

WARNING MATURED CONTENTS R18 kamlyn yang a 17 years old beauty adored by her family and friends. Living a peaceful and carefree life, pampered by her parents. what happens when tragedy strikes and her walls of happiness crumbles. Not being able to take the misfortune kamlyn falls into depression. Legally adopted by the Lu's her parents business partner and best friends.kamlyn is set to live a new life,but what happens when she meets Ethan Lu , A cold and aloof yet devilishly handsome man legally being her brother by adoption. What happens when a depressed kamlyn finds herself in a family situation in contrast to hers? what does life have in plan for them? read to find out how she will overcome challanges and fight for love ******************************* please this is my first book.please forgive my incorrect spellings and other mistakes if any. kindly support me if you find my work worthy of your liking . I'll appreciate. It will encourage me. If there is any problem kindly notify me in the comments. I'll have to rely on your reviews to improve my work . THANK YOU.

Author_Bright · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
62 Chs


Walking sneakily into an empty pathway far away from the loud gathering going on in the hall, kamlyn strolled gently with a fascinated expression. Looking at the paintings beautifully adorned on the wall. Having a thing for art. Inwardly thinking, if she could have her way she would have turned this resort to a museum.

Letting out a deep sigh while making her way out, passing each door while skipping her step taking a glimpse of each portrait again with a cute smile. Stopping mid way she heard a weird sound, her brows furrowed downward in a frown remembering she was the only one here at the moment. "Or is the someone else here also?" She whispered to herself confused.

Not long after she heard the same sound again but it was louder this time. Turning to face where the sound was coming from.

Approaching slowly she walked back into the pathway upon reaching the end of it, she came across no one shrugging her shoulders she turn to head back when she caught sight of a door at the other end of the pathway. Debating inwardly with herself if she should go there, deciding that it will be best if she go check it out.

Arriving at the door, she placed her hand on the door knob. She was about pushing it open but stopped when she heard the weird sound coming directly from the door she was standing in front of.

"Ah ummm yeah ahhhhhhhh ohhhh yes." Furrowing her brows in confusion. kamlyn gently opened door. Shocked from what she saw she hurriedly closed it shut with a loud 'bang' running away quickly like someone is after her life.

Being interrupted from his making out, Axel immediately turn to see who dares disrespect his privacy. Seeing a shadow sprinting out, not being able to see who it was but could clearly identify that who ever that was, was a female and based on her silhouette she seems to be a young girl, a teenager to be precise.

He walked out of the room with the woman he was with earlier follow behind him.

Walking past him the woman ran out in shame while putting on her slightly remove clothes.

Wiping his face with his palm Axel sucked in large amount of air and exhaled heavily. "Come out!" He said letting out a breath.

Still in her hiding position kamlyn didn't move a muscle thinking it's impossible for him to have seen her. Telling herself that she might not be the one he was talking to. Calmly leaning her back on the wall behind her she decided to wait patiently for him to leave before she walks out.

"I know you are there, I said come out before I come over and get you." Axel said in cold voice sending shivers down her spine.

Finally believing she was the one he was talking to kamlyn walked slowly with a calm expression.

Seeing her calm demeanor, Axel let out a smirk while finding her interesting. "Who are you? and what are you doing spying on me."

Looking at the handsome specimen with an unfathomable gaze. "Tch spying on you?, why would I do that and who do you think you are that I will be spying on you?!" Kamlyn replied with a scoff seeing that the handsome young man was not as nice as his looks.

Raising one of his brow with amusement at her bravery, "you are one brave teenager little miss." He said while coming close to her in slow and steady steps.

Not taking even a step back kamlyn stood there facing him with no sign of fear in her eyes. Walking over to Kamlyn, Axel tried giving his best to put up an intimidating front but seeing it has no effect on the girl Infront of him, he started to wonder how his elder brother always manage to do it without wasting an effort.

Forgetting his act he walked over to her with a teasing smile on his lips. "Hey young lady don't tell me you enjoy watching your seniors make out." He said with a laugh while watching kamlyn irritated expression.

"Ewe and why would I do that?" She said to him frowning her face. She couldn't understand him at all, just a moment ago he was looking at her like he wanted her head, and now he is all smiley with her. She must say he looks more handsome with that smirk of his, but she prefers his joking mode more. She inwardly admitted to herself.

"Just kidding, you are still a kid anyway. Are you even up to 15?" He said jokingly while scrutinizing her from top to bottom.

"Hey watch your mouth okay. I am not a kid I am a teenager and yes I am up to 15, I am 17 already. It's not my fault I came across you doing... doing whatever you too had going on there. Piece of advice find a private room next time hmmm." She said all in one breath while staring angrily at the man In front of her.

"Nice talk for a teenage girl huh. Must say you are feisty. And me likey." He said chuckling out.

Staring at him like he had gone mad, "Whatever." She stated rolling her eyes while heading out the pathway leaving Axel still staring at her back with a playful smile.

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