
The Mine

The crowd of spectators went completely silent when Taruk said this. Walking up to Taruk Brom said,

"Swear a magic oath, to serve me to the best of your abilities. If you do this, I'll let you keep your life, and the life of your tribe here."

As Brom was speaking he saw the emotions flashing in Taruk's eyes. First, he saw defiance, then almost a smirk, but when he mentioned his tribe's life; he saw defeat. It was now that Brom knew Taruk would accept his offer, not because he wanted to live, but because he could not damn his entire tribe to death for his pride.

"Fine, but one condition."


"You have to swear that we won't become slaves, I will not condemn my people to death, but slavery is worse than death."

Looking into Taruk's eyes, Brom nodded. These terms were fair, and he did not need slaves anyway. He only needed a workforce to start his campaign, and berserkers would do nicely.

"Alright, repeat your oath after me. I, Taruk R'hlar, swear to follow you, Brom, to wherever you may lead. I, using all of my abilities including my people, will work in your best interest until the day you release me from this oath."

Taruk hesitated, then looked at his people, his family. Bowing his head, he swore the oath imbuing it with magicka, so it became tied to his very soul rendering it unbreakable.

Nodding his satisfaction Brom helped Taruk up and said.

"I, Brom, swear to you, Taruk R'hlar, that I will not treat your people as slaves, but give them the respect they deserve as berserkers. Until the day I release you from your Oath."

His words imbued with magicka too. He could feel a string tying him to the oath, his soul felt a little heavier. He was now responsible for Taruk's entire tribe of berserkers. Not having ever experienced this kind of responsibility before, Brom was frowning. This was something he would have to get used to if he was going to rule.

It was at this time that Erin walked towards Brom and stood beside him. Brom's face twisted into a frown as he felt a string towards Erin too. Confusion danced in his eyes as he knew he had not sworn an oath to her, after all, he did not know it was a thing until… her book. Quickly concealing his emotions Brom turned to face Taruk.

"Now, show me what you have done to my home while I was away."

Brom spent the next hour and a half getting the rundown of every change that had happened to his home. All of his stocked-up resources were gone, his sword was kept as it was unique, and the money was used to buy supplies to make the arena and for mead.

Brom reclaimed his sword and what was left of the money. Then he began his plans for turning this bandit camp into a money maker. First, he had the arena's stadiums stripped and the ring and cages moved to a corner. That way they could still have some entertainment but not take up his entire space. Next, he got Taruk to assign work shifts for the mines to mine all of the iron ore. Using the stripped materials to reinforce new tunnels and replace some of the older wood.

He also gathered up the mages from the berserkers, which there were only six of them. He then taught each one the Transmute Mineral Ore spell and set them up in an assembly line. They worked in pairs with one turning all the iron into silver and the other turning it into gold. When their magicka reserves emptied the next pair would step in. This allowed an almost constant stream of golf to be made.

Then he gathered up the two blacksmiths' in the tribe and showed them how to make gold necklaces and rings. Then assigning them into shifts he now could have jewelry forged. This left about twenty men and women berserkers unassigned. Brom left the guard and training assignments up to Taruk. Now everyone was always doing something, that way they would not get bored and act up.

The schedules allowed some free times and regular breaks. This helped keep the tribe happy and productive. The ring allowed them to blow off steam and keep each other entertained with weekly games. Brom limited these games to once a week and only allowed drinking on this day. This gave them one free day a week where they could party and not have to work.

The last thing Brom did that day was set up a disciplinary system. He made a set of basic laws and then assigned a punishment based on the severity of the crime. This went up from simple extra mine assignments to lashes on a pole. He did not have enough men to allow executions to happen. For civil disputes, he had to relent a little and allow them to go by their traditions. A fight in the ring to determine who was right. This was not entirely fair, but he could not force them to abandon their culture as he was not powerful enough to force that change so rapidly.

After taking care of all this, Brom turned the old mammoth trap into a bedroom/office combination for both him and Erin. Building a strong door and sturdy lock with Erin's help as she was an experienced thief. He did not want anyone to be able to break in here if he had to leave her alone for a while. He made two areas, one slightly larger one for him and the other side for her.

Once he completed all of these tasks he sat down with Erin, his stamina had allowed him to go constantly all day, but he was beginning to get tired. This was a lot to accomplish in one day, even with his enhanced abilities. After eating a meal she had cooked, he asked the question that had been on his mind all day.

"Today when I had Taruk make that oath, I felt almost a string tie our souls together. I knew that would happen based on the book I read from you. But what I did not know is that you had sworn an oath to me. I guess swearing my own oath made me more sensitive to the feeling, maybe that is why I never noticed before. But I need you to tell me what you said when you swore an oath to me."

Erin glanced at her feet, her cheeks reddened slightly, and she began her explanation.

" I made the oath the day you found the Augur, I realize it was a hasty decision as we had barely known each other by then. But I felt that I could trust you and... and you are the only one who has ever been nice to me for me, and not my skills or… body."

The last sentenced spilled out of her and she took a deep breath. Steeling herself she continued.

"That night, you said you wanted me. And, I just got overwhelmed by my feelings and in my room I swore to serve you in every way I could, to always be who and what you needed whenever you needed. I did not know at the time that I was fueling it with magic, nor the effect that had on an oath… But, I do not regret my decision. In fact, every day you only prove to me it was the right choice. If you what you say is true about dragons coming, I truly believe only you will be able to stop them!"

Brom sat in silence and rested his head on his hands.

"Erin, I wish you would have told me sooner. And I think I may be able to release you from your oath."

"No! I mean… I don't want you to. Weren't you listening to me? I told you I do not regret what I did, and I will stick by my oath."

"Are you sure this is what you want? I'm not a good person Erin, I cannot afford to be if I'm going to be in power in time."

"You telling me this, giving me a chance to back down from you. This proves you are a good person. No, I want to keep my oath."

Brom nodded his head, looking up at Erin's face he saw determination, and something else. He couldn't quite place what it was.

"If this is truly what you want, then fine. But the second you start doubting it, come to me. I promise I will remove the oath."

With that, he got up and walked to his side of the room. Erin looked after him and started to rise but stopped herself. He would need space after this. Brom drew the curtain he had placed between their sides and then he could no longer see her. He could still hear her though; she was softly breathing. For some reason, this calmed him.

Shaking his head, he undressed and got ready for bed. Meditating to wear out his body and mind some more, and for the little bit of boost in power that it gave him. As he sat there meditating on his magicka, all he was thinking about was how he really needed to get his life together.

More mushy stuff...

Hope you enjoyed the little bit of base building and management!

Mr_McGuffincreators' thoughts
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