
Silent Echoes, Distant Voices

After alien artifacts trigger worldwide disasters, only those who can hear the artifacts' whispers survive. A deaf scientist, using technology to simulate hearing, and a streetwise orphan with a mysterious ability to understand the aliens' intent, team up to prevent humanity's annihilation. Hi Everyone! Note from me: I want to thank everyone for reading this synopsis. This is my entry into the Writing Prompt Contest for April 2024. The theme is uncertain future where I choose the sub category of #survivalmutation. My current plan is to publish one chapter a day, so by the end of the Contest in March, I should have about 45 chapters published for the novel. Any feedback you can give about the novel would be appreciated as I am still a new writer in this space. Please send your votes and enjoy the novel!

Scott_Cheuvront_Jr · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Unexpected Interruptions (1/2)

Rain pattered against the window, the rhythm a familiar soundtrack to the silence that had blanketed Kai's small apartment for three days. As she adjusted the blanket around her mother's shoulders one last time, ensuring comfort and warmth enveloped the frail figure, a sudden chirp from her CommLink sliced through the stillness. Kai tensed, glancing at the device with narrowed eyes; calls were rare, texts rarer, and unsolicited communication was always a harbinger of trouble.

She swiped the message open. "Hey, it's a lovely day for a walk in the park, don't you think?" The number wasn't saved, but the vernacular was unmistakable – Viper, using their old, untraceable channels. A simple sentence, mundane to any outsider, but to Kai, it screamed an encrypted summoning back into the shadows.

"Mom, I'll be back," she whispered, more to reassure herself than her sedated mother. After ensuring the life-support monitors were functioning optimally, and the doors were double-locked, Kai slipped out into the damp embrace of New Cascadia's twilight.

The Neon Shadows' hideout has always been a source of pain for Kai. With an involuntary shiver, she entered through the backdoor of the noodle shop once more. She moved through the haze of illicit smoke and the chairs with semi-conscious bodies, her presence acknowledged by silent nods from the regulars. Viper awaited in the back room, shrouded in darkness save for the dim glow of holographic screens.

"Kai, or should I say Stray," he greeted, his voice void of warmth, but his eyes betrayed the look of lust.

"Cut to it," she replied, not in the mood for pleasantries or power plays.

"Rival gang's been moving in on our turf. The gang's got someone on the inside—a linchpin who needs to be taken out." Viper's fingers danced over the holoscreen, bringing up images of the target.

"I'm no killer, snake. That wasn't the deal. I get you shit from the markets that people misidentify as non-artifacts. I don't kill." Kai stated with pointed words. Expressing her bottom line.

"Do this, and you get what you need—clean medicine for your mother, no strings attached." Viper calmly replied, as if he expected this outcome.

"Clean" was rarely associated with dealings within the Neon Shadows. But her promise of it for her mother was leverage.

Kai looked through the files on the holoscreen. It was The Circuit Syndicate. This group operates in the shadows of New Cascadia's sprawling urban landscape, known for its sophisticated approach to crime and deep involvement in the city's black market for advanced technology and cybernetic enhancements.

The target profile was as follows: Elias Wren, a formidable figure within the underbelly of New Cascadia, has the distinct and imposing traits of a Chimeric, specifically blended with elements of a silverback gorilla.

Age: Mid-40s


Height: Towering at 6'5", Elias's stature is further emphasized by his broad shoulders and a noticeably muscular build that echoes the robust frame of a silverback gorilla.

Build: Extremely muscular and imposing, his body showcases the raw physical power typical of his gorilla traits, with thick, muscular arms and a broad chest.

Hair: His head is crowned with a short, dense growth of dark hair that grays slightly at the temples, mimicking the distinguished patterning of a mature silverback gorilla. This feature extends slightly down his neck and fades into his human skin.

Eyes: Deep-set under a prominent brow ridge, his eyes are a piercing dark brown, set within a face where human and gorilla features merge to express innate authority and fierce intelligence.

Facial Features: His jawline is strong and pronounced, with a hint of a gorilla's facial structure. It is less pronounced than his animal counterpart but enough to give his face a formidable look. A scar runs from his left forehead to his cheek, telling tales of past battles.

Attire: Prefers wearing durable, functional clothing that accommodates his size and strength—often seen in custom-fitted tactical gear that allows him freedom of movement and the ability to blend into the shadows of New Cascadia.

"Consider it done," Kai said, her voice steady, betraying none of the turmoil. She memorized the face on the screen, which had haunted her long before this meeting—her personal ghost, now tied to her mother's salvation.

As she left the humid confines of the hideout, the rain intensified, transforming the streets into rivers of reflected neon. Her boots splashed through puddles as she wove between the tight alleyways of New Cascadia, every sense primed. Despite the inclement weather, Kai's vision remained unclouded, her movements precise and deliberate.

Kai stood in the shadowed recess of a crumbling, graffiti-tagged doorway, the incessant rain pouring down around her like a relentless cascade, an ever-present whisper in the tumultuous symphony of New Cascadia's nighttime streets. The city's glow, a chaotic dance of neon lights reflecting off wet asphalt, provided just enough illumination to paint the night in hues of blues and harsh whites. She waited on a deserted street corner marked by the blinking sign of an abandoned pawn shop.


16 Days to Calamity

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