

What the hell is wrong with me, I should have killed her!" Seeing Ye Qin's departure silhouette, Hu Liena said incomparably, "Why do I feel a little enjoyment, he It's just a six-year-old child!"

And the source of Ye Qin's confidence is naturally Hu Liena's 100% affection for him!

"Hu Palace Lord!" At this moment, there was a female voice outside the bedroom.

"It's Dana bishop, Ye Qin, you hide!" Hu Liena yelled anxiously.

"What are you afraid of, I am now Assistant to the Palace Lord!" Ye Qin replied.

"No, I must never let people know that there is a man in my bedroom!" Hu Liena shook his head.

"Well, where to hide?"

"Whatever, hurry up!" Hu Liena said anxiously.

Ye Qin sighed helplessly, then went into the closet.

As soon as he got in, Ye Qin felt a strange fragrance. He fixed his eyes and couldn't help saying, "Damn, this silly little girl!"

At this moment, the cabinet Dana's voice rang from outside, "Palace Lord, Hongrui and Yunshan's affairs, after our investigation, indeed died in the hands of the giant flame dragon!"

"Even the result That's the case, but Elder Palace probably won't believe it!" Hu Liena sighed slightly, "It's Hongrui who is dying, they will definitely suspect me!"

"Palace Lord, don't worry, there is Supreme Pontiff is here, she should settle for you!" Dana replied.

"The teacher has been in a bad situation in Spirit Hall recently. I don't want to worry about her because of this. At the worst, I don't choose Holy Maiden!" Hu Liena said.

"Palace Lord, this is absolutely impossible! Supreme Pontiff has high hopes for you, Palace Lord must think twice!" Dana said a little excitedly.

"By the way, how about the negotiation of Wind Breaking Sect?" Hu Liena asked, "As long as I persuade the Wind Breaking Sect to attach Spirit Hall, I won't be too passive!"

"Talking about it! Although this split wind sect is less than seven sects, it is also a century-old Sect. There are many old foxes in the sect, and the conditions for opening are extremely harsh!" Dana said.

"As soon as possible!" Hu Liena urged.

"Yes, Palace Lord, then I will leave first!"

When the voice was quiet, listening to Dina's footsteps walking away, Ye Qin got out of the closet!

Hu Liena closed the door and looked back, suddenly flushed, "Why did you get in there?"

Because that place is where she specializes in storing personal clothing!

"Didn't you mean to find a place casually?" Ye Qin pinched his nose and shrugged.

"Okay, you can go!" Hu Liena frowned said.

"Well, I will report tomorrow. Remember to prepare an exclusive office for me!" Ye Qin said, walking outside.

"The beauty of thinking!" Hu Liena couldn't help shouting!

Ye Qin ignored him, waited out of the bedroom, and hurriedly took out his handkerchief to wipe off the nosebleed.

"It seems that I have been taking too much medicine recently!" After Ye Qin took care of it, he swaggered toward the gate of Spirit Hall!

"Sorry, sir, no entry without a Spirit Hall warrant!" When Ye Qin walked to the gate, the guardian Knight stopped a well-dressed young man.

The man is about seventeen-eighteen years old, wearing a white suit and holding a rose in his hand. He is handsome and handsome. He has short and medium black hair. He droops one eye while drowning. This strain.

Two young men, guards in armor, stood straight behind him.

"Do you know who I am?" the young man yelled at Knight.

"I know, you are the Sect Master!" Knight replied.

"Just know, then don't get out of my sight!" Xiao Shouted.

"Xiao First Young Master, Palace Lord has instructed you to enter, please don't embarrass us!" Knight helplessly said.

"Impossible, Lena impossible asks you to do this, don't go away, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Heard the conversation between the two, Ye Qin has already Understood, this Xiao Yu is very likely a follower of Hu Liena!

"Hehe, grab my wife from me!" Ye Qin tickled the corner of his mouth, then walked towards Xiao Chen, and said coldly, "Come on, let me see how you are not welcome!"


Hearing the sound, Knight and Xiao Chen both turned their eyes to Ye Qin.

"Who are you!" Xiao Chen said coldly.

"Assistant Spirit Hall Palace Lord!" Ye Qin said flatly with his arms folded.

"Hehe, where's the wild boy, you are worthy of being Lena's assistant!" Xiao said with a sneer.

"Do you know him?" Xiao Chen turned to Knight and asked.

"I don't know!" Knight shook the head of the guardian.

Because the guards are on duty, this Knight has never seen Ye Qin.

"Didn't you say that Spirit Hall is heavily guarded? How come you get into such a wild boy?" Xiao Chen scolded towards Knight.

"How did you get into the Spirit Hall?" The Guardian Knight hearing this hurriedly asked Ye Qin, "Enter Spirit Hall without authorization, die!"

Well, Knight of the palace guard has already waved his long swords with the other guards, and slashed at Ye Qin!

Ye Qin indifferently smiled, a yellow spirit ring lighted up under his feet, and countless rattans burrowed out of the ground, tying these temple knights into silkworm pupae!

"How dare you do it in front of Spirit Hall!" Xiao Chen said insidiously with a smile.

"I am the assistant of the Spirit Hall Palace Lord. Is it wrong to fix my subordinates?" Ye Qin clapped his palms and smiled indifferently, "If you are not convinced, you can also try!"


"Ben Shao doesn't care about like a child!" Xiao said with a sneer.

Ye Qin shook his head slightly, a circle of faint black light spread out around him, countless black vines rushed out of the ground, bound towards Xiao Chen!

Xiao Chen's two guards don't seem to be very powerful, and they have almost no strength to fight back. They were tied up by Ye Qin's cane and completely paralyzed to the ground!

"Hehe, unreasonable guy, I will teach you a lesson from Deliena!"

As Xiao Chen said, a spirit ring appeared under his feet, a jade green one. A leopard appeared behind him.

Immediately, his palm turned into a leopard claw, and the black vine moved towards Ye Qin waved wildly!

"I'm almost of adulthood, I'm just one ring Spirit Master, you're too useless!" Ye Qin contemptuously said with a smile.

Xiao Chen hearing this is even more furious. His innate talent has always been flawed. He only reached level 19 at the age of sixteen. As an eldest son, Sect didn't even notice him!

It can be seen from the guards he brought!

Even so, the noble origin of the Split Wind Sect, the status of far exceeds ordinary people, most people don't dare to provoke him, so Xiao Chen has always been arrogant!

"It's enough to deal with you!"

Xiao Chen said coldly, turned into an afterimage and rushed in front of Ye Qin, and immediately his first spirit ring moved , Senhan's leopard claws were covered with a faint green light!

"Spirit Ability, Gale Claw!"

"Spirit possessed!" Ye Qin calm and composed, arms wrapped in the black light of dragon scales flowers, moved towards Xiao Xiao's Leopard The claw hits head-on!

The result can be imagined, even Hongrui is not Ye Qin's opponent, even more how is Xiao Chen in front of me!

In just an instant, Xiao Che was rushed by Ye Qin and fell to the ground!