
Silent Darkness

A boy who leads a normal life living and caring for his family suddenly hears a voice at school, a voice from a god from a higher world looking down on his world. This spells chaos and destruction for Earth and all of humanity; a plea for help. The help of a hero or a messiah, one who will banish these fake gods and relish as the real ‘God’. An Opportunity! I also upload this Web Novel on a Website called “Royal Road.com” Attention: This Web Novel is currently on a hiatus. I am going to try my best to stack enough chapters until I get to the point where I can confidently post chapters, while being able to write at a determined pace.

TroySpecht · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter 6 - Reincarnation

Unmei's POV

"In the end I was sealed here by one of Kokkaku's sword's abilities," said the giant.

"Do you have any other questions before the reincarnation begins, boy."

"What did Ensui look like, you know, god of the seven seas."

"Why would you ask such a rash question, boy."

"Because I want to know the man I'm going to kill in the future," I said with a look of vengeance in my glassy eyes.

"He had luscious blue hair with silver tips, and fancy attire." In battle he always wore a royal dress suit, to show his immense wealth compared to them. He was tall but also very bulky; at least 100 kg.

"Thanks for the detailed description," I said, trying to remember the exact details of this man in my brain.

"Any more important questions before the reincarnation."

"Where will I be when I am reincarnated back into my world."

"That is a question which I cannot answer at this specific moment in time, but you will definitely understand when you get there," he said, obviously trying to hide certain details from entering my train of thought.

But I trusted him.

After several minutes of silence…

…I heard it!

The gates were visibly opening at the will of this mysterious man, known as Nusuma.

Who is he? Who could this living legend possibly have been during his life nearly 2000 years ago? I pondered these thoughts as the chained gates of hell began to open, to show something in the distance, or maybe someone.

There was a huge circle in the center of this podium, with many different inscriptions written on it.

I didn't understand the "language".

Along with this circle in the center of the rectangular podium, we're many other, miniature circles, like branches of a large tree.

Those circles also had the same confusing inscriptions on them, but these were visibly different.

The inscriptions on these circles looked to make a big puzzle after finding the "solution".

I'm still not able to read these ancient inscriptions, but in the future maybe I'll learn first hand what they actually refer to.

I stepped forward onto the podium of magical circles, and stood in the center most circle to see what happens next.

"Good instincts," the giant said as he started to say words that were illiterate to me, like some type of incantation.

"Ka, no, shi, su, han, su," the giant said as the center most circle, which I stood in, lit up with a deep shade of jet black.

After Nusuma said an incantation-like phrase to me, I began to glow with this same ominous darkness that shrouded over my shoulders.

"What… what is this?"

"It's your celestial abilities."

"Like… the ones that bastard Ensui was trying to steal from you."

"Exactly," he said with gratitude for me being able to read the room in this situation.

"So what does darkness mean…sir."

"It means that you have an affinity for the evil arts of this world."


"You have this overwhelming hatred building up inside you right now, at this very moment you are experiencing immense regret…like the regret I felt that day…and for the past two millennia." Nusuma said all of this straight from his heavily damaged heart, about to incapacitate itself at any slight inconvenience.


"Your mother's death is what ignites your spirit and mind to think this way about your current situation."

After he had said this… 

…I had understood what he was referring to.

I felt this deep warmth building up inside me, like raising the temperature of a shower nozzle or throwing on several layers of clothing while it's over 38 degrees celsius outside, during the summer.

It was like the warm, soft touch of another living organism's body heat.

It was rage.

After these sequences of thoughts a strange light appeared from underneath where I currently stood.

"What… is this."

"A portal… to your world."

After he said that, I started to ascend into the void of total emptiness.

"Good luck… you'll definitely need it," he said with a hint worrisome thoughts about how I might be killed once reincarnated into my old world again.

In the void of total emptiness, there was nothing. No oxygen, no light, no feelings, no senses, and most importantly, "nobody".

The emptiness was completely void of anything, and without those many things that I once took for granted, I was bored. 

Very bored.

I started to think that maybe something malfunctioned, or I was truly cursed to die today.

I pondered if this void had any sense of touch or sight, or if it all was just a facade. All just a setup by Nusuma to get rid of me, like that bastard Genso.

I pondered if I actually had a physical body, or if I was a lost soul, stuck in a never ending, and terrifying void of total absence of light.

If I truly meant nothing at this very moment in time.

Was I just useless… like always.

But this would sooner or later change, I have no clue on how much time had truly passed inside this void, from when I entered to now, but there was hope.

After numerous thoughts of regret and loss of hope for this seemingly hopeless situation I am in right now, there finally came hope.

It was a voice.

Deep as the night's sky, but soft and charismatic as a domesticated pet in a family's home.

It was a man.

I could hear him trying to speak to me from this pit of despair.

He was trying to help me escape.

I begged and begged for him to miraculously get me out of this eternal darkness, and see the "light" once more in my life.

"B…o..y!" The man gasped for air as he sounded out of breath, like he ran a 24 hour marathon.

"Are you alr…ight!" He said, less out of breath, but more worried for some reason, unbeknownst to me.

"Wake…wake up!"

Finally, I jolted up from horrid slumber, to see a burly man, dressed in black, shaking me, trying to keep me concious.

He was warm… very warm… just like my mother, I thought as I thought trying to fall back asleep.

As I was preparing to rest for a second time, I realized that I had never met a man like him before.

That's when I jolted back up from my bed.

I'm… I'm back from that hellish nightmare," I said, struggling to breath, like I was in a vacuum.

"Yes… you are very much awake… and very lively at that, I see," the man, unknown to me, said as I woke up finally.

"You're okay now, boy… I'm here for your pain," he said sincerely, trying to make me happy and in a more suitable mood than I currently am in.

Nice to make an acquaintance, my name is "Budo", and I am here to train you for the next year of your life, boy."

My trainer?