


I was frozen when I sat on the toilet seat. My positive pregnancy test in my hands.

Oh my god.

I was pregnant. There was a baby growing inside me. A whole damn baby. And it was Mike's. The news of me being pregnant came to me as a gush of cold air that knocked me down as soon as it hit me. My mind went blank and I stared at my test like I could not believe that it was mine.

I was so damn shocked into fear, hysterical and in disbelief that I didn't even realise for how long I had been in the toilet like that. I just know that my face had gone through with different expressions until it had settled on a simple blank face. From the lines that I felt on my face, I just knew that I had cried a lot.

Out of nowhere, there was a knock on the bathroom that I was in.

I was so startled that I jumped a little. That was when I realised that I was at a store and that I was probably keeping other customers from using the toilet.