
Skyrim: Faal Thur

Brom, your typical nobody, is reborn in the land of Skyrim years before the events of the game. He is determined to become the ruler that he knows this world needs if it is going to survive the return of the dragons. As he fights both men and beast to rise in power, he realizes that the strongest demons are the ones we face in ourselves. *I upload daily and I'm usually writing a few days ahead. If you leave a good suggestion it may take a while for it to appear.* **If I ever use your art, contact me with proof and I will take it down**

Mr_McGuffin · Otras
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27 Chs

Taruk R’hlar

The rest of the ride to The Mine went smoothly, Brom came back through the same way he left. Along the way, he was able to confirm his earlier suspicions. He did not get tired from lack of sleep as fast and slept for less. He also only ate one meal a day, this was enough to keep him relatively full. Brom was really pleased that his trip to Winterhold proved more beneficial than he could have ever guessed.

Between the power the Elder Scroll gave him, figuring out his past, and even getting a new companion, the trip was well worth it. Now, he just needed to go back to his original goal. He needed more money and a small army to be able to take and hold Markarth. To get this money he needed a business. Not just one either, he would need to diversify his income over every way he could so his future enemies could not disrupt the flow of money.

But to start he would make just one business, and Brom had no idea what that would be. His first thought was using the Transmute Mineral Ore spell and turning iron into gold then making it into jewelry, and then enchanting said jewelry. But this cost too much magica and he would need workers to make it autonomous. So, he needed something else for now.

Soon, they exited the snowy mountains and made it back into Whiterun Hold. After another hour or two Brom saw The Mine, and what he saw made his blood boil. His entire home was overrun by Redguards. These were not like the Akivri in the game, they all seemed more barbaric in looks and almost coal black. Most looked wild and unkempt, they seemed to favor duel-wielding as a general group.

"Berserkers," Spat Brom.

"Who are they? I thought this was your place?"

Brom stopped the horse and turned and looked at Erin, anger was burning in his eyes.

"These are a type of bandits from Hammerfell, they are not usually this far north though. But more importantly, they decided to occupy my home while I was gone!"

"Well, we can always just kill them all, they don't look too tough."

"Yeah, we could. But this is a chance to make sure no bandit ever tried this again." Brom turned back around in the saddle, "I'm going to humiliate their leader"

He started the horses forward towards the gate.

"Don't say a word, do no interfere no matter how bad it looks, and do not show emotion."

Brom gave her some commands and then rode right up to the gate and stopped, just as he was about to call for the gatekeeper to open up, the bandit spoke first.

"You best get out of here; we are too busy to deal with travelers wanting to get robbed!" The bandit brandished his weapon at them.

"Oh, busy with what?" Brom asked politely.

Seeing as how they were unfazed by his threat, the bandit got angry.

"Oh, I warned ya, now it is too late. Hey boys! We have a volunteer for the bear wrestling today! Haha" The bandit said that last part to someone below the wall.

The gate opened up and five bandits rode out and surrounded them.

"Stay calm and follow my lead," Brom whispered to Erin.

Erin nodded her head and kept her expression blank. Brom smiled to the bandits surrounding him and let them lead him in. As they entered his old home he was heartbroken to see all of his hard work rebuilding the fort had gone to waste. As it all had been torn down and replaced with what looked like a stadium of sorts.

As they were circling to the back of the stadium Brom was able to glance in and see a ring. What was in the ring made him raise his eyebrows. There was a beast of a man, he was armor-less except some leather on his legs and arms, and had strange tattoos etched onto his shoulders. He was the color of coal like the rest and had long black dreadlocks with gold beads.

What made his eyebrows raised was not the man himself, but what he was doing. From Brom's quick glance he seemed to be… wrestling a bear. The gatekeeper hadn't been joking, they were really going to wrestle a bear.

They got led all the way around the backside and into a holding area. There were animal droppings and some bones. Brom covered his nose and looked at Erin.

"Stay behind me during this, I can handle a bear. You cannot, do not get yourself killed."

She only nodded while pinching her nose. Brom's eyes started watering at the stench and he started walking to the small gate that led to the ring. Watching that beast of man wrestle a bear was an interesting sight. It was made even more so by the fact that the man was currently drunk. Just as Brom was beginning to get bored the man put the bear in a choke hold and was able to knock it out. Then as soon as he stumbled out, an announcer started shouting over the clamor of the spectators.

"We have special guests now! A man walked up to our very gates, he seems sure of himself!" The crowd booed at this news of intrusion. "How about we see how sure he is after fighting our bear!?"

A deafening roar was heard as the crowd jumped to their feet and yelled their approval. The gate Brom was leaning on started rising and he looked towards Erin and nodded. Then turning back to the ring, Brom stepped out to wrestle a bear.

"Alright! Here is our contestant, or should I say, victim?"

Once more the crowd's noise grew in response. When It died down a bit, the announcer continued. "Contestant, here are the rules. No magic, no weapons, and don't die too quickly!"

With that the cage on the other side of the ring started rising, a huge grizzly bear came out and roared at Brom. A smile split Brom's face and he charged the bear. Moving faster than anyone there thought possible, including the bear, he swung an uppercut into its jaw coming off the ground with the force in the punch. Landing he followed up with a right hook, his hands blurring as he continued his assault.

After only a few seconds, the beast collapsed dead on the ground. Standing Brom glanced at the man he saw wrestling the bear earlier. The man was sitting in what could only be described as a throne of bones. He stood up and spoke to the crowd.

"This man showed that he could beat a might bear! But, a bear is nothing compared to me."

The man hopped down and smiled confidently at Brom.

"Let's see how you do against me, Taruk R'hlar!"

Brom saw the way he was standing and noticed the slight sway. The way his words were forced out and how his eyes were hazed. Smiling Brom became more confident in his plan to be this man. Not in a fight, but in a match of dominance.

"What are the rules for this one?"

"Haha, rules? You are fighting for your life now!"

Taruk started charging at Brom after finishing his speech. Brom focused and then moved at the last second, a cloud of dust following his steps. Circling to his backside Brom unleashed a kick into Taruk's spine sending him flying forward from the force. Taruk hit the ground and rolled to his feet, spinning around he charged Brom. There was a killing intent shinning in his eyes as he neared. Brom was ready and used an illusion spell he made called Flashbang. Casting it blinded everyone and created a high-pitched ringing. Using this Brom stepped too the side allowing Taruk to go harmlessly by, Brom landed another blow on his back as he did.

"Fine, Magic it is!"

Taruk's hands started glowing and then two storm atronachs appeared beside him and a sword in each hand. Sighing Brom charged forwards with Wards cast and deflected all the Storm Atronach's attacks. Getting close he cast Iron Fist on both hands, then he started punching. A fast-left jab followed with a right hook. Both got blocked by Taruk's summoned swords, Brom was surprised his hold on them didn't break.

Only invigorated by this new challenge he increased his attack's speed and the amount of power in his Iron Fists. Ducking under Taruk's first swing he closed the gap and let loose a short flurry of punches, the increased strength, and Iron Fist combination proved to be quite powerful as Taruk was blown backward. Staggering to his feet, Taruk roared at Brom and began charging into battle once again. This caused respect to form in Brom's mind as he battled this opponent. Nobody had withstood his Iron Fists and kept going before.

Taruk relinquished control on the atronachs and focused his magicka into his swords. Brom was now hard-pressed to keep up without a proper weapon of his own. Letting Taruk strike first he then dodged and struck at his ribs, but another sword appeared and blocked his strike. Each time Brom tried countering a sword would end up in his way, and each time he hit the sword it would shimmer and Taruk would wince. This was draining his magicka faster than the Iron Fist's were draining Brom's.

Trading blow after blow, they battled for half an hour before Brom's enhanced stamina and strength began to show their effects. Taruk started attacking slower and the ones he was able to land glanced off of Brom's armor. Brom, taking advantage of this, started landing more and more hits.

Brom now went all out and sidestepped the overhand strike by Taruk, then spinning and letting his momentum propel his fist he struck Taruk in the jaw sending him sprawling to the dirt. This was enough to finally knock the brute out, but Brom was not finished, Casting Healing Hands he revived the unconscious Taruk back to full strength and then taunted him.

"How many times do I have to beat you? When will you learn you cannot hope to best me!?"


Taking a strong stance Brom let Taruk charge at him. Standing there unwavering he waited till Taruk was right upon him and then he grabbed Taruk by his dreadlocks and belt and threw him over his shoulder using Taruk's own momentum against him throwing him across the ring.

Taruk stood confused, he had been right on top of the man then next thing he knew he was being thrown. That man is too fast.

Smiling Brom walked towards Taruk and invoked an overcharged Iron Fist. Taruk by now was in a complete berserker rage and lost all reason to think. He charged recklessly at Brom only able to think about killing this man. Brom stood still and waited, when he guessed the time was right, he struck with Iron Fist into Taruk's chest. The force of the punch sent Taruk into the wall where he collapsed, unable to stand.

Quickly healing him so he would not die from his injuries. Brom asked Taruk a question.

"Do you submit?"

Taruk looked up, while his body now felt fine, his pride was shattered. This man, a runt compared to him. Had bested him, then healed him, and then bested him again. Furthermore, he was not even bleeding yet. Lowering his head, Taruk's face showed defeat and uttered.

"I… I submit,"

No editor this time so back to the normal crap! This was almost 2k words compared to the normal 1.5k.

Taruk was a sponsored character in return for the cover art by sleepteddy.

Mr_McGuffincreators' thoughts