge might not be as useful as I hoped. 

"So..." Tiberia said as she slowed her pace to match mine. "Uh, thanks for sending your skeletons….. I might've bit off more than I could chew" A reasonable thing, thanks between companions. At least it would've been if she was actually looking at me and not turning her head so I couldn't see her face. 

'Cilus…. You are a strong man, do not fall into this cuteness trap. She'll be slaying Dragons by the end of the year, you want no part in that craziness'

"It was nothing after all….. I am going to be the best mage in the world. Could use a favor or two from a Demigod at some point" I said to her with a smile while reaching out a hand. Her eyes rolled so hard I thought they might fall out of her skull. Still she chuckled and grabbed my hand. 

"Yes I'm sure. The shortest Arch Mage in Skyrims history" Tiberia said as she released my hand and giggled at how my face fell at her proclamation.

"Halt Travelers state your reason for entering Riverwood at this late hour!" A young man in the iconic Whiterun guards armor stated, halting our advance to warm beds and hot meals. Looking up I noticed that the sun began falling under the landscape.

(Lvl 12) Whiterun Guard

"At ease Kinsman, we come from the Destroyed Helgen. Please let me speak with the Knight of the Guard" Ralof stated with familiarity, as if he's done this before. 'The knight of what?'

"It's been years since I've heard that voice….. I think the last time I saw you I had to drag your drunken teenage self out of the stables for the third morning that week. Isn't that right little Ralphie?" A 'man' said from atop the gate standing on the battlement. 

With a chuckle the crazy bastard walked off the thirty foot tall wall and landed with thud. Insane considering his physique, well over six feet tall and probably two hundred and fifty pounds of pure muscle.

He surely wasn't a young man, given by the wrinkles and the laugh lines on his battle hardened face. Maybe forty years old if I had to guess.

Short black hair accented by a multitude of scars. Basic Nordic looks.He was armed to the teeth, a full set of Nordic armor, two Skyforged great swords strapped to his back and a regular steel blade hanging from his hip. All probably enchanted with a mountain of gold.

'Who in Oblivion is this guy, he seems like he could take on Ulfric. And is this crazy bastard dual wielding greatswords!'

(Lvl 40) Bors Battle-Born 'Third Knight Of Balgruuf' 'Guardian Of Riverwood'

"Bors!" Ralof said in almost child-like excitement as he ran over and grabbed the man's outstretched arm with a hurry, they began talking in hushed whispers. 

The more Ralof spoke the more the man's demeanor changed, going from friendly, to confused, to fear in all but an instant. I could even catch him twitching at the mention of a Dragon, from here. It seemed he trusted Ralof a lot more than I expected given Balgruuf's known allegiance to the crown. Or he possibly had no Idea what his 'old problem' has been up to.

"Little Ralphy" I said as I looked over at Tiberia and Ryker, barely holding in my bursting laughter. Tiberia did her signature eye roll at my antics while Ryker shot me a glare.

"Shut it kid, that man is somebody I wouldn't piss off for a hundred thousand septims" Ryker said with a visible trail of sweat falling from his brow. 'Seemed he knows more about this knight than I expected. Saving Ryker is turning out to be the perfect spur of the moment decision I've ever made.'

"I get that. Just wished they'd hurry up, I just want to eat a feast then hibernate for a couple days." I added with a sigh to which they both nodded eagerly in agreement.

Luckily our prayers were soon answered as Ralof waved us toward him and the knight who now sported a dark look in his eyes.

"Greetings survivors of Helgen, I trust your story of events match with the ones Ralof has already told me?" He asked as he looked down at each of us, an invisible pressure settled on me, like gravity increased in just this area.

"Yes Sir Bors, it is also an honor to meet you. Ryker Wingsung Of Haafinger" Ryker seemed the least affected of us three as he cordially introduced himself and received a nod in return. Though he only received a nod from both me and Tiberia to his question.

"If that is so, I have a quest for you three. Head to Whiterun to speak to our Jarl, he needs to be notified immediately that the rumors of the Dragons return are more than mere gossip. I'd send a guard myself but I worry of even being slightly short handed in times like these" He spoke with a hint of authority like we didn't have a choice in the matter.


A Warning Of The End Times

Objective: Reach Whiterun in order to inform Jarl Balgruuf of the dragons return.


"Hell no, I've done more than what would be expected of any citizen of Skyrim by bringing this to you. My heroic deeds end here Sir Knight Bors…. Sir." I said with a backbone that slowly grew weaker the more the man focused on me. All three of my companions were looking at me with bulging eyes and shocked expressions.

"Huhahaha, you don't take any shit do you little guy? Of course this isn't an order, it was a quest for Honor that any Nord would drop everything for. Though the Jarl would reward anyone handsomely that came to him with this information, you sure you're done kiddo?" Bors asked me as he stood in front of me and looked down at me with a smirk and interest.

'Take your 'weapon from my personal armory' and shove it!' I wanted to say but then I really thought about it. 'This isn't the game….. The man has multiple knights under his employ….. He wouldn't give us some bullshit hide armor of Minor yata yata would he? I need to go there eventually to take the carriage that hopefully exists anyway. '

'Don't let the promise of septims trick your mind that you forget basic self preservation young one' A voice from my childhood spoke to me with wisdom beyond my years. 'Yes Master Obi-Wan, thank you for your guidance during these dire times'.

"To be frank mister knight, none of us are strong enough to make that journey, what with bandits at every corner and two sides in a war that don't seem to have the time to discriminate friend from foe. We're novices or a little above that and we barely made it here." I said with conviction as I pointed at my cohorts horrible state.

"You've got to have hundreds of guards for a town of this size. You can spare a few to 'maybe' not die on their journey to Whiterun that your trying to send us on. Have a good day sir!" I said as I didn't let the greed get the better of me and just walked away towards town.

I kept walking with my head held high, though oddly I wasn't moving anywhere while my legs kept churning onwards. Realizing I wasn't moving I looked up and saw the smiling face of The Third Knight Of Balgruuf. Looking around I noticed he held me in an outstretched arm a foot off the ground so we saw eye to eye.

"So all of you need training to make the quest possible then? You could've just said that kid, Uncle Bors has got you" He said with excitement that we 'seemingly' came to an agreement. 

'Fuck.... I've doomed us all'

"You stupid little elven bastard..." Ralof said with blatant fear as he literally disappeared into the town. His reaction brought a similar mood to all the companions he left behind,

"Still the foolish kid, like I could train a Stormcloak without getting my head lopped off. Bad enough I'm turning a blind eye to his reappearance. But you three don't seem like those Zealots" He said with a smile that promised pain and oddly strength.

"Cilus.... You fool" Ryker said as he all but gave up. Tiberia next to him just as downtrodden.

"Except for the girl.... I can only assume that the mismatch Imperial and Stormcloak armor you have on is trophies on your battles to get here?" He asked as he put all of his attention on Tiberia, she seemed un shaken as she just gave a nod.

"Good, take this and head to Alvor. Tell him I sent ya and that you need a full set of iron armor fitted to you. Meet us at the tavern after lass." He said as he tossed her a rather large coin pouch. I don't think I ever saw her move so fast and she disappeared amongst the alleys and streets. 'She didn't even ask for directions.....'

"Don't be so negative younglings, let me take you to the tavern personally. Have a drink together and all that. Your stay in Riverwood will be on me of course. What kind of teacher would I be to leave my students the bill." Bors said with a charming smirk as he held me like a cat all the way to the tavern, Ryker following behind us with an aura of depression.