


What have I done? What is going to happen now? What will I do with this baby? How will I get out of this situation now? If my family found out about it then? If anyone in my class finds out about this ... No, no. I can't let that happen. but what if? Was Shirley right about Mike? Was he really a bad person as Shirley claimed him to be? Was I really blind to his true personality? If so, how come I never notice? And if he was not a person that Shirley told me then what was of the push he just gave me? What in the freaking hell, I was gonna do?! Should I tell Shirley?

My legs came to a halt in front of my dorm room and I stopped. Suddenly, I was really scared. What if Shirley was inside? What was I gonna tell her? Doubting, even if I should tell her about this. But if not her then who? There was no one else in my life whom I could talk to, about a topic like this. She was the only person who I could trust with something like this.