

WARNING MATURED CONTENTS R18 kamlyn yang a 17 years old beauty adored by her family and friends. Living a peaceful and carefree life, pampered by her parents. what happens when tragedy strikes and her walls of happiness crumbles. Not being able to take the misfortune kamlyn falls into depression. Legally adopted by the Lu's her parents business partner and best friends.kamlyn is set to live a new life,but what happens when she meets Ethan Lu , A cold and aloof yet devilishly handsome man legally being her brother by adoption. What happens when a depressed kamlyn finds herself in a family situation in contrast to hers? what does life have in plan for them? read to find out how she will overcome challanges and fight for love ******************************* please this is my first book.please forgive my incorrect spellings and other mistakes if any. kindly support me if you find my work worthy of your liking . I'll appreciate. It will encourage me. If there is any problem kindly notify me in the comments. I'll have to rely on your reviews to improve my work . THANK YOU.

Author_Bright · Ciudad
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62 Chs


This was horror! complete horror!.

Olivia wasn't having it good on her part as well. They should have just let her call her driver to come pick her up than leave her in the hands of this playboy. Thank goodness he isn't making any advances on her.

God.... I hate this! They could not even let me digest my food before sending me to drop off this... this two face b*tch. Ahhhhhhh this can't get more frustrating.

The were both consumed by the different thoughts going on in their minds. They just wish this ride will be over already.

All Olivia had in mind was to be with Ethan in this ride, who knows what would have unfold between them. Hah! she could just imagine.

She remembered last time when they were together, if she knew it was going to be like this later on she would have cherished that moment. Seriously she thought after that day, that maybe things will change between them, in their way of interaction. Maybe they would have become close.

Too bad she was the only one feeling this way, But on the bright side, She has his parents especially his mother, Elina so getting him will not be that hard will it?.

Oh gosh she cant wait to visit him again… oh no she meant his mother. With this thought she giggled shyly making Axel turn towards her with a raised brow.

Was this woman crazy? oh Lord! He shook his head side ways before concentrating on the steering wheel again.

* * * *

"Ethan" Morris called out as he recalled the scene from earlier.

But he got the guy's silence in response which did not bother him as he was used to this already.

"Is the anything going on between you and Olivia Tang?" Morris decided to just ask anyway.

Ethan still kept silent, the question did not seem to have bothered him neither did it seem to reignite a response from him.

"Dude! what's going on?" Morris repeated his question, this time not ready to take silence as an answer.

"What do you think?" Ethan finally replied after a long while as he still kept that expressionless face of his.

"I think she is in love with you man!" Morris replied after squinting his facials in a thinking expression, that's the only fact he could think of.

"That's not my problem." Ethan replied as a matter of fact.

"Not now that is" Morris said.

"And how do you mean." Ethan asked.

"I think she is after something, you better look out for her. Don't let that face of hers swindle your thoughts don't forget who her father is." Morris said his playful expression totally gone without a trace.

"You don't have to tell me, I am aware." Ethan replied as he pulled the car over.

"Send my greetings to master Zhang, inform him that I will visit someday." Ethan said as Morris alighted the car ready to go into the mansion.

Morris knew the was no hope of inviting him in. his parents and grandfather have been pestering him to invite Ethan over for either dinner or lunch.

But the guy had always been busy with one thing or the other. Just like today, he knew he would not come in because if he does, he knew the Zhang's will not let him leave again.

Ethan drove off leaving the Zhang residence.

It was already late by now, he knew everyone must have already gone to bed by now. Well except Axel who is like a night owl in the mansion.

He drove home immediately and when he arrived it was already past ten O'Clock. He took large strides to his bedroom. As he arrived at the lobby, a door on the other end of the wall attracted his attention.

The main lights were switched of, but he could tell the bedside lamp was on by the faint lightening he could see illuminating from the slightly open door.

Which shows that the owner of the room is not asleep yet.

He Wondered what she was still doing awake by this time of the night. He just hoped that it could be anything but crying.

He thought on going to check up on her, but he halted mid way as his reaction hits him.

Why do he care so much? What actually is his problem?. He kept pondering this question to himself as he slowly started to take some few steps back.

But he stopped when the door was suddenly slung open. What greeted his sight was a freshly showered kamlyn with a drenched hair staring back at him.

As if he was rendered immotile, he stood still as the their gazes lock to each other for the second time in a day.

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