
Skyrim: Faal Thur

Brom, your typical nobody, is reborn in the land of Skyrim years before the events of the game. He is determined to become the ruler that he knows this world needs if it is going to survive the return of the dragons. As he fights both men and beast to rise in power, he realizes that the strongest demons are the ones we face in ourselves. *I upload daily and I'm usually writing a few days ahead. If you leave a good suggestion it may take a while for it to appear.* **If I ever use your art, contact me with proof and I will take it down**

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As Brom and Erin followed the Dunmer to the bridge, Brom asked a question he was pretty sure he knew the answer to.

"What is your name by the way?"

"My name is Faralda, and I'm the teacher of destruction magic here in the college. Once we get inside you will be given the exam. If you pass you can meet the other teachers and then settle into your dorm."

"It is nice to meet you Faralda, my name is Brom and this is Erin."

"Well Brom and Erin, this is the College of Winterhold, there are 6 towers each relating to a school of magic. Then at the far side of the courtyard, there is the Hall of Elements. If you pass your exam you will study at all 6 of the towers every day until you take the next exam, then you can specialize in one school of magic."

"I see, how soon can you take the second exam?"

"You can take it whenever you want, but make sure that you can pass. If you fail, you will stay a novice and can not move up for another year."

This information was very helpful for Brom, he needed to learn as much as he could quickly. It seemed as though he would spend at least a few months here maybe more. It all depended on how hard these exams were going to be.

As the neared the end of the bridge that led into the college, Brom saw many other students through the big gate inside the college courtyard. In the game there were only like 5 others, there was easily 10 to 20 times that number here. They were all either heading to their next class, practicing spells in what looked like little sparring areas or just talking and hanging out.

When they got to the gate, Faralda waved her hand and the gate swung open smoothly and without a sound. As they entered the courtyard, they walked down a path that led to a center heptagon, each side of the heptagon branched off to a tower. With the one directly across from the gate going to the Hall of Elements. This is where Brom was being led.

When they entered the Hall of Elements, Faralda started giving a very brief tour.

"There are doors on either side of you, those lead up and down this building. The second story is a library and the third is the Arch Mage's quarters. The basement is the student's novice's dorm. Once you specialize in a school you will stay in that tower. Now on this floor, there are three doors on each side of you further down the hallway, those are the classrooms for the different schools of magic. And at the very end of the building is the actual Hall of Elements. It occupies the entire height of the building on this side, and is where magic demonstrations take place, as well as some lectures."

Faralda entered the hall and pointed to some desks near a wall, where other students were waiting. Brom and Erin both walked over and sat down. A paper was handed to them and then Faralda walked to the front and said.

"Now that the interruption in Winterhold is over, let's begin the exam. You may start."

With that all of the students started writing, Brom opened his packet and looked at it.

College of Winterhold: Entrance Exam Name:

1.) Define The Law of Firsts:

2.) What is magic?

3.) What are the three main branches of Destruction type magic?

4.) Illusion spells target what?

5.) When summoning creatures where do they come from? What about weapons?

6.) Restoration spells can be used to:

7.) Manipulating the physical world requires what type of magic?

8.) Define Spell Casting:

9.) How does magicka enter Mundus?

10.) What is Mysticism?

This was a very simple test, it determined one's general knowledge of magic and the different schools related to it. Brom knew all of these from his countless time scouring the internet for lore.

The answers were.

Name: Brom

1.) Once an item is enchanted, it cannot be enchanted again and cannot accept another enchantment.

2.) It is the energy of all living things and can be harnessed in a variety of ways.

3.) Fire, Frost, and Shock.

4.) The target's mind and how they perceive the world.

5.) Creatures come from the planes of Oblivion, and ethereal weapons from soul energy.

6.) Restoration spells heal, restore, and fortify the body's attributes and abilities, cure disease, and protect it from other malign influences.

7.) Alteration

8.) The act of drawing on one's own magicka reserves in order to generate some kind of effect in the physical world.

9.) By Aetherius into Mundus by way of the sun and stars.

10.) It seems to manipulate magicka itself. Although, there is very little known about it.

Brom wrote down all his answers and swore. He used to know a lot more, but he hasn't had access to the internet for a while. Cursing at his forgetfulness, he started planning on a way to preserve all of his knowledge.

Looking up he saw a lot of these students were still taking the exam, getting up he walked to Faralda and handed her his exam. She looked over it and nodded.

"A 90, your answers could have used more detail but good job. Most newcomers don't even make it an 80. Now go stand over there and take your performance test from Tolfdir."

She pointed across the room towards the practice area. Brom headed over and Tolfdir greeted him.

"You took that test mighty fast, what did you make?"

"I only made a 90,"

"Ah, not bad. But, you can improve. Let us see if you do better with the performance exam."

He gestured towards a circle in front of him,

"Now, do not leave that circle. I will test you on one novice spell from each school. If you have not learned the spell I'll teach it to you first." He stood in his own circle and continued," Okay, first cast a ward and I will cast a destruction spell to make sure it is strong."

Brom cast his ward and when Tolfdir cast a fireball spell, he blocked it and absorbed it. Deflecting would have been a bad idea in this enclosed space.

"Good, now you cast Flames at my ward."

Brom readied his Flames spell and cast it, channeling more magicka than needed. Tolfdir took the spell on his ward and raised his eyebrows. He noticed the extra charge the spell had.

"Very good, now cast oakflesh."

"I do not have that spell learned," Brom admitted kind of embarrassed.

"That is fine, here is the spell tome. See if you can't learn it real quick. Unless you know another alteration spell?"

"I know Candle Light, but I would like to attempt this spell."

Brom opened the book and looked at the techniques required and at what the spell actually did to the user. Making sure he memorized these things he quickly cast the spell.

"That is impressive, you learn new spells very fast."

"Thank you,"

"Now cast Calm on me,"

"I'm afraid I do not know that one either,"

"You seem to have had very limited exposure. You are doing quite well considering that. Here is the spell tome, let's see if you learn this one as fast as the other."

Brom read the spell and cast it almost instantly. He directed it towards Tolfdir and hit him in the chest. Tolfdir only smiled and said,

"You are a special case when it comes to learning new spells. Now summon a familiar."

"I do know this one,"

"Good, show me"

Brom cast the spell and a wolf appeared beside him. He looked at Tolfdir who nodded and said

"Good job on your performance test, not only were you able to cast the spells you knew you quickly learned new ones. You also did not have to wait and recharge your magicka, showing you already have a good supply for someone so new to this. Congratulations, you passed this test with a score of 95. Welcome to the college novice"

By the time Brom finished all of his testing the next student came for the performance test. It was Erin, she was the second one done with the written part which impressed Brom. She flew through the performance test, earning a 90. Her conjuration spell was a little weak it seems.

Brom and Erin walked together towards the Master Wizard of the college Mirabelle who gave them their novice robes and hood. These were a gift to novices that were enchanted to increase their magicka regeneration and total magicka. Taking their clothes, they were led to the novice's dorms beneath the Hall of Elements.

Given separate rooms, they both said goodnight to each other and went to their own rooms. They both had been rushed day after day, each fraught with some kind of peril and they needed rest. Even though it was not even dark yet Brom went into his room and got out of his armor. Then he sat on the bed and meditated his magicka, before falling to his exhaustion and going to sleep.

A lot of lore research went into this one for that test.

If you want a bonus chapter, get me to 10 reviews!

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