
A Spectacle

The night continued to morning without any problems. Brom woke up and he still had an intact throat and he didn't have any flashbacks from this body's previous life. He still wasn't quite sure what happened to the soul that once had this body, but he couldn't worry about that now. He was too busy trying to survive and grow in strength, and now taking care of his new partner.

He looked down towards where she was sleeping and smiled, he still wasn't sure how he felt about her. All he was sure about was that he felt the need to protect her, but he also didn't trust her yet. Pushing away these conflicting feelings Brom got up and snuck out, leaving a note for Erin telling her to wait in the room till he returned.

He bought a small breakfast and downed it with the mead he had been growing accustomed to. Then heading outside to take a look at the college before starting his plan to get invited in. The college was huge, the bridge was wide enough for 5 people to stand abreast. The courtyard looked much larger and there was a tower for each school of magic instead of the two in the game creating a Heptagon. The seventh corner was occupied the Hall of Elements and this extended father back in a rectangle. The whole college was made of huge stone blocks, and it had faint blue magic swirling around it.

Brom sucked in a breath, this was truly one of the beauties in Skyrim architecture. Now he just had to get accepted into it. In the game, all you had to do was walk up to the bridge and show that you can cast some basic spells. But, as Brom learned from Erin, the college is much more prestigious and only accepts mages that can impress them. Then the new members (Novices) have to pass both a written and performance-based exam. This was all vital information as it had caused Brom to study up on magic and all the basic information covering it.

Brom smiled as he thought of all the knowledge that was locked up in that college. Knowledge is power after all.

-Three Hours Later-

Brom was getting attacked, by a mage. This mage was really powerful, she was throwing Fireballs at him while Brom was deflecting them with Wards instead of directly blocking them. He was using the same arm movements that he had practiced over the last two months. Only replacing his sword with a magical shield. He used this skill to lessen the magica cost of the Ward as it did not have to absorb all of the attack's power, only redirect it. While it still looked impressive and showed off his warrior reflexes, any true mage would know it was used just to be magica efficient.

This fight has been going on or 10min now ever since the mage, who is a high elf, randomly assaulted Brom cursing him for stealing an artifact of hers. The town's people were conflicted, here was this man who seemed to have a reputation for stealing from mages, yet he was also using magic. Brom made sure to only use restoration magic, as Nords tend to have a favorable outlook for healing and protection compared to any other school of magic.

This meant he was in complete defense mode right now, and his situation looked perilous to any bystander. Brom was confident though, as he and Erin had devised this plan earlier that morning. Brom had gone back to her and told her to leave town then come in and attack him. And to make sure to yell something about him stealing something from her. He made sure to get her a proper disguise, and with a little illusion magic she had learned, she also masked her voice. That way she could return later without a problem.

This fight continued on and Brom decided to step up his game. He had one chance to impress these college masters. He kept casting his Ward spell on one hand and then started weaving through Erin's spells. She saw this change and immediately caught on, she cast lighting spells and some of her flashier fire spells to make it look more perilous.

The spectators of this match noticed a sudden change in the ferocity of the battle. Many of the town's guards backed up at this new display of skill by Brom and the new spells being cast by Erin. The townspeople who had rarely seen any magic, since the college does not mix with them, were awestruck.

Brom got closer and closer. His weaving and deflecting started to look more like a deadly dance. Then when he was close enough he activated his trump card for this show. He cast Iron Fist and winked at Erin. She immediately stopped attacking and cast fully powered Wards with both hands. Brom stepped forward the last few feet and swung, he was putting very little power in this spell, but it still destroyed her wards and threw her to the ground.

She got up and cursed at Brom, then cast invisibility and left to go change. They had played their show, now they just had to wait for the college to do its part.

After the fight, the Jarl came up to Brom and started questioning him. The Jarl of Winterhold was Jarl Korir, and He does not approve of the College of Winterhold. He blames them for Winterhold's poor state and because of this poor state his opinions are usually ignored by the bigger holds.

"Who are you and what gives you the right to danger my people with your magic!" Korir demanded. He had his personal guards beside him, with their weapons drawn.

"Brom, and because I have a right to defend myself" Upon saying this Brom turned towards Korir and crossed his arms.

"Well take you fancy spells and get out of my hold, we have no use for you"

"Make me." Brom was putting his foot down if he backed down the college would not accept someone who didn't defend magic users.

When they heard this, the guards all started surrounding Brom. He just smiled at Korir and said.

"Don't make your men fight for you, they can't beat me even if I don't use magic."

"Doubtful, all mages are weak. Guards arrest him and take him to the Chill."

The guards started closing in on Brom and he just raised his hand and said.

"I won't hurt your men, even though you could get them killed like this."

All of the guards and townsfolk started thinking about what Brom said. He could see a few heads nod, they knew the Jarl didn't care about his men if it meant hurting a mage. The guards stopped closing in on Brom.

"What are you doing?! He just had a fight in the middle of town. He could've hurt us with his magic feuds!" Korir started yelling at his men, trying to galvanize them into action.

"If I was really intent on harm why would I let myself be thrown in prison to spare them harm? Answer that Korir."

"Because you are Mage! You are naturally evil."

"I am just as much a warrior as a mage Jarl. Does that make me naturally good too?" Brom said with some mockery.

All the guards had lowered their weapons by now. This newcomer was obviously a man of many talents. He held his own with magic and his footwork was that of a practiced fighter. And still, he was also trying to use a diplomatic solution to spare their lives. Realizing this many started to gain a little respect for Brom. Korir never commanded any respect as many saw him as a grudge-holding cranky man.

"I've had enough of this insolence!" Jarl Korir was truly mad at being disrespected by the stranger.

Seeing this anger made Brom want to crush this man who thinks his victory is assured. That thought triggered a memory and Brom remembered a quote from a book he had read in the game. (Victory in battle is only the least kind of victory. Victory without battle is the acme of skill.-Master Arctus). Using this wisdom Brom changed tactics and shocked everyone with his next few words.

"You're right, I was disrespectful and I'm sorry. Let us end this conflict like men and avoid further provocation"

Brom had just maneuvered Korir into a corner. If he refused to cooperate he would be seen as rash and lose the remaining respect he had. But if he accepted many would see Brom as the better man since he is trying to make the peace. Jorir was no fool and recognized how he had been manipulated. Cursing his luck, he extended his hand.

"You're right, let's put this nonsense behind us."

When Brom shook his hand Korir whispered.

"This is not over,"

"I look forward to our next meeting then."

And with that Korir departed. Once he left his guards followed and many of the townspeople realized the show was over and also took their leave. As the crowd left, two figures walked up to Brom. Once was a dark elf woman wearing a brown cloak to help hide her face. While the other was Erin back in her normal attire. The Dunmer(Dark Elf) spoke.

"We at the college noticed your skill in magic, and we are intrigued by that last spell you used. I have never seen it before. But, more importantly, you showed you are level headed and can defend yourself with words as well as force."

"Why thank you, but why are you telling me these things?" Brom bowed slightly as he said this.

"You are officially invited to join the college, if you can pass the entrance exam that is."

"I accept your offer, I look forward to your test."

"Good, now follow me."

"One condition, my friend here joins too."

"ah the other mage in the fight, of course, she can join if she passes the exam. We don't get many Altimer after all."

"I'm glad that is settled, now I'm ready to follow."

"Good, let's go,"

Upon saying this she turned and walked towards the bridge leading to the college gates. Brom looked at Erin and winked, they had played their respective roles perfectly. They followed the Dunmer to the bridge and started towards the college.

Leave reviews, if I get to 10, I'll do a bonus chapter for that day!

Mr_McGuffincreators' thoughts
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