
Chapter 11

Terry starts his morning routine by waking up, taking a bath, and cooking some breakfast. For today's breakfast, he decides to cook some instant noodles. After five minutes, he put his noodles on the table and started to eat.

However, the system decided to show up before he could put some food into his mouth. He did not even look at the system and press the accept button.

While slurping his noodle, the system appeared in front of him.


|You get 21 Bitcoin|

|Your Bitcoin already transferred to your main Wallet|

Terry shrugs his shoulders at the reward he gets. It was a lot of money but nothing new to him. He takes out his phone and decides to sell three of them before donating all of them to a cancer research facility.

He wants to donate all of them, but three Bitcoins should be enough for now. He will donate more tomorrow. But, for now, he wants to have some time alone while his parents are still at his cousin's home.

However, before he could even take another bite of his food, his phone rang, and it was from his mom.

"Hello, mom? What is it?"

"Terry! Come and go to your cousin's home. Your aunt wants to meet you after a long time."

"How can I go there? You take the car."

"Oh! Right! I will tell your father to bring back the car."

Terry wonders the reason why his aunt wants to see him. He likes his aunt but her husband and child, on the other hand… They are too bratty for him. They enjoy old money from their Great-Grandpa and enjoy the life of the richest. Because of this, they are too arrogant for him. They think everything can be solved with money and can take whatever they want after throwing money around.

He really hopes that they are not home when he arrives.

~Thirty minutes later~

Terry looks at the three-story tall building in front of him and can only sigh when he sees the color of the building. Unfortunately, instead of using a color that is subtle and pleasing to the eyes, they decide to go and use bright orange color.

Some people may like them, but to Terry, it was too bright for his taste.

When he gets inside the room, he sees his mother and aunt sitting on the couch. He can see his mother and aunt sitting on the couch. Terry smiles at them and hugs his aunt tightly before sitting next to his mom.

"How are you, dear?"

"I'm doing great, aunty. How are you?"

"The same. I'm sorry that I cannot visit you, dear. I'm too busy with work and housework."

"Don't mention it aunty, I understand."

Terry truly understands. His aunty is a strong and independent woman who loves her family even though they are a cunt. She is still working even though her husband's salary is triple her salary in a month.

"Thank you, dear. It must be hard to work alone in the capital, right? I know how it feels."

Terry looks at his parents, who look away at his gaze. His parents never tell his aunt that he is a trader instead of working in some factory or some other company.

"However, don't give up and keep working, okay? I know that someday you will get some work that you enjoy."

"Of course, aunty. I will keep working hard."

"Good! Good! Ah! I almost forgot."

His aunty walked toward the kitchen and took out some food on the table before bringing it to the living room.

"Eat. Your aunt cooked some food this morning with the help of your mother."

"Ah, I've already eaten, aunty."

"What? That instant noodle? I see that pack of instant noodles, Terry."

Terry glared at his father, who gave him a smug expression.

"That's not good! You are a grown man! You should not eat instant noodles all day!"

"I'm an adult, aunty. I've already reached my twenty. I have already stopped growing."

"No excuse!"

With a sigh, Terry takes some rice, meat, and vegetables from the table before eating them. While he eats, his parents and aunty have a pleasant conversation with each other. However, it stops when the door opens, and he can see his cousin and uncle get inside the house.

"What is this?"

"Ah, dear. These people are my family. She is my older sister and her husband. The one who is currently eating is their son."

"I see."

After saying that, his uncle walked to the second floor while his aunty stopped his sons while saying.

"Please stay here and greet your aunt and uncle. They are coming here from my hometown in North Sumatra."

Both of her sons roll their eyes and say.

"Fine. We will stay."

Ray and Ryan are twins born from his aunty. They are just slightly older than him. Both of them sit on the opposite side of him and play with their phones. Seeing their behavior, their mother can only sigh before saying.

"I"m sorry for their behavior, sister. They are not always like this."

That is a lie. She knows that her son is a spoiled child, but she does not have the heart to tell them about it. She and her husband are the people who make them like this. She spoiled them rotten, and her husband did not really care about them.

"Don't mention it, sister. Boys will always be boys."

Terry's mother can only smile politely and continue the previous conversation. While playing with his phone, Ryan looks at his cousin from top to bottom before sneering at the clothes he is wearing.

While Terry wears rather casual clothes, he chooses rather good clothes but not too formal. However, to Ryan and Ray, his clothing is not worthy of them. They think that only branded clothes are worthy of the people who want to see them.

"So, I hear from mom that you are a working man, is that right?"

Terry swallows his food before nodding his head.

"Yes. I work from home."

"Ah, a freelancer, then?"

"... You can say that."

"Hah! That must be a thought, right? Working all day long and only getting paid…. What? A million per month? Why don't you work for me? I will pay you four million a month. What about it? As long as you lick my feet, I will give you an admin position in my company."

"No, thank you."

"Ah, you are holding your pride, huh? Discard it. Poor people should not have pride in their bodies. You should be grateful I offer you this opportunity. There are a thousand people who want this position, right brother?"

Terry puts away his plate of food and sighs a little.

"Come on, lick my feet, and you can join my company right away."

Terry takes a deep breath and looks at his aunt.

"Aunty, I need to get some fresh air. Thank you for the food. It was delicious."

Terry smiles and walks out of the house, leaving them behind. When Terry walks out of the house, Ryan and Ray laugh loudly.

"Ahhhh, look at his face. That was the best."

"That's right, brother! Hah! Even when he licks my feet I will not join him. He did not have the right qualification! Hahahahaha!"

While they were laughing, they did not see Terry's parents glare at them. It was the beginning of a crack between their family.

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Fangrovecreators' thoughts